
Seven o’clock in the morning.

Ning Chen opened his eyes.

The sunlight outside the window, falling on the bed.

After washing.

I went to the driver’s seat and found that Wang Yue was not there.

Look outside.

She was walking along the shores of Lake Namtso.

The window slowly fell, and Ning Chen called her, “Go!” ”

Wang Yue came back.

After washing up in the back, he climbed back into the co-pilot’s seat.

She was much quieter than before.

Ning Chen raised his hand and started the RV.

“Next, I will pass by Lazar, and you can get out of the car when the time comes.”

Ning Chen said.

The RV started.

“You can follow the tour group from Lazar back to the mainland.”

Wang Yue nodded.

Didn’t say anything either.

After a while along the road on the shore of Lake Namtso, the RV gradually moved away.

Wang Yue took one last look at Namco who was gradually moving away behind him.

The scenery ahead.

It has returned to its former desolation.

Namco was originally a saltwater lake.

There is basically no grass in the surrounding area.

After leaving Namco, the route was back on track, this time to Lasa.

In the distance, the shadows of the mountains emerged.

The rising sun illuminates everything.

“After Lazar, what are your plans?” Wang Yue looked ahead, did not look sideways at Ning Chen, but just asked in his mouth.

Ning Chen paused, perhaps, after all, it had been a few days for two people to be together.

He didn’t seem as cold as before.

Finally responded to her, “Drive past Lazar and keep going.” ”

“Further on?” Wang Yue was stunned.

As far as she knew, after Lazar, further on.

Wouldn’t that be.

Is it along the Brahmaputra River?

Is that kind of place really suitable for traveling?

Aren’t ordinary people taking Lasa as the final point of Tibet?

But Wang Yue did not ask again.

In this way, the two were speechless all the way.

The RV followed the road and was silent for about half an hour.

Wang Yue suddenly spoke again, “Can I know your name?” ”

She was tempting.

If the other person doesn’t want to say it, that’s okay.

Only, if before just wondering what the name of a person who helped her was.

Then, after last night, the current Wang Yue just felt that if he still didn’t know his name, he might feel a little regretful.

But this time, Ning Chen was not silent.

“Why?” He looked ahead and drove the car.

Wang Yue was stunned, why?

Do you need to answer why?

She smiled, “You also know my name, Liangqing is so bad~”

“That’s what you said on your own initiative, not me asked.”

Listening to this man’s words, Wang Yue nu his mouth.

Turn your face to the other side and look out the window.

After a while, she turned her face again and looked at Ning Chen.

“Can I ask you a question?”


“What’s the name of that song last night?”

Ning Chen drove the car, and when he heard Wang Yue’s words, there was still no other expression on his face.

He did not answer the question.

In the RV, there was a kind of silence again.

But Wang Yue knew that he couldn’t let this silence continue, otherwise, he would have to wait for half a day!

“It’s good, can’t you, tell me?”

The other party still did not respond.

Seeing him like this, Wang Yue was a little anxious, and his whole body turned towards Ning Chen: “You person——”

“With you.” Ning Chen said, staring away.

Wang Yue was stunned, and only then did he react, “Oh… With you, well, really, very good, you sing, too. ”

Saying that, Wang Yue slowly turned around.

It’s damn quiet again.

After a while.

Wang Yue had to speak again.

Because, she has always been, there is a problem.

Before this, she didn’t want to ask the person next to her.

However, last night’s song touched her too much.

Somehow, she suddenly felt, perhaps, her problem, he would have an experience.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“How many questions do you have?”

“Huh?” Wang Yue was stunned, and then he thought that he had said something similar before.

But Ning Chen stopped talking.

Wang Yue realized that he acquiesced.

So, finally spoke.

“You can also see that I am a college student who has not long graduated.”

Saying that, Wang Yue paused, perhaps wanting to wait for Ning Chen to respond.

But didn’t wait for a response.

She started gushing.

“Actually, I came out this time and rode into Tibet alone, because I wanted to forget a while… A relationship that no longer exists, I know, what I say now, you should feel a little ridiculous, feel that it is such a cliché, or feel that I am inexplicably saying these things to you. ”

“But… I’m really distressed. ”

“I thought I could do it, but after last night, I knew I might never be able to do it again.”

“That song of yours really made me… It hurts. ”

“I was pretending to sleep last night, actually, I heard you singing outside last night, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.”

“But I know now that I might, hard to do, forget.”

“Really, it’s hard.”

“I had already thought that after going back this time, I would go on a blind date, and let the past pass, after all, everyone, you have to continue to move forward.” But now, I’m really starting to suspect that I may, I can’t. ”

Wang Yue’s voice began to get smaller.

The speed of the RV, without the slightest change.

The person next to him heard Wang Yue’s words.

It seems that he is not moved in the slightest.

Half a day.

No response.

But for Wang Yue, it doesn’t really matter.

She didn’t have any expectations, but at this moment, facing the person next to her, she just wanted to talk.

Maybe it’s because she feels that a person who can sing the sad song like last night, even if he doesn’t respond to her, but on this roof of the world five kilometers above sea level, as long as she can tell him, it is a relief for her.

What Wang Yue didn’t expect was.

She heard the voice of the man next to her.

“Do you know what is the best way to deal with people and things in the past?”

He said, his eyes still looking into the distance.

Wang Yue looked at him and did not speak.

“It’s forgetting.” He said, his tone calm.

“Otherwise, what are you trying to do? Are you trying to let the whole world know that you are infatuated? Repent and redress one’s errors? Gu Ying self-pity? He said, and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised a grim smile.

Wang Yue’s expression was from the previous expectation.

Slowly start to change.

There was no more expression on her face.

Is this his response?

She originally thought that a person who could sing such a song should understand her inner pain.

However, I didn’t expect to hear such a response.

Moreover, he even.

For her sincerity just now, he responded with a cold ridicule!

He actually thought that she was showing off her wounds to others?


Wang Yue slowly sat up straight, she didn’t want to speak anymore.

She is now!

Right now!

And, everything that follows on the way!

Never again!

Don’t want to be with this cold-blooded guy next to you!

Say even a word!

Although deep down, perhaps, there will really be such emotions.

But, absolutely!

It won’t be as bad as this guy says!

Why did he, why actually!

Naively thinks that an answer can be found from this person?

Find an understanding?

Perhaps, she just wanted too much, to get a simple comfort, nothing more…

But now, really, self-inflicted.

“It’s kind of a kind.”

In my ears, there was a sudden sound.

Wang Yue suddenly turned his face sideways and looked at the person.

She didn’t expect that he would continue!

“Of course, if you can’t do that, then you’re left with only one path.” He said.

Wang Yue glared at this person.

“That is—” he said, still looking ahead, but there was no wave in his eyes.

“When you can’t have it anymore.”

“The only thing you can do.”

“Just let yourself, don’t forget.”

Wang Yue’s eyes widened and looked at the man next to him.

This sentence.

Like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Directly penetrated her heart!

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