Ning Chen rode the black bicycle.

Ride forward on this land.

The bike itself is very lightweight and has a simple structure.

The tread is not very wide, but the grip is very strong, and when traveling on this rough ground, you don’t feel too big bumps.

Ning Chen rode forward, I don’t know how long.

The sound of the water I heard before is becoming more and more obvious.

But he didn’t see the river.

Not far away, there are hare.

With two long ears, he stood up in front of him and looked at Ning Chen’s bicycle curiously.

In the sky, there are also goshawks passing by.

The hare spotted the goshawk and scurried forward.

Between the mountains and wilderness, there are many butterflies, fluttering their brightly colored wings, flying among the flowers and plants.

The color of these butterflies.

Very peculiar.

It feels, bright and somewhat distorted.

In the live broadcast room.

The audience’s vision also began to spread forward with Ning Chen’s bicycle.

【This place is so beautiful~】

[There is such a beautiful place in Tibet~]

【It feels like a paradise~】

[If I could own a log cabin in such a place, I would like to grow old for the rest of my life~]

[You want to be beautiful…]

[The anchor can stop in this place for a while, it is best to lie down here and sleep. ] 】

[It’s a good idea, but you just see the beauty on the surface]

[After all, this is pure wilderness, the natural scenery is naturally beautiful, but the danger should also be everywhere]

The audience commented, naturally thinking that this place is very beautiful.

Everyone thinks that this place.

It was discovered by the anchor when he inadvertently passed by.

So stop the car and ride down that cool bike to enjoy it.

In fact.

At this time, Ning Chen was also riding forward.

On the side, pay attention to the navigation in your head.

Here, indeed, is the destination.

However, he kept riding forward, always a little away from that final point in navigation.

I don’t know if the navigation is inaccurate?

It stands to reason that this should not be the case.

If this is just a navigation software, there may be a problem with inaccurate navigation.

But this is the navigation provided by the system.

Navigation formed by supernatural forces projected directly into his mind.

Until Ning Chen’s bike.

After getting on a small mountain bag.

In front of him, he suddenly became cheerful.

In front of it, it’s a downhill.

At the end of the slope, there is a small cliff.

Finally visible.

The sound of the water that I could always hear turned out to be a small waterfall on the cliff.

On the side of the waterfall, there is a rugged stone boardwalk.

It is covered with moss, as if no one has ever set foot in it, and leads all the way to the waterfall.

But it’s a wild road.

Ning Chen parked his bicycle on the hill bag.

Chose to walk and went downhill.

Ten minutes later, he came to the bottom of the waterfall.

Previously, from the mountain bag, the waterfall did not appear to be large.

This time I came to the bottom of the waterfall, but found that this waterfall also had a drop of at least tens of meters.

White water splashes in the large pool below the waterfall, and the sound of water is heaven-shattering.

Not far away, egrets spread their wings and look for fish in the waterhole.

Wildflowers bloom and bushes grow.

In the distance, it is connected to a forest.

Ning Chen’s gaze fell on the stone boardwalk covered with moss and weeds leading to the waterfall.

He jumped up.

The moss slipped under his feet, but he was already on guard.

He raised his hand and grabbed a protruding point on the side cliff wall.

After stabilizing your body, you began to walk along this boardwalk.

The road is not easy, but it can be moved.

At this time.

Pick up the camera of the live room.

It also changes.

It has become the first perspective of the anchor picking up light.

The audience could hear the anchor’s gasps.

The camera shakes as the anchor moves.

The stone path at the foot is very narrow, less than 30 centimeters wide, and there are broken places in the narrows.

As the streamer moves forward.

Spectators found that the stone boardwalk on the side of this cliff began to rise higher along the cliff.

On one side is a straight cliff.

On the other side, it has become a cliff more than ten meters high from the waterhole below!

This face was relatively harmonious before.

But now it’s starting to get thrilling.

Because the anchor does not have any protective equipment on him.

There is no rope to pull on, this download boardwalk is next to the cliff!

There is no obstruction.

The stone boardwalk is even more mossy and slippery, and if you accidentally have an accident, you will fall.

In the live broadcast room, there are more and more barrages.

[It’s very risky to pick up light! ] 】

[That kind of moss is very slippery, if you slide down, such a high position, either dead or crippled…]

[I’m afraid of heights, I’m already a little dizzy at this time…]

[What is the anchor here for?] If you just accidentally found such a place, there is no need to fight like this, right? 】

[He should have wanted to walk along this stone road]

[The problem is, this road is submerged in a waterfall]

[It doesn’t mean to enter the waterfall, right?] 】


The barrage is saying.


The pick-up anchor finally came to the end of this plank road.

In front of you, there is a white raging waterfall.

Hang straight down from above!

This boardwalk, at this time, where the pick-up anchor is standing, is just in the middle of the waterfall.

The rest of the boardwalk is all drilled into the waterfall.

Like a stone sword, it cuts horizontally through the middle of the waterfall.

A strong flow of water rushes over the surface of the boardwalk.

Huge white splashes splashed on both sides of the boardwalk and flowed down again.

It can be imagined how many years of flushing this time, this position of the plank road, flushed smooth.

If you want to go inside, you may not be able to step on it steadily.

Since it has already come.

The audience already knows.

With the style of this anchor, he couldn’t have come for nothing.

He must go in and take a look!

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room also became tense.

Everyone, there was a great interest in this boardwalk leading to the interior of the waterfall.

Everyone, at this time, is curious.

Where does the boardwalk lead?

What is inside this waterfall?

As a result, this emotion was not yet reflected in the barrage by the audience.

I saw a sudden bump in the live broadcast screen.

That’s the anchor’s first perspective!

He actually sprinted along the boardwalk towards the waterfall!

Then, the perspective of a swoop!

Large expanses of water filled the air, and the sound of noise raged everywhere.

He actually rushed into the waterfall just like that!

The audience was stunned.

So fierce???

I haven’t reacted yet.

The angle of view suddenly tilted and reversed one hundred and eighty degrees!

Then, abruptly, it stopped.

The whole picture is slowly shaking.

See this scene.

The audience was frightened silly…

After he rushed into the waterfall, he may have been hit by a strong current or slipped under his feet.

The whole person fell.

Just now a hundred and eighty degree rotation.

It was the moment he was washed down by the water of the waterfall!


He didn’t fall straight from above.

Instead, it hung from the side of that stone boardwalk.

The whole body swings around.

How did he hang up??

The audience was stunned.

A powerful stream of water poured down from above his head.

Look around.

Then, the perspective is raised.

In this way, the audience finally saw a picture that they never thought possible.


It is the arm of the anchor to pick up the light.

In his hands, I don’t know when.

A sharp blade with a black body appeared!

At this time, he held this knife tightly!

The whole blade is inserted in the stone on the side of the boardwalk!

It was cut into it abruptly!

And that’s why he didn’t fall directly, but hung like he is now.

Audience: [Scared!! 】

[My brother! Where did the black knife come out?! 】

[It was actually inserted directly into the stone! ] 】

[Is this the action he did the moment he fell just now?! ] 】

[Almost fell to my death! ] 】

[I actually hung myself in the air with a knife! ] Undercover hemp…]

[This knife looks so scary! ] It’s amazing, too! 】

[It’s so cool…]

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