
[Congratulations to the host, won the title of Seeker]

【Successfully unlock the next punch mission】

【Successfully upgrade SSS insight to permanent attribute】

【Get extra rewards for this exploration】

【Rewards: Sled *1, Husky (Husky) (Pending)]

Ning Chen touched his lips.

Sled dogs?




Then you just wait.

Speaking of such a thing as Hutchis.

In Ning Chen’s heart, there was actually a shadow more or less.

Let’s not talk about that.

It’s disturbing to say.

In short, that kind of creature, really.

A kind of stuff that gets water in the brain.

With that, Ning Chen turned around and walked towards the bottom of the mountain.

While walking.

While looking at the newly unlocked punch mission.

【Detected host is unlocking the next punch task】

【Unlock successful】

【New Punch Mission】

【Tengchong, Ginkgo Village】

Ning Chen’s footsteps.

It came to an abrupt end.


He was a little stunned.

Then, come to your senses.

After a pause, he continued to walk down the mountain.

Return the same way, back to the time of the mountain bag where the bicycle was parked.

In the live broadcast room.

The audience is still talking about the miracle just now.

[It turned out to be a phantom, what is this place?] 】

[Some people say it’s a mirage!] 】

【Mirage? Are you laughing at me for being uneducated? Can you see mirages so close? 】

[Don’t say it yet! ] Mirages are really not something you can’t see when you’re close! 】

[How to say?] 】

[When I went to Gansu to play three years ago, I saw mirages up close in the Gobi! ] 】

[Blow, then blow, the bulls are all fried and you continue to blow]

[I brag, I’m just a piece of!] 】

[can also brag?] 】


So, in the picture.

The streamer rode his bike back to the road where the RV was.

After putting his bike away, he returned to his motorhome.

The clothes on his body are soaked.

He raised his hand and took off his clothes.

At this moment, the live broadcast room suddenly turned and aimed directly at his… Flesh!

[I lean! ] A word does not coincide and suddenly benefits are given! 】

[Wow, this figure, not bad, my sister likes it so much~~ color. ] 】

[Is this the legendary kind of thin when wearing clothes, and taking off clothes are all muscles?] 】

[Brother Guangguang’s figure is so good, I can’t see it~~]


Most of the people who said they liked it were female fans.

Those who expressed surprise were naturally male fans.

In short, a moment of amazement.

After picking up the light and changing into a new piece of clothing.

Back in the cab.

Raising his hand, he took out the booklet from the bag next to him.

Open it.

At this point, the audience can see.

On this booklet, two photos have been pasted.

They are the previous check-in photos of the Perseid meteor shower and the check-in photos of the Changbaishan volcano lightning.

And now, Pick up his hand and take out a new photo.

Dark blue moonlight sea, Namuco night.

He carefully pasted it on the booklet.

Then wrote a few strokes with a pen.

Raised his hand, stroked it gently, and then closed the booklet.

The audience hadn’t had time to send the barrage yet.

The live broadcast room was dark.

【Anchor has been broadcast】

The 2.2 million Time Guards at this moment were disbanded in place.

Ning Chen, started the RV.

Half an hour after he left here.

Several vehicles from the Southwestern University expedition team finally arrived at this location.

The motorhome goes all the way.

In the afternoon, I returned to the city of Lazar.

Ning Chen found a place and ate a meal.

Then back in the RV and hit the road.

Leave Tibet.

Go to the next place.

At nine o’clock in the evening.

The RV has left Tibet and is driving on the Sichuan-Tibet Southern Line.

Next destination.

It just happens to be located in the southwest region.

Tengchong of Yun Province.

Ginkgo Village.

This is one of many place names.

Sometimes people are prone to whim.

For example, when you are touched by a certain moment, you will have a spirit of dedication, hoping to help others and make others happy through your own dedication.

Of course, I hope that in this world, this kind of whim will be a little more.

So at first.

Ning Chen also thought that Si Shiya really belonged to this kind of whim.

That girl would not have chosen to be a police officer if it were not for her sense of justice.

And people with a sense of justice are kind in their hearts.

And the starting point of everything is actually just a documentary he watched with her.

The documentary was about left-behind children in impoverished areas.

Those children are pathetic.

Plus the documentary director’s grasp of people’s hearts is just right, accompanied by sensational music.

At that time, half a pack of paper towels was successfully consumed in Si Shiya’s tears.

Ning Chen also did not object to this kind of sensationalism.

Of course, I hope that this time will be a little more of this sensational documentary.

At least people can know that there are such poor places and such poor children in this world.

But after that.

Si Shiya really said that if she had the opportunity, she must help those poor places.

For example, doesn’t she have a popular law anchor account, you can use that account to bring goods for those poor places, sell special products or something.

For this, there is a while.

She also added a note specifically to her homepage:

[If there are fellow villagers in poor areas who need to bring goods, this anchor is willing to serve] and other words.

However, no one has been looking for her to bring goods…

Later, she also said that if she could, she could go to those places to teach.

In a word.

A woman, after the softness of her heart is touched, is naturally kind, coupled with her zealousness, so she has always had similar thoughts.

Even so, Si Shiya also pulled Ning Chen and chose the corresponding location together.

And among them.

Tengchong’s Ginkgo Village is among them.

Ning Chen remembered that she had pulled him to choose it at that time, and this Gingko Village was still selected by Ning Chen.

The reason why Ning Chen chose this village at that time was not because of whether this village was a poor village.

Rather, it’s because, it’s a good name.

So pick whatever you want.

After that, life and work went according to plan.

In fact, it is difficult for those who work like her to have long vacations.

So, how can we realize this idea of hers.

But Si Shiya was not in a hurry.

She always said that she would come to Japan for a long time, and there was still a lot of time.

There will always be a chance.

It’s really not good, if you have a baby in the future, it’s good to take the baby with you.

But in the end, the result was a will she had already prepared.

In her will, she donated the proceeds from the gift of tips in her live broadcast of law popularization to the caring organization, and the rest was all left to Ning Chen.

That’s the end.

Later, Ning Chen often thought about this matter.

He always wondered why she always loved life so much, that life in her eyes was so beautiful, and that she thought it would continue like this, but she never thought that everything would come to an abrupt end.

Thinking about these things.

Ning Chen drove the car.

His gaze looked ahead, and he drove intently.

On the face, there is no expression.

At this moment, there was no audience in the live broadcast room watching.

In his world, there was only her smile.

I, swear.

I will, love what you love.

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