[Lee Sei ointment? 】

[Brother Pick-up originally also has a favorite anchor? ] 】

[What kind of anchor is this Li Sei ointment?] Why haven’t you heard of it? 】

[Lee Sei ointment? I’ve heard it! I’ve seen his short videos! 】

[What does he do?] 】

[It is said that it was the Northern Expeditionary Army of that year, a simple and sunny big boy, and a mouthful of white teeth is rare! ] 】

[It’s a cover song, it’s okay to sing, mainly the sunshine cute big boy, it’s not bad~]

[Let’s watch his video too?] 】

On the barrage, there was a heated discussion.

At this time, the number of online people in the live broadcast room was 210,000.

That’s a number, no more, no less.

For the light collection live broadcast room, the number of people online does not matter.

Because, even a second may be tens of thousands.

The next second, it suddenly explodes to hundreds of thousands, which is not unusual.

Many viewers who have seen his miracle of clocking in, although they may not be in his live broadcast room all the time, but they are definitely paying attention at all times.

Because fans have long developed a habit: this anchor may suddenly explode.

Live screen.

The anchor picked up the light and unhurriedly looked at the short video works on the background homepage of Li Sei.

Of course, this also played a certain degree of drainage for that anchor Li Seo.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room also searched for Li Sei paste out of curiosity, and then also went in to see it.

Indeed, as stated on the barrage.

A simple and natural big boy.

Half an hour later, the RV restarted and continued to move forward.

Tokai City Bureau.

At this time.

A large conference is taking place.

The evidence of the photo in Ning Chen’s live broadcast room before has been reported.

Important instructions were given above:

This is an important clue.

In a way, it helps to reactivate the case that has been sealed for two years.

But the confrontation between police and bandits that took place in Donghai City two years ago.

Except for the bandits who were killed on the spot.

Only a small minions were captured alive.

But the information provided by this little minions is very limited.

The organization is cunning, and the internal management is in a tree structure.

Each branch can only know the management node above, and the compartments are completely closed between them.

This has created a great obstacle to the idea of following the vine.

The most recent breakout point.

It was last summer.

In Yun Province, a small gang of D traffickers was dismantled, and during the interrogation, it was discovered that one of them had been a fugitive in the major case in the Donghai case in May 20.

But the interrogation process remained unsatisfactory.

The other party only knows the person above him, and knows nothing else about other things.


Nor can it be said that there was no gain at all.

At least, this breakthrough point made the Donghai City Bureau’s gaze shift from the scope of the Eastern Province to the Yun Province outside the Eastern Province.

In turn, the idea is expanded.

After all, Yun Province is the southern border, bordering the Golden Triangle of Southeast Asia.

And the reputation of the Golden Triangle is world-famous.

But it also complicates the whole case.

Because if it really expands to Yun Province, or even, the Golden Triangle beyond the border.

Then, this case has to become a major case of transnational organized crime.

After that, there was no new breakthrough point.

Until now.

The female police superintendent Shiya who died two years ago, Ning Chen, was her fiancé at the time.

Two years later, the live broadcast started, and the police found the photo outside his live broadcast room.

This photo does not target the entire case.

Instead, it pointed directly to the direct murderer of the policewoman back then.

In a way, this is another way of thinking that can make a breakthrough.

After all, the city bureau and department focus on the overall situation, and it is the intricacies behind the case itself.

On the other hand for Ning Chen, his focus was relatively small.

He only cares about who killed his fiancée.

Scorpion tattoo, strong figure.

This is the information from that photo.

The era of big data.

There will be no hiding place for all crimes.

At least, Sky Eye monitoring everywhere in the country.

Can be fully utilized by the police.

Today’s small meeting of the Donghai City Bureau was authorized by the hall.

The Donghai Municipal Bureau was asked to discuss the possibility of monitoring big data through Sky Eye and exploring the possibility of carrying out layout work in relevant provinces.

For example, the two major provinces of Eastern Province and Yun Province.

Through the monitoring big data of the sky eye, men with these two characteristics are screened.

It’s actually very simple.

It is to monitor important occasions and traffic nodes in each city of these two provinces, and continuously summarize, select and give real-time feedback.

Look for people who “have a scorpion tattoo on their neck and the proportions of their body match the proportions of the photo”.

It sounds simple and straightforward.

However, to operate, it is actually very complicated.

First of all, the work coordination of other cities in the province, and secondly, if it is to cross provinces, there must be the work cooperation and coordination of the provincial and municipal units in Yun Province.

This in itself is already a big project.

and filter and screen monitored content.

This is almost an unlikely task in terms of quantity.

Imagine, how many cities and counties are there in two provinces?

How many are there for the monitoring of important occasions and traffic nodes in these cities and counties?

And every day, hour, minute, so much monitoring, how much monitoring content must be left, and how many people must be included?

These work.

Even with the current big data artificial intelligence assistance to complete.

However, labor is inevitable.

It is very difficult for a Donghai City Bureau to complete this work.

This is equivalent to the fact that the police of each city bureau have to work overtime, night and day in the next time, and even so, it is still unknown whether they can make a breakthrough in the end.

This method is not smart.

However, the real world is not fiction.

In the novel, film and television, there is drama, there is coincidence, there is the famous detective Conan, there is the ghost Moholmus, and there are too many flashes of evidence emerge.

This is not the reality.

Solving a case in reality is very difficult, difficult, but not to lose the slightest detail, otherwise the previous achievements will be lost.

This requires the efforts of the vast number of civilian police on the front line.

Above, this job was handed over to the Donghai City Bureau.

I hope they will be the spearhead of this serious restart two years ago.

At this time.

More than a hundred policemen sat in the conference hall.

One by one, sit squarely.

Their eyes are shining with hope and expectation.

One hundred and thirty-three policemen meeting today.

All of them, the participants and insiders of the serious case two years ago.

Each of them is a good comrade-in-arms of the policewoman who died back then.

It’s been two years.

It’s been two whole years.

Everyone thinks it’s going to be a permanent headless case.

Until now, two years later.

They learned that there was another person who had been holding on to the same place.

This moved them at the same time, but also shocked, and regained their confidence.

Now, a small clue has finally emerged.

Then, even with endless effort, they have to do it.

For the sake of dead comrades.

On the rostrum, Bureau Chief Liu Zhiguo slowly got up.

In the conference hall, one hundred and thirty-three brave men also brushed up in unison.

Director Liu Zhiguo looked at the full hall.

“Comrades, I, Liu Zhiguo, am fifty-six years old this year, and in three and a half years, it will be time to retire.”

“Thirty-three years ago, I joined the Donghai City Bureau, and this job is thirty-three years.”

“In the past thirty-three years, I have been dedicated to my duty and with my best efforts, I have fulfilled my commitment to the logo on my hat.”

“Standing in this hall today, you are all good men of the country and good daughters of the country!”

“The case two years ago must have an explanation!”

“We must give an explanation to the people, and we, must, have to give an explanation to our dead comrades-in-arms!”

After speaking, Liu Zhiguo turned around.

His gaze flashed with determination and unquestionable light.

On the giant screen in the rear hall, a huge red police badge appeared.

Liu Zhiguo slowly raised his fist.

“I, Liu Zhiguo!”

At the same time, the audience followed their names in unison.

“I, Yang Lei!”

“I, Zhao Mengmeng!”

“I, Sun Chenran!”

“I, Li Jiale !”

“I, Hu Zicheng!”

“I ,……”


“Volunteer to become a people’s police and dedicate yourself to the noble cause of people’s public security!”

“Resolutely be loyal to the country, serve the people, enforce the law fairly, and be disciplined!”

“Unswervingly be the builder of the country and the defender of the people, and strive to maintain the overall stability of society, promote social fairness and justice, and ensure that the people live and work in peace and contentment!”

“Oath taker: Liu Zhiguo!”

The audience, under the leadership of the director, relived the oath of joining the police that year.

After taking the oath, Director Liu Zhiguo turned around and looked at the audience:

“Comrades, this case, which has been sealed for two years, began today, starting with our Donghai City Bureau, and declared war on them again!”

(Tonight to tomorrow before six o’clock in the morning, there will be ten chapters in one breath, readers don’t have to stay up late and wait, the author is a chapter to upload a chapter, everyone can watch it together tomorrow~)

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