Live screen.

The anchor named Pick Light.

Committed an act that surprised everyone.

He actually raised the black steel blade in his hand and stabbed down on the wall of the newly born two-winged stone castle!

Everyone, agree.

This originally good anchor.

What a thing!

He actually wanted to be in this place.

On this sacred ruin, leave traces of his coming!

This is not only vulgar behavior.

More! It’s illegal!

When everyone was indignant.

But I saw the steel blade in the anchor’s hand.

Passed through the stone castle wall in front of him.

However, no sound was made at all.

Like a knife in the void.

But there was no splash of rubble, let alone sonorous noise.

Everyone was stunned for a while.

That anchor, raise your hand again.

With the black knife in his hand, he slashed a few times.

When the knife penetrated the wall, the shape of the wall actually rippled.

In the ward of the capital.

Professor Fei Xiaoqing was ready to stand up with his heart covered.

Seeing this scene, I was also stunned.

After a while, his mouth was slightly open.

Suddenly, he finally reacted!



Not an entity!

Professor Liu De’s side was also stunned.

“Old, teacher… This?? ”

Professor Liu De’s lips moved, and he was completely dizzy.

“Could it be a mirage??” On the side, a student suddenly spoke.

“Mirage?” Everyone was stunned again.

“It can’t be! Even if it is a mirage, how can this anchor be so close to it? ”


That’s right.

Mirages, which generally occur at sea or in the desert.

It is a natural phenomenon formed by the refraction and total reflection of light.

It is a virtual image formed by the refraction of light reflected by objects on Earth by the atmosphere.

Its essence is an optical phenomenon, which is closely related to geographical location, geophysical conditions and meteorological characteristics of some places at specific times.

It is characterized by repeated occurrences in the same place and consistent occurrence at the same time.

However, in terms of generality.

In general, it is only visible at a distance from witnesses.

And right now in the live broadcast screen.

This two-winged stone castle is right in front of the anchor picking up the light!

He even, with a knife, carved on it!

How is this possible?

Video on the other end of the call.

Professor Fei Xiaoqing slowly sat up straight.

“Teacher, is this really a mirage?” Professor Liu De looked questioning, still feeling that it was impossible.

However, if it were not for a mirage, it would be even more unlikely!

“It’s a mirage.” Professor Fei Xiaoqing finally spoke.

“There would be such a close mirage? This person even touched it? Professor Liu De said.

Professor Fei Xiaoqing pondered.

For a long time, “Generally speaking, mirages appear in the desert or on the sea. ”

“But there are exceptions, and common, generally far away from witnesses, the so-called unattainable, that’s what it is.”

“However, this is also in general.”

“There are mirages close at hand.”

“However, being close at hand, and still allowing people to see so clearly, this kind is really, very, very rare!”

Professor Fei Xiaoqing touched his chin.

“To be precise, I’ve never seen one.”

“However, in theory, it is possible.”

“After all, the essence of mirages is a kind of photosynthesis, and the refraction of light is closely related to the richness of the atmosphere, and if this concentration reaches a certain peak, it can indeed be very clear.”

Professor Fei finished saying this.

Professor Liu De suddenly said, “Then, this anchor.” ”

Everyone, look at the live screen again.

Professor Liu De’s voice, “The reason why he did that just now, doesn’t it mean that he has already determined that this is a mirage phenomenon?” ”

“It should be so,” humane, “otherwise, how can an anchor, knowing that he is broadcasting live, suddenly use a knife and actually want to engrave on it?” ”

“He just used a knife to test it to break the mirage!”

Suddenly, everyone also thought of it.

“Doesn’t that mean!”

“If this is a mirage, then! At this moment, the real Pabala Two-Winged Temple does exist in another place! Just through photosynthesis, it was refracted to the top of this mountain where the anchor is located?! ”

As soon as the idea is spoken.

Everyone suddenly woke up!

This shows that the legendary Pabala really exists!

Right in the same space-time!

“It’s not that simple.” Professor Fei Xiaoqing suddenly spoke at the end of the video.

Everyone looked at the old man.

Professor Fei Xiaoqing suddenly sighed.

His gaze is still on the screen of the live broadcast room.

Old man, start talking.


A common explanation for mirages.

It is a photosynthesis.

That is, a scene somewhere on Earth.

Through the refraction of light, it is projected to another place like a projection.

In this way, people in another place can see the scene.

This is the most basic explanation.

The premise of this interpretation is that the refracted scene and the projected place are in the same space-time.

But if you are realistic.

There are still some problems here.

For example, in 1988, mirages appeared on the sea outside Penglai City in Eastern Province.

But, the scene in that mirage.

It turned out to be an ancient building!

Moreover, you can clearly see people in ancient costumes walking around the building!

Again, something similar is also abroad.

A photographer in the United States once photographed a mirage about a tsunami.

However, at that time, there were no tsunamis around the world!

There are many similarities.

For example, in some mirages, images of medieval pirate ships floating in the sea appear!

Some people simply explain this phenomenon as:

Maybe somewhere, an ancient movie was being filmed, which was projected by a mirage, so the ancient architectural costumed characters were seen.

However, this interpretation.

It’s kind of… Forcibly meaning.

After all, once or twice is accidental.

After a lot of times, it really can’t be explained so simply.

Otherwise, does mirage prefer movie scenes?

And this.

Naturally, other speculations began.

For example, parallel universes.

But the nature of parallel universes is not physically feasible.

As a result, there is the theory of time and space travel.

In short, mirages are not uncommon though.

However, there are unsolved mysteries.

At present, Professor Fei Xiaoqing said, the mirage that appeared in the live broadcast room of the anchor in Tibet.

Inherently rare.

But to conclude that there is indeed a physical Pabala temple in another part of the world at this very moment would be contrary to the empirical spirit of science.

After all, before seeing the entity with your own eyes.

You can’t say that this mirage comes from photosynthetic refraction of some entity in the same space-time.

Everyone also understood the professor’s explanation.

However, because of this, it is even more urgent.

In the live broadcast room.

That mirage phantom was constantly drawn by the anchor with the knife in his hand.

However, it was only a slight ripple and did not dissipate.

It lasts a long time, but I don’t know how long it will last.

Therefore, the expedition team needs to rush to the scene as soon as possible.

Fortunately, this first discovery, called light picking, has been able to allow the expedition team to determine basic areas.

It’s only a matter of time before you find that place.

Even if you don’t talk about this mirage, it is a mysterious place that may be the legendary Shangri-La, which was originally a miracle!

In the live broadcast room.

Ning Chen put away the knife in his hand.

In fact, others can’t see clearly in the live broadcast room.

Well, he was on the spot.

You can see everything in front of you clearly.

As soon as he reached the top of the mountain, he already sensed that something was wrong.

This time, striking with a knife is just a certainty.

However, there is also some sigh.

This mirage turned out to be so close, unexpectedly, so realistic.


These are already secondary.

In his mind, with the end of this action of his.

The system’s prompt tone also followed.


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