It has to be said.

This time, Yang Shi picked up a big bargain.

A pie fell from the sky.

There is a saying.

This kind of live streaming resource content, no matter which platform it is placed on, will directly explode and explode.

And relatively speaking.

The audience base of Sheep TV is the strongest.

At this time, on the network platform of the World Geography Channel, the audience who are watching this “Long Drive Five Hundred Miles, Wolves Walk With Him” has reached the level of five million!

And with it, it also drives the TV channel itself.

The reality of the number of viewers in the background, plus the channel network platform, at present, there are 9.46 million viewers watching this live broadcast!

This number, plus more than one million viewers in the shark platform pick-up live broadcast room itself, has exceeded 10 million levels online!

Ten million viewers.

Witnessed this anchor named Pick-up.

On the Tibetan plateau, in the Cocoxili forbidden area, the spectacle of driving straight into and being accompanied by wolves.

Shark princess Lan Ying.

At this time, sit in your own office.

Watch this scene happen.

She suddenly realized.

Shark, probably made a mistake.

One of the worst mistakes since its inception.

That is!

They until now!

Still, treat this anchor named Pick Light as a novice anchor!

How can an anchor who has been live streaming for less than a month not be a new anchor?


This! How can you still be treated as a new anchor?!

Sheep see, with their actions.

Douyin, also with their actions.

Completely, woke up Lan Ying!

Deep down, a strange feeling is looming.

Top stream…

A top stream, is it going to be born?

This thought flashed in Lan Ying’s mind.

A sense of crisis, suddenly appeared.

Pool for shark platform.

Water, too shallow.

People, too little.

Although, Shark is one of several platforms in the country.

However, this time, compared with the advantages of Douyin, compared with the pool of Yang Shi.

Lan Ying realized.

The shark pool, most likely, will not be able to accommodate this anchor named Pick-up in the future.

And once that day comes.

They sharks, most likely, will completely lose such an anchor!

Lan Ying raised her hand and grabbed the phone on the table.

“Give me the platform operation side!”

“Yes, Miss Lan!”

“Hello Miss Lan!” A voice rang on the other end of the phone.

“Tonight, starting point, the operations department has a meeting! I’ll be there in person! ”

“Okay! Miss Lan, what specific meeting, do we need to prepare in advance? ”

Lan Ying paused, and her tone suddenly became stable, “About, turn one of our platform’s anchors named ‘Pick Light’ into a meeting at the top of the platform!” ”

On the other end of the phone, for a long time, there was no response.


Tianyin Music Company.

Minister Fang Lan.

Pull the face.

She had just got good news and bad news.

The good news is.

The anchor named Pick Light.

His live broadcast content today was accessed by the World Geography Channel of Yang TV.

This should be the first time in the history of Dongguo live broadcasting, and the live broadcast content of an online anchor has been concerned by Yang TV.

This is a good thing.

This can gather greater popularity for the streamer.

After all, the pool of the shark platform is still too small, and the sheep view is different.

In short, the higher the popularity of the pick-up anchor, the better the follow-up work of Tianyin Music Company.

After all, they are preparing to hold a cloud concert in the future, specifically for the songs that pick up the light, and the higher his popularity and attention before that, the better it will naturally be.

And bad news.

It’s terribly bad.

As far as Fang Lan currently knows.

Previously, the fourth song of the pick-up anchor, “Long Time No See”, was recorded at the scene in Jincheng and uploaded to Douyin.

And Douyin determined the value of this video after several warm-up recommendations.

Get ready, right tonight.

To put the largest primary traffic pool on all platforms for this purpose!

The song of picking up the light is beyond doubt.

But the scary thing is that the user base of Douyin is too large.

I believe that after tonight, this song of this anchor will no longer be limited to the shark live broadcast platform, but will definitely spread throughout the network!

This is not a good thing for Tianyin.

Although, as a music company, they are better at packaging music and singers than douyin.

However, Tianyin is still accumulating songs that pick up light.

They want to accumulate the number of albums they can make up and put this bomb directly into the market in the form of cloud concerts!

And Dooyin did just that.

Equivalent to, grab food in advance.

Of course, this is naturally harmless for that anchor.

But for Tianyin, music needs a certain degree of freshness.

If they catch fire too early, their cloud concerts will be affected.


That’s Douyin.

If they insist on doing so, Tianyin can’t do it.

After all, Tianyin had no way to contact the light picker anchor.

As a result, they could not sign any contract with the light picker anchor, and naturally, there was no way to obtain the copyright of his song, so they naturally had no way to organize Douyin’s publicity offensive for the song.

Li Ran pushed the door in and saw Fang Lan’s expression.

I also guessed what she was thinking.

“Minister, it’s okay.” Li Ran smiled, “We have to believe one thing. ”

Fang Lan raised her head and looked at Li Ran, “Oh? ”

“Good songs will only become more classic with time.”

This sentence came out of Li Ran’s mouth.

The words woke Fang Lan up.



Good songs will only become more classic in the cleansing of time!

Even, time will make good songs dye richer connotations and colors!

At this time, since Douyin wants to grab it, let them grab it.

Tianyin, on the other hand, will continue to silently collect songs that pick up light.

When the future cloud concert comes out.

It won’t become, never will be.

After all, market listeners are not lifeless, they are all a group with feelings and souls.

Songs are the intersection of people’s feelings and souls.

And not just traffic.

Thinking of this, Fang Lan suddenly felt that his eyes suddenly brightened.

One thing is undeniable.

Interested parties.

Everyone, they are a little panicked.

And the only one who does not panic.

It was Ning Chen.

All this has nothing to do with him.

The moment when the sun is westward.

Ning Chen’s RV drove out of Section 109 of Coco Xili.

Behind the RV, wolves chasing all the way.

Finally began to disperse.

In the RV, Wang Yue girl.

The previous fears are following along the way.

It’s gone.

She knew that today, she had experienced the first miracle in her life.

When she realized it was a miracle.

It is no longer possible to describe my heart.

What made her even more incomprehensible was that.

This person next to him.

He looked at the mountains, and it was still so calm.

It was as if he had never been in close contact with wolves before.

It was as if he hadn’t seen the wolves accompanying him at all.

Why is this…


You the hell.

What kind of person are you?

Until this moment, Wang Yue suddenly realized that this problem began to emerge in his heart.

This question was not questioned before.

Because Wang Yue thought that this guy was a guy who only had his own indifference in his eyes, and his emotional intelligence was very low, and he couldn’t even talk to people well.

But now, after experiencing such a miracle that ordinary people cannot accept.

He, however, is still so calm.

This made Wang Yue realize.

This person next to him must not be a simple person.

His heart, like an onion, must be layer by layer, wrapped in something he didn’t want others to know.

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