Below the stone boardwalk, Ning Chen was impacted by the waterfall.

Constantly swinging his body.

The black knife was summoned from the system warehouse the moment he fell just now.

Quite timely.

If it’s a second later.

He’s gone.

When the amplitude is large enough.

He began to prob, stepping on the boardwalk with his feet.

After a few attempts, one foot stepped on it, and the whole body had a second support point and climbed the boardwalk again.

The whole person was hit by the waterfall above.

But it’s good, it’s already firmly standing in the waterfall.

In the impact of powerful water currents.

A voice came from the mind:

【Ding-dong! Gain Black Blade proficiency and strength +10]

Only at this moment, he suddenly felt that he began to understand the knife in his hand.

An indescribable understanding.

In addition, the soreness in the arm holding the knife suddenly dissipated.

A force, the arm holding the knife spread throughout the body, and then gradually faded…

Although there were some surprises, at this time, there was no need to care about the accidents.

Ning Chen raised his hand and wiped the water on his face, making his vision clear for a moment.

Once he had determined his direction, he moved forward.

Tentatively moving forward.

The white water in front of me suddenly disappeared.

He finally crossed the waterfall and came to the back of the waterfall.

Behind, there is a cave.

In the live broadcast room, I saw this cave.

[Aha?! It turned out to be the bedroom of the master brother?! 】

【Huaguo Mountain Water Curtain Cave?? 】

[Nima’s Flower and Fruit Mountain, is this a snowy plateau?! ] 】

[It turns out that Brother Monkey is a Tibetan…]

[But it really seems that there can really be a cave behind such a waterfall! ] 】

Spectators, because the cave behind this waterfall suddenly appeared.

The atmosphere of the entire live broadcast room is to the extreme.

The number of online viewers also flew up, and after a while, it passed one million.

On the live screen.

The anchor picked up the light, carried the black blade in his hand, and entered the dark cave.


109 online.

Several cars of Professor Liu De’s expedition team of Western University were galloping.

They have already driven the road that the anchor has traveled before.

In addition, I also got out of the car and tested the surrounding environment.

It has been concluded that no special magnetic field environment has been detected nearby.

So, that’s what it leads to.

What happened to that anchor has completely become a mystery.

They walked this way, but no wolves caught up.

This shows that the previous amazing phenomenon is not universal, but just a special case that happened to that anchor.

Along the way, Professor Liu De’s mind was full of doubts.

But the hardest thing is.

He couldn’t even use his brain to organize a problem.

This kind of thing…

Really, it’s so mysterious.

It is difficult to organize a problem with existing scientific knowledge.

Not to mention to explain.

And since that happened, for now.

The entire eastern biological community, the geological community, is discussing this matter.

According to Professor He Jing of Modu University, the howling of the wolves is very special, and it is a worship of the head wolf.

However, that’s about it.

This still can’t explain this strange thing that happened to the anchor.

At this time.

The speed of Professor Liu De’s scientific expedition team has increased significantly.

They’re already trying very hard to chase the streamer.

Perhaps, all doubts, after finding the anchor, will be solved.

There must be many unknown secrets in his body.

Or, at least, he must have done something for that to happen.


The other members of the expedition team were paying close attention to the live broadcast room.

Professor Liu De felt tired.

He decided to take a nap first.

Lie down, I don’t know how long I slept.

Woke up by someone shaking it.

It was his graduate student Hu Ya.

Professor Liu De looked dazed.

“Professor! Professor! ”

“What’s wrong?” Professor Liu De sat up suddenly, feeling a little dizzy, and rubbed his temples.

“Look quickly…” Hu Ya’s voice trembled a little.

Point to the laptop in front of you.

On the computer, it is still the light picking live broadcast room.

Professor Liu De remembers.

When he lay down before, the anchor rode his bicycle and walked on a mountainous field.

And now.

On the live screen.

But in a cave.

Professor Liu De got up and rushed to the computer.

This anchor, at this time, is in a cave.

It was pitch black all around.

However, ahead, there is a bright spot.

That highlight, with the anchor’s progress.

It turns out that the bigger.

Finally can see clearly.

That’s an exit.

This cave is really long enough!

The light of the exit is becoming more and more obvious.

Finally, he came out.

The whole picture suddenly lit up.

This moment.

Professor Liu De suddenly thought of the sentence in the ancient text:

“…… When the forest is exhausted from the source of water, there is a mountain, and the mountain has a small mouth, as if there is light. Boat boat, enter from the mouth. The initial pole is narrow, and only people are through. Repeat dozens of steps, suddenly cheerful…”

For a while, I was also quite interested.

“This anchor, the courage is really big, a person dares to drill into this kind of mountain with his bare hands-” As he spoke, Professor Liu De suddenly blinked.

He suddenly saw that this anchor was carrying a black steel knife in his hand!

What’s the situation?

Why did you suddenly carry a knife?

No wonder you dare to enter this kind of cave, it turns out that you entered it with a knife…

However, I still have to say that the courage is still very big.

The vision of the live broadcast room looked ahead.


A forest.

The anchor began to move through the forest.

The forest was not big and quickly walked out.

When the picture in the live broadcast room shows the scene outside the forest.

All of them.

Including millions of viewers in the light booth.

Including Professor Liu De, who was watching the live broadcast at this time, and his scientific expedition members.

They were all frozen.


It’s a piece.

All over a mountain, Stone Town!

One, green mountains.

On the green side of the mountain, there is a large river.

From the foot of the mountain, stone houses are stacked one after another.

Along the mountain, go up in a circle.

On the mountainside, there is a small stone hall.

Further up, again the stone house.

And then, above the top of the mountain.

It’s a stone castle!

The stone castle, under the blue sky and white clouds, its top is like a pair of wings carved from stone.

Although the distance is very far, this silhouette is correct!

See this scene.

Professor Liu De, and the people around him.

All of them opened their mouths and did not move for a long time.


Professor Liu De, what came to mind!

He suddenly turned around and pulled his duffel bag out.

Start rummaging frantically inside.

Several worn-out scrolls were found.

Then, in a hurry, he picked up a book from it.

This is not a cultural relic but a copy, originally from an ancient book at Thar Monastery in Tibet.

It turned out to be a Sanskrit book.

However, because it is a copy, various references are naturally made.

For example, the Sanskrit content was copied, but synchronized, and the Chinese translation was added.

So this is a book in both Van and Chinese.

It’s just that because he often flips through it, it has long been broken.

Professor Liu De flipped through the book.

His students next to him were surprised.

They had never seen Professor Liu De, who was highly respected, be so alarmed.

His hands were shaking violently!

The action suddenly stopped.

He found the page he was looking for.

Trembling fingers, pointing to the text on the page.

It was a line of Sanskrit.

“Professor, what’s wrong?”

Professor Liu De stared at these words, his eyes full of incredulity, and looked up at the live broadcast screen, and looked down at the words on the paper.

He finally spoke.

“The text here is a reference to the footnote of the late Mr. Ji Xianlin…”

“The origin is Tocharian script, and Mr. Ji was one of the few people in the world who understood this script before his death, and he translated it…”

Professor Liu De’s eyes widened.

His finger pointed to one of the tadpole-like lines.

“…… The city is built in stone, built by the mountain, because the river is the pool, there is a stone castle, and the totem wings…”

I heard Professor Liu De slowly say this.

Everyone present suddenly felt goosebumps all over their bodies.

“Professor, what is this?”

Professor Liu De suddenly raised his head, his eyes fixed on the live broadcast screen.

“This! It is a description of a sacred place in the legends of the snowy land… This holy place. ”

“Name, Shangri-La!”

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