In the live broadcast room.

[Don’t, don’t! Big brother! Don’t! Don’t drive the girl away…]

[To be able to say such a thing! It’s a beast!]

[He also said, your broken bicycle…”

[The girl said: Woo-woo, I’m a broken bicycle, you bicycle cow, okay, woo-woo. 】

[The girl was terrified. 】

In an RV.

Wang Yue stopped crying.

Keep looking ahead.

From time to time, he glanced at Ning Chen next to him.

So forward, far away.

The endless mountains of Kunlun have long been visible.

Twenty kilometers from the Kunlun Pass, is the Kekexili Management Station.

Under normal circumstances, it is basically impossible for individuals to enter the hinterland of Cocoxili.

Unless it is in the name of scientific expeditions.

Of course, the average person is said to have been to Cocosiri.

Actually, it’s National Highway 109.

If you enter Tibet, you usually start from the city of Geer and follow 109 to the Sonam Protection Station, and continue through Qinghai Province to Tibet, or return the same way.

This route, which is along the edge of Cocoxili, is relatively much safer.

Otherwise, the danger is actually very terrifying.

Last August, a girl from China Southern Airlines entered the hinterland of Cocoxili despite dissuasion.

It is said that the girl was very powerful and had hiked the deserts of Africa.

But Cocosiri and the desert, after all, are not the same thing.

She never came out again.

After the filing at the management station, because it was going along 109, it was finally going to Tibet, and the RV was quickly released.

There are no repairs near the management station.

So that Wang Yue naturally continued to follow the RV.

Quiet onwards.

The scenery on both sides of the road also began to change.

Before, it was pasture.

Now, the pastures have begun to degrade and turn into sand and gravel and the Gobi.

It is obviously daytime, but at this time, this sky does not have the blue sky and white clouds of the plateau.

The sky became very low, and the reason why it was low was that the stratus clouds were dense, pressed down, and it felt that the RV was very close to the sky, and the sound was louder, which seemed to alarm the stratus clouds of the sky.

So, after a while.

In the distance, a service station appeared.

Wang Yue didn’t expect that he would actually run into a service station.

But I heard the man next to me say, “You can think again.” ”

Wang Yue was stunned and looked at Ning Chen, “What do you think?”

“This is the last service station before entering Cocoxili,” the RV slowly stopped, Ning Chen let go of the steering wheel with both hands, put one arm on the window next to him, looked ahead, and said in his mouth, “Next, I will pass through Cocoxili, the entire mileage is about five hundred kilometers.” ”

“In these more than five hundred kilometers, you may encounter many dangerous things that you cannot accept, which no one can foresee, I just tell you the facts in advance.” ”

“If you’re scared, or have other ideas, get off at this service station and trust that the station will try to fix your bike.” ”

“Otherwise, if you miss this service station, and when you enter completely, if you regret it and then think about getting off the bus, I won’t stop you, but you will definitely not get out alive.” ”

“Think about it, think it through, tell me. ”

Ning Chen stopped talking.

Hearing Ning Chen’s words.

Wang Yue suddenly fell into a tangle.

This man, the words are very clear.

However, Wang Yue’s initial plan was indeed to ride into Tibet.

But that was her naïve idea before.

Before the Tibetans blocked her way, she really knew nothing about the dangers of entering Tibet.


Wang Yue, this girl, chose to ride into Tibet alone this time.

Just want to give yourself a chance.

A few months ago, she had just graduated from college.

Graduation season, which is breakup season.

She broke up with her boyfriend of four years, who had been talking to college for four years.

In fact, before that, the girlfriends around me, one by one, broke up with their boyfriends on the eve of graduation.

Before that, she had imagined countless times that when the time came, she and her boyfriend would break up for what reason.

The conditions at the boyfriend’s home are very ordinary, really very ordinary kind, according to the current trend, graduation is to break up this model, it seems to be specially tailored for boys with boyfriends such a family.

Because he will definitely not be able to afford a house and a car for a long time in the future, all he can give her is promises and promises.

Been together for four years.

He was honest, work-studying, and had also worked part-time to earn money to buy gifts and clothes for her.

She also gave too much for him.

In short, both people are actually working hard and trying to be the only ones who can grow old together.


A lot of things, you don’t have to work hard.

She had her family, and her parents wouldn’t have approved her being with him in that kind of family.

He also has his family, his parents are not in good health, and a sister who is in high school.

The bond between two poor college students can only exist in fairy tales.

She will always remember that the boy took the initiative to break up in order not to make her feel guilty and not to embarrass her, but before the two words of the breakup were finished, he cried and slashed the back of his hand with the sharp pull ring of the drink can.

She hugged him at the time and said it didn’t matter, it really didn’t matter, she knew it, she knew it.

The girlfriend later persuaded her that this kind of boy can self-harm, this kind of person is easy to go to extremes, it is right to separate, and let her prevent him from pestering her in the future and doing something extreme.


He really never bothered her again.

Never bothered her again.

Today is the first day of November.

They have been separated for five months.

She would always remember that he would not disturb her life again.

He did what he said.


Leave her alone.

How is she going to get out?

Only now, in the past five months, more and more suffering, she understands that the pain of the original breakup will be magnified to such a tragic point in the subsequent time!

How she wished that he would not be so nice to her, how she wished that he would not think about her happiness in the future, and only take her, even if he took her to death.

However, he has already returned to his hometown.

Leaving her alone, alone in the city where they had attended college together for four years.

Everything that the city was once so familiar with, after that, began to be shocking.

More than once, at midnight, she saw him sneak into her buttoned space and left a record of her visit.

However, when he left, he took the initiative to clear the interview record.

Someone said.

Time kills everything.

Including the greatest love in the world.

So, Wang Yue decided to give it a try.

So, she chose to ride into Tibet.

I heard that Tibet is the destination of everyone’s soul.

She had decided that after visiting Tibet this time, she would really forget about him.

Her parents have arranged a blind date for her and have been urging her for a long time.

After returning this time, she went to a blind date arranged for her by her parents.

Everything should have gone quite smoothly, according to Wang Yue’s plan.

Until the accident happened right now.

She didn’t expect that she was actually ambushed and tied a tire.

I didn’t expect it.

Actually, got into such an RV.

And this one next to him is a weirdo.

A terrifying cold-blooded guy without emotion!

People like him…

It should be easy to live. After all, only he has himself in sight.

Just with the extreme posture that he rushed through with the throttle before.

Just by his kind of behavior, people like him, it should be, have no emotions.

He would never understand such a thing as feelings.

All right.

Wang Yue smiled and sighed, “Drive, take me into this forbidden area for humans.” ”

The throttle sounded and the RV drove past the service station.

Ahead, there was a gray lifeless expanse.

Wang Yue leaned his head against the window, his eyes dull looking at this lifeless piece.

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