
The RV drove until the early hours of the morning.

This night, the light collection live broadcast room has not been turned on.

This is very unusual.

Because in the impression of fans.

The diligence of the pick-up anchor should be the first in the whole network.

He broadcasts almost all the time.

Three o’clock in the morning.

The RV entered Sichuan Province.

Next to a small town, RVs are parked.

Ning Chen was ready to spend the night here tonight.

Depart again in the morning.

Follow the new navigation that comes to mind.

The route is very clear, first to Kunming City, Yunnan Province, one day away.

If you don’t stay overnight in the evening, you will pass through Chuxiong, Baoshan, and finally arrive at Tengchong.

Ginkgo Village is a poor village below Tengchong.

Tengchong’s next stop is Dali.

Get into the RV.

Ning Chen half leaned on the head of the bed.

Took out the notebook.

Opened the previous photo again.

He looked at the figure of the man in the photo.

This person is called “Luo San”.

Luo San.

Ning Chen looked at him.

Scorpion tattoo on the neck.

A miniature sniper rifle was used.

Ning Chen slowly closed his eyes.

Although, there are already more clues than before.

However, there is still not much clue.

Too much is missing before the final result.

After a while, he opened his eyes.

Raise your hand and open the search engine.

Three words were entered: [Lee Sei Paste]

These three words were provided by the clue fragments after Nam’s wrong check-in.

Inexplicable three words.

Before this, Ning Chen had never heard of it.

After entering, the results page appears.

In the world where search engines exist.

As long as you have left a trace on the Internet, you may be found.

And the page in front of you, the entry about [Li Sei Balm], there are always more than a dozen pages!

Except for the irrelevance of fuzzy searches.

The rest all point to an exact point.

This “Li Sei Paste” is indeed a person’s name.

But not real names.

is the screen name.

After a few minutes of viewing.

Ning Chen got a definite answer.

“Li Sei Paste” is the screen name of a person who engages in live broadcasts on the Internet.

However, he has not yet found this Li Sei Pao, where to do live broadcasting.

Half an hour later, a message finally appeared.

“Li Sei Pao” is the anchor of the Douyin platform.

Ning Chen’s mobile phone was very clean.

However, there are bucket sound platforms.

It’s just that this live entertainment platform software, he hasn’t opened it for a long time.

Took out his phone.

Find the APP and click to go in.

Instead, it says it’s about to be updated.

After the update, Ning Chen entered Douyin.

The words “Lisai paste” were entered in the search bar.

The first result that pops up.

It’s an anchor.

It’s a male anchor.

With a small flat head, he is dressed in army green clothing and has a simple face.

The name is “Lee Sei Paste (Wabong)”.

Ning Chen looked at this avatar for a long time.

And clicked in.

The other party is not live.

The introduction is simple:

Descendants of the Northern Expeditionary Force, family members, please provide more support, contact information…

Descendants of the Northern Expeditionary Force?

Ning Chen looked at this introduction.

During the war of the last century, 100,000 expeditionary troops entered the army, and in the end, only 30,000 remained.

Of these 30,000, another 20,000 were swallowed.

Many stayed in the local area, married wives and had children.

And this profile says that he is a descendant of the Northern Expeditionary Force.

Home page.

There is no live replay.

However, the number of short video works displayed was 152.

Unfold the work and find that all the short videos are singing.

Each video is only about ten seconds.

In each video, this very simple-looking “Lee Sei Pao” plays and sings by himself, either solo or with several men like him.

The number of followers is nearly one million.

Below each video, there are basically all positive reviews.

The number of likes is not low, each of which basically has tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of likes.

Ning Chen’s fingers crossed, and these works swam.


Clue fragments, will provide such a streamer to him?

But the clue fragment doesn’t have any explanation.

Everything can only be explored by himself.

But it doesn’t matter.

He is now, and the most precious thing is time.

However, the least cherished thing is time.

The rest of his time can be used to find.

Since there is nothing special in this account, except for these one hundred and fifty-two short video works.

So, start with these short video works.

It’s nothing more than looking at it one by one.

Think so.

Ning Chen raised his hand and clicked from the first short video.

In the video, a group of simple big boys, led by Li Seo, hold the guitar and start singing.

A cover of a Chinese song.

From Ning Chen’s point of view.

His singing skills are ordinary.

So the selling point is not how well he sings.

Rather, it lies in the simple and sunny boy feeling shown in this person.

This feeling is easily attractive.

Especially attractive to women.

So I flipped through several short videos.

Ning Chen did not find anything special.

He now has SSS-level insight.

If there is something special, he will perceive it.

Pressing out the phone, Ning Chen lay down and slept.


Half past six in the morning.

Ning Chen got up at the same time.

The light pickup live broadcast room was also turned on at the same time.

From yesterday afternoon to evening, the anchor did not broadcast live.

This came as a surprise to fans who picked up the light.

At this time, I saw that he finally started broadcasting, and although it was only half past six in the morning, thousands of people suddenly poured in.

Many people have just woken up at this time, just brushing their phones on the bed.

[Brother Pick-up, why didn’t you broadcast live last night? ] 】

[Shouldn’t you be carrying us to relax again?] 】

[Where did the sword go?] 】

[The blade of the sword is sharpened, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. ] Hey, hey, hey. 】

[Brother Pick-up, the one before, is it really a mirage? ] 】

[Can you tell us about it?] 】

[Don’t ask, he won’t say it, as long as he is alone, he basically won’t speak.] 】

[Well… But, really curious】

[Where is the anchor going next?] 】

[Watch while walking, just follow him anyway, you won’t let us down! ] 】

【Good morning everyone~】


In this way, everything is a normal beginning.

Until noon.

The streamer has been driving.

Fans have thoroughly adapted to his style.

Everyone now completely regards the live broadcast room of the pick-up anchor as a relaxation welfare club and a stimulating experience hall.

The relaxation is that everyone can gather here and chat together.

And following the anchor’s drive, you may be able to meet beautiful women on the road, and you can still feast your eyes when the time comes.

And the thrill is that this anchor, at least so far, has never let the audience’s waiting go to waste, and he will eventually give his fans a visual feast.

Therefore, patience is the first quality cultivated by viewers and fans in the live broadcast room.


Until a little after noon.

The anchor picks up the light and stops to rest.

The atmosphere on the barrage is also harmonious.

Fans talk about fans, anchors rest anchors.

No one cares about anyone, no one bothers anyone.


The anchor, named Pick-up, took out his mobile phone.

Turned on douyin.

Then, enter a homepage called “Lee Sei Balm”.

Audience, this is where interest comes.

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