In the live broadcast room.

At this time, nearly 1.4 million spectators.

Only to slow down.

All kinds of barrages have begun to fly.

[This, is it dancing with wolves?] 】

[Originally! ] He has long left the back hand! There is a sunroof on the RV! 】

[We were ridiculed by the rich second generation again, right?] 】

[It’s strange just now, those wolves, why are they called like that?] 】

[Yes, that kind of call, feeling, is not hostile, they howl at the anchor as if they have received an order. ] 】

[I have never seen this scene in my life…]

[Don’t you dare to do this when Beiye comes, right? 】

[Beiye? When Beiye comes, he won’t go out at all! 】

[He actually just wanted to clean up the solar panels on it.] 】

[Amount. 】

[We don’t like to waste time, maybe we have to clean the solar panels, otherwise he won’t risk going out]

【Adventure? Do you think he thinks his actions are risky? How do I feel, he seems to have predicted everything again! 】

[Those wolves are still following…]

[Wow! Sheep TV is actually live broadcasting! 】

【What?! Sheep vision? Live broadcast our anchor?! 】

[It’s the World Geography Channel of Sheep TV! ] You guys go check it out! 】

【Internet and TV live broadcast at the same time! 】 】

[I rely on me! ] So awesome! 】

[Awesome my pick-up! ] 】

Suddenly, a large wave of viewers ran to watch the live broadcast of Sheep TV.

This look, it really is!

The World Geography Channel network and live TV are synchronized.

The number of viewers is not visible on TV.


On the World Geography Channel’s webcast platform, at this time, the number of barrages is more than that of the light picking live room.

And this is only ten minutes for the World Geography Channel to transfer live broadcasts.


Sheep Vision Headquarters Building.

Science and Education Program Center.

Director Zhao Feng, just received a call from his friend, Professor He Jing of Modu University, Professor He recommended resources to him, he arranged it to the deputy director, let the other party arrange it, and interspersed the resources recommended by Professor He in the science and education channel.

He believed the resources recommended by Professor Ho, although he did not look at them.

The main thing is that the work is too busy.

In addition, I also believe in my subordinates.

So, when outside the office, suddenly there was an exclamation.

He came out to take a look.

It was found that a large group of people were gathered at this time on the central platform.

The large panel of the central platform, known to insiders as the “light of the inner roll”.

Because this giant panel of hundreds of square meters will show the ratings of each channel in real time for everyone to see.

Each channel and program group used to compete clearly to see who had the highest ratings.

And since this involution light came out, everyone’s contest is clear.

At this time, this exclamation came from the inner roll light panel.

“What’s wrong?” Director Zhao Feng asked.

“A live show, the ratings exploded!” Passing humane, “TV and network ratings have exploded!” ”

Director Zhao Feng was curious and also leaned over.

This look, only to find out.

At this point, after two o’clock in the afternoon.

Rolled up on a giant panel of light.

There is a data line of the show, and it is absolutely dusty!

Leave all the other shows behind!

Even, the whole point of news on the comprehensive channel was suppressed!

Director Zhao Feng’s eyes widened.

This meeting has not been seen for many years.

Can you suppress the whole point of the text, whose program is this?

“It’s from the World Geography Channel.” There is humanity next to it.

“Huh??” Zhao Feng was stunned.

Many uninformed people next to them were also taken aback when they heard this.

Are you kidding?!

World Geography Channel?!

In Sheep Vision.

Thirteen sets of channels are the mainstream.

As for the World Geography Channel, it is actually a functional channel outside the mainstream.

What is a functional channel, that is, a certain section, needs this content, so set up such a channel.

This kind of functional channel can only attract specific enthusiasts.

It’s not for the masses.

And now!

A functional channel, turned out!

The comprehensive channel of Sheep TV has been suppressed!

“What show?” Are other small channels fighting like this now? Director Zhao Feng was also a little dumbfounded, this kind of dumb laughter is not ridicule, but a kind of crying and laughter, and it is also an unreal feeling of surprise and curiosity mixed together.

“I heard that it was a live webcast content.”

“Hehe, this is really, the world is so big, now the Internet is so powerful?” Director Zhao Feng said with a smile.

“I heard that it was to be broadcast on the science and education channel before, but the science and education channel could not spare the space, so it was handed over to the network communication center, and then it was selected by the World Geography Channel! Hey, why didn’t our channel have such good luck?! Someone next to him sighed.

When Director Zhao Feng heard this, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and his face directly darkened.

“What did you say?” Zhao Fengdao.

“Yo? Isn’t Director Zhao here! Director Zhao! What’s going on with your channel? Such a good content don’t want? ”

Director Zhao Feng’s face darkened.

“I lean! This show is awesome! What kind of anchor is this? Play Wolf Streamer?! “Next to it, someone has already entered that show on their phone.

“Long drive 500 kilometers, wolves walk with him”

Director Zhao Feng stepped in and saw it.

In the picture, an anchor is driving an RV.

The frightening thing is that in the rear, a large group of wolves are following the RV!

Director Zhao Feng’s eyes were stunned.

Suddenly thought of something, quickly took out his mobile phone, found the link that Professor He Jing sent him before, clicked, and entered.

Pick up the live room!

It’s that streamer! That RV! So many wolves!

Director Zhao Feng’s face was darker than Zhang Fei!

Suddenly shouted “Bald! You get out of here for me! ”

It startled everyone.

But I saw Director Zhao Feng rushing towards the center of the science and education channel, and after rushing over, he stepped up and kicked the door open.

Inside, the bald deputy director was flirting with a female employee.

The door was suddenly kicked open, the bald man was startled, ah, Director Zhao Feng pounced…


Douyin over there.



They will add the strongest recommended weight for the singer of the shark platform named “Long Time No See” for the song video sung by the streamer named “Long Time No See”.

The time is set for 9 p.m.

At that time, the strongest traffic recommendation will all be smashed on that short video.

However, people are not as good as heavenly calculations.

It was past two o’clock in the afternoon.

Suddenly, intelligence came.

The World Geography Channel of Yang TV actually began to access the live broadcast room of the shark platform!

This sudden news.

The business department that put Douyin in charge of this matter was also caught off guard.

In fact, before that, they were also monitoring the light collection live room of the shark platform today.

The scene of wolves accompanying everyone was amazed.

However, they really didn’t expect it.

Sheep Vision, actually intervened!

For a while, the Douyin business department, which had been planned step by step, was also a little out of order.

On the minister’s side, three mobile phones went into battle together, constantly tracking down a problem:

“I just wanted to ask! I just wanted to ask! You shut up and listen to me! I just wanted to ask a question: did they pay attention to the songs that picked up the light?! ”

“I don’t care about anything else! I wondered, do they pay attention to the songs of light picking now?! ”

“Nothing?! Not yet?! Yes? Is there or no?! ”

“Oh! It means that the songs that are currently picking up light are still only being sung among Shark Live fans, right? Yang Shi only pays attention to his current live broadcast content, right?! Good! Good! That’ll do! That’ll do! Then we’re still the first to recommend tonight! ”

“We’re still the first to push!”

“Yang Shi actually ran out and cut off his beard! What a thing! It’s good that our cake hasn’t been touched yet! Eight hours before the big recommendation in the evening! I hope there are no more moths! ”

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