Conference room.

Fang Lan closed her eyes.

Reclining on the back of the chair.

In my ears, it was the already hoarse singing.


The chair slowly turned around.

“What’s wrong?” She opened her eyes.

On either side of the long table in the conference room, several people sat down.

The leader is a hipster man in his forties with a ponytail.

The hipster man rubbed his chin and closed his eyes, still listening to the singing on the screen in front of the conference room.

“Compared with his first four songs, this song has a completely different style.”

The tide man closed his eyes and said in his mouth.

“This song, a change from the previous implicitness.”

“It’s full of folk.”

“But unlike the euphemism of ordinary ballads, this song is very direct.”

“Both in terms of lyrics and style.”

“Lyrics that are generally too direct, once not properly operated, will be rustic.”

“But this song doesn’t feel that way at all… How to say it. ”

The Chao man opened his eyes and looked at Fang Lan, “Based on my experience over the years, I think it is related to his singing style tonight.” ”

“What do you say?”

The tide man smiled, “I’m sorry, I was a little emotional just now.” ”

“Let’s just say that this song, if a professional singer sings it, no matter what technique is used, it will be too emotional because the lyrics are too straightforward, which leads to self-defeating and falls into the mud of rustic atmosphere.”

“But…” the hipster looked at the screen, “Did you hear that?” He now, I don’t know why, anyway, he has given up any singing skills, even, regardless of the fact that his voice has been completely hoarse, and it can even be said that he is singing this song hoarsely. ”

“Without any formal singing skills, combined with this overly straightforward song, the result is the effect it is now.”

“I believe.” The tide man glanced at the others, “Everyone here, in his singing, should be emotionally – according to each person’s experience, the ups and downs of emotions may be different, but they can be touched, which is the most essential reason.” ”

Fang Lan listened to the comments of the chao man, and also smiled, “Teacher Guo, do you mean, there is no trick to win, this song he sang into people’s hearts, not because of skill, but because he is just singing with his heart?” ”

This trendy man Teacher Guo listened to Minister Fang Lan’s summary, and also gave a thumbs up, “The minister’s summary is incisive – I can’t think of any other reason.” ”

“Music criticism has been going on for more than ten years, and I’ve really, for many years, not heard a single singer sing a song that feels this way.” Teacher Guo said, thinking for a while, “I think that without special experiences and stories, a person cannot sing this feeling. ”

The meeting room is quiet for a moment.

Fang Lan looked at everyone and raised his hand, “The fifth song.” ”

“So, how should it be named?”

The crowd began to whisper.

Li Ran on the side thought for a while, “Or, just follow his lyrics, called “I want to marry you”? ”

Some people nod, others do not take a position.

“Yes, but it’s not enough, and the word ‘marriage’ is too cliché.” Music critic Guo said.

“In your opinion?”

Teacher Guo thought for a while, “The song that picks up the light, in the lyrics, the ‘marriage’ is just a heart-wrenching point, to put it in layman’s terms, it’s like we love so hard, so shouldn’t marriage be taken for granted?” But in reality, it’s not that simple. ”

“So, not being able to get married is the point.”

“Can’t get married?”

“The reason why you can’t get married is that you can’t be together, no matter what the reason is, that’s the point.”

“So, should it be called?”

Teacher Guo thought for a while, “I want to be with you—this name, maybe better.” ”

“Wouldn’t it be better to be shorter and remove the word ‘I think’ for emotion?”

“Yes.” Teacher Guo nodded, “Iceberg theory, of course, can be used in the technique of naming songs, right?” ”

“Okay.” Fang Lan nodded and got up, “Then, this fifth song, “With You”, is officially included, starting tomorrow, and post-production can begin.” ”

Everyone nodded and got up.

Tonight, it’s too late.

Two o’clock in the morning.

The commotion in the live broadcast room finally began to subside.

This night, the audience in this live broadcast room are a little strange.

There was no longer a superfluous barrage saying anything else.

It was originally a chat room for the light-picking live broadcast room, on this night.

It became a clock-in wall.

After two o’clock, the commotion finally became calmer.

However, the number of people online in the live broadcast room has not decreased.

Many people, in their own dens alone.

With a mixed emotion, or, thinking about your story, wiping away tears.

Follow the anchor to pick up the light and sing that song over and over again.

They don’t know why this streamer sings such a song.

They don’t know what exactly this streamer has been through.

But it doesn’t really matter.

It is important that tonight, everyone remembers that exclusive memory that belongs only to them.

In an RV.

Wang Yue no longer shed tears.

She wiped away her tears and sat in the passenger seat.

With his head leaning against the car window, his eyes looked at the lonely back of the lake in the distance, who had stopped singing.

Ning Chen looked at the blue Namu in front of him.

In the sky, the crescent moon is still bright.

This song is what he wants to sing tonight.

Sang it many times.

But now, he didn’t feel any better.

The photo has been taken and the check-in has been completed.

In the mind.

The system’s tone has finally arrived.

[Congratulations to the host! ] 】

【Complete the Namco Travel Check-in Task】

【Get rewarded】

Ning Chen looked at the reward in his mind.

The light in his eyes began to flicker.


【Reward: 1 million tourism funds (existing savings 1.76 million)】

Save money for this piece.

Before, when he left Donghai, he went to the city orphanage and opened a special account for that Jiujiu, that is, the little girl named Zhang Xiaonian, and put 200,000 yuan into it.

[Reward: Black Blade (Cold Weapon)]

[Reward: SSS-level insight (temporary attribute)]

[Reward: Transfiguration Lurker (Functional Effects)]

【Reward: Clue fragment *1】

【The next travel check-in task has appeared, waiting to be unlocked】

[Unlock conditions: Obtain the title of Seeker to unlock the next travel check-in mission, and upgrade SSS-level insight from temporary attribute to permanent attribute]

Ning Chen looked at the clue fragment.

He blinked.

Just ready to get up.

Suddenly, a voice came from my head again:

【Ding-dong! Additional exploration mission detected~】

【Navigation has been generated, the host can choose to accept it autonomously or not】

Ning Chen was a little surprised.

Additional quests?

In my mind, a new navigation appeared.

Ning Chen saw.

This navigation is not a return route.

Nor is it a route to the city of Lazar.

Instead, they passed through the city of Lazar and continued, heading towards the hinterland of Tibet.

Ning Chen knew it in his heart.

Now, though, he needs a break.

Get up and head towards the RV.

In the RV, in the driver’s seat, the girl named Wang Yue closed her eyes and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

The night in Tibet is cold, and those who fall asleep still have dew on their eyelashes.

Ning Chen turned around and got into the RV.

After he entered, Wang Yue’s eyes slowly opened.

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