【Coco Xili, one of the four uninhabited areas in the eastern country】

[How scary is Coco Siri, go see a movie, you will know]

[I will always remember that movie, the psychological shadow it brought me]

[I never thought that human life would be so fragile]

[Under the sky, the boundless land, two gunshots sounded, the protagonist was killed, and he didn’t even give a close-up]

[That’s Coco Xili, no man’s land, a place where humans are grounded]

In the live broadcast room.

The audience is discussing everything about Cocoxili.

And with the lessons of the previous two times.

Now, pick up the light in the live room.

Not only the staff of the Seismological Bureau squatted, but also experts from the National Astronomical Academy squatted.

And the result of word of mouth is.

Because I know that the anchor is planning to enter Tibet this time.

Traveling to Tibet is a normal thing.

But Professor Liu De, who leads the Tibetan scientific expedition team of Western University, just received a message from a friend from the geological bureau, asking him to pay attention to an anchor called Pick Light.

At that time, Professor Liu De laughed, “Lao Li, how old are you, still watching the live broadcast?”

On the other end of the phone, the tone was also very serious, “Old Liu, you listen to me, this anchor, not ordinary, you are in the west, there may be some things that are not very clear, now in the eastern side, in the academic circles of universities in the capital and the magic capital area, every day they are studying the live broadcast before the anchor!”

Saying that, he told Liu De about the previous things.

Liu De was also half-convinced.

He is not a major, and he is not aware of the seriousness of the problem.

But since my friend said so, it can’t be wrong.

So, it should be undertaken.

After that, he gave the job to a female graduate student he brought with him.

That female graduate student, in fact, did not take it too seriously, just completed the tasks assigned by the supervisor, and would regularly hang up the live broadcast room every day, in addition, continue to do her own work.

And today, she found that the anchor called Pick-up Light was ready to enter Cocoxili.

He informed Mentor Liu De of this matter as soon as possible.

The instructor pondered for a moment and asked a few people.

The female graduate student said that the anchor had another passerby.

Just two.

It just so happened that Professor Liu De’s scientific expedition team was also preparing to enter Tibet this season.

It’s late autumn.

Changes in the permafrost before winter need to be detected and studied.

Everything was ready, and the expedition team set off.

“Perhaps, if you can meet the anchor, if you can really meet, you can talk together.” Professor Liu De said with a smile, and said to the female graduate student, “Xiao Hu, your next task, or continue to hang in that live broadcast room, remember to say what is the situation.” ”

Hu Ya nodded yes.

State Highway 109.

Something that runs through the entire Eastern Kingdom.

The whole field is more than 3300 kilometers.

The altitude difference, from the highest point to the lowest point, reaches 5000 meters.

After passing through the capital, passing through the scenery of several provinces, entering the Jinmeng Gorge, under the Yin Mountain, passing through the desert and grottoes, going to the south of the Jiangsu, and connecting with the eastern foothills of Kunlun, it is the famous “Qinghai-Tibet Line”.

And this line, after entering Tibet.

Go through the city of Ger, Tongtianhe, Tangula, that… Eventually, it will lead to the holy city of Lazar.

Among them, after passing the Kunlun Mouth, they stepped into the so-called third pole of the world:

Coco Siri.

Cocosiri is a paradise for animals.

But it is a forbidden area for humans.

In this place, human beings have no way to survive.

Altitude sickness and hypoxia are only secondary.

The main thing is the climate and the dangers that you will face at any time.

Extremely variable climate.

Dangerous geological environment.

And, terrifying carnivores.

Ning Chen’s RV.

Gallop forward on the highway.

This road, he did not intend to stop.

Originally, it was along the side of Cocoxili.

If nothing else, 500 kilometers can be completed in six hours.

His goal.

It’s Nam’s fault.

And not here.

The girl named Wang Yue on the side was very quiet at this time.

I don’t know if it’s tension or quiet.

I don’t know if this tension comes from this no-man’s land, or from the man sitting next to him.

Then again.

Girls should know how to protect themselves when they are outside.

For example, like this woman named Wang Yue.

On the way, she met an RV willing to help, and she got in.

That’s a lot of guts.

And at this moment, he actually chose to follow Ning Chen and entered Coco Xili.

This boldness is even greater.

However, Wang Yue is not without brains.

In fact, at first, she didn’t think that a man who could afford to drive such a luxury RV would be a criminal.

Secondly, the RV was stopped by her initiative to ask for help, and it was not someone who came forward.

Although the man’s behavior before was terrifying.

However, Wang Yue could feel it.

This man is just indifferent, or rather, only himself in his eyes.

To say that there is something to covet her… Forehead.

He hadn’t looked at her at all, okay?

And, before, he threatened to drive her away…

Such people, criminals? Impossible.

In this way, the long drive forward.

And at the same time.

Professor Liu De’s scientific expedition team from Western University also happened to arrive at Kunlunkou.

The scientific expedition team was not only able to enter, but even directly into the hinterland of Cocoxili.

However, Professor Liu De intends to go along 109 first.

After completing the formalities, several off-road vehicles and a supply vehicle of Professor Liu De’s scientific research team went on the road.

It took a while.

The female graduate student named Hu Ya suddenly exclaimed:

“There are wolves!”

“So soon?” someone wondered.

It stands to reason that wolves should not be present in this area.

The wolf is in the hinterland of Cocosili, here, just entering.

“It’s him. Hu Ya pointed to her laptop.

On the computer, it is a live room with light picking.

A few people came together.

Find, live screen, front side.

Sure enough, there are wolves.

Scattered, three or four heads.

“Normal. Professor Liu De smiled, “As long as he doesn’t get out of the car, it’s fine.” ”

After a while.

The expedition convoy passed by the last service station.

It’s also officially on the road.

Hu Ya exclaimed again:

“What a wolf!”

A few people came over again.

Sure enough, in the live broadcast room, you can see that along both sides of the road, many wolves appeared.

At a glance, there are more than a dozen.

“Probably hunting, normal. Professor Liu De smiled, “As long as they don’t talk nonsense, it’s fine.” ”

“Could it be that the wolves are curious when they see such a big RV that they have never seen before?”

“The wolf also knows that this car is expensive and has come to open his eyes. “Everyone was happy.

In this way, the expedition team continued to move forward steadily.

Everyone in the car continued to do their job.

After a while.

Hu Ya suddenly screamed!

“What a wolf!!”

Everyone came together.

This look is also a little puzzled.

Pick up the light in the live room screen.

Both sides of the road.

Really, a lot of wolves!

This is no longer a matter of a dozen.

It looks like there are forty or fifty of them!

They were all on both sides of the road, chasing the RV.

In the driver’s seat, the woman next to the anchor, although she already looked calm, it was obvious that she was forced to make a calm!

Her complexion turned white at this time.

“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Professor Liu De frowned, “As long as they don’t get out of the car, there will be no accident, how can the wolf run over—ahh!!h

Professor Liu De said, “Ahaaaa

A sharp call.

The crowd was taken aback.

Thought he had been trampled on a kidney.

But I saw Professor Liu De staring at the live broadcast screen.

Everyone looked at it suddenly.


RV, actually.


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