Two o’clock in the morning.

Ning Chen’s RV finally arrived at Tengchong.

And at this time.

Pick up the old irons in the live broadcast room.

I still don’t know where the anchor is at the moment.

In short, they followed the anchor’s live broadcast room, walking blindly with dark lights all night.

Until this point, the number of people in the live broadcast room was only tens of thousands.

Most people, after a day of idleness and gag chatter.

Finally, I couldn’t stay up anymore and left the live broadcast room one by one.

And immediately after, the live broadcast room is also dark.

The tens of thousands of people who finally persevered, after all, did not wait for the explosive moment that they expected to happen to the anchor Pick-up.

【Anchor has been broadcast】

Ning Chen got up and left the RV.

After getting out of the car, look ahead.

A very ordinary county seat.

Although it is a county-level city, it is only a relatively large county town as a whole.

At this time, it was two o’clock in the morning.

The whole county has fallen asleep.

Except for the vehicles that occasionally run by on the road next to you.

and the dim yellow street lamps that were silent one after another on the side of the road.

Tonight, spend the night here.

Early tomorrow morning, head to the ginkgo village below.

Well, after going.

What to do?

Ning Chen returned to the RV, washed up, and lay down.

Well, after going. What to do?

He thought about it.

For a long time, the moon outside the window was silent.

He was also silent.

Later, I turned over the Li Sei paste and looked at a few of his works.

One thing came to his mind.

I got up and pulled the suitcase out.

Unzip unzippered.

Take out a box from the inside.

Inside the box, there is a small hairpin and a mobile phone wrapped in a pink phone case.

These two things are relics of Shiya back then.

He carries it all the time.

Previously, he would charge her phone from time to time, and he would continue to pay.

But, that’s about it.

He hadn’t opened it again for a long time.

After unlocking.

Ning Chen entered the Douyin platform.

Douyin platform.

It is the live broadcast platform where Shiya was when she did a live broadcast of law popularization before her death.

After updating the software.

Enter Douyin.

Shiya’s Douyin live broadcast account:

【Shiya’s Little House of Pufa】

When I saw the account avatar again, that smile.

Ning Chen looked at her smile.


This account, the number of fans is 670,000.

In fact, Shiya’s previous fans were less than 300,000.

The remaining 370,000 were spontaneously searched and concerned by the masses who knew about this matter after her sacrifice.

But after that, it basically never went up again.

It’s been two years, and no one remembers that anymore.

Therefore, it is likely that they are all dead fans, but if they are broadcast again, at least there will still be people watching it.

Then, Ning Chen saw a message message in the background.

Somewhat unexpected.

Open the message list.

Unexpectedly, I found that this message message.

Sent on 5/19/20.

It was just a few days after her death two years ago.

The other party may not have known about it at the time.

But it’s been almost two and a half years since then.

Expand Messages:

[Hello Shiya anchor, I often watch your live broadcast, I like you very much, see your description on the homepage, you are willing to bring goods for poor areas. ] I am a volunteer teacher in Tengchong Gingko Village, Yun Province, two years after graduating from university, the life of the villagers here is very difficult, the children’s classrooms are very broken, and they urgently need help. There are many local specialties, but there are no sales channels, if you wish, I hope you can lend a helping hand and help them bring goods, can you? Contact:……】

The sender is an account named “Ginkgo Female Teacher”.

See the word Ginkgo.

Ning Chen was also stunned for a while.

Everything is really a magical force, arranged in the underworld.

The system arranged for him again and again, Shiya’s last wishes.

And now, it led him to this place.

Let him happen to see this message.

It seems that fate has long been in the dark, and everything has been arranged.

Just waiting for him to come.

This is a message from a year and a half ago.

If Shiya was still there.

She will definitely jump up with joy.

This will be the first time she has received an application for help from a poverty-stricken area.

Although, she has always been just a small anchor who is not too small, but not too popular.

I don’t know, can I still get in touch now?

Ning Chen looked at the phone.

Thought about it.

Raised his hand and dialed over.

It was a little after two o’clock in the morning.

The phone beeped for a while, and finally someone answered.

“Hello?” On the other side, a woman’s gentle and sleepy voice.

“Hello.” Ning Chen said.

“You are?”

“On 5/19/20, you left a message for a popular law anchor named ‘Shiya’, wanting to ask her to help bring goods to your poor village.” Ning Chen’s tone was calm, but he spoke clearly.

After the other party’s pause, Ning Chen heard the sound of the futon.

He knew she was sitting up.

“Oh – yes, yes! Right, right! Oh, my God! I thought there would never be a reply! I didn’t expect to get a call tonight – eh? You are? The other party was stunned and reacted suddenly.

Shiya anchor is a policewoman.

The other party on the phone, but it was a man.

“I’m Shiya’s fiancé, hello.”

“Oh, so…” the other laughed, “Hello, hello! My name is Yao Shu, your surname is yours? ”

“My surname is Ning.”

“Hello Mr. Ning, Shiya anchor her…”

“Oh, there was an emergency, and now I’m using her account to do it.”

On the other end of the phone, the female teacher heard Ning Chen say this.

Also stunned.

As a fan who has taken the initiative to leave a message for Shiya anchor.

Later, Yao Shu naturally knew about that.

But now, the man, who calls himself Shiya’s fiancé, just said, “There has been an emergency.”

“Okay, Mr. Ning! Thank you! Yao Shu said.

But immediately after, inside, it is also a little complicated.


She really didn’t expect it.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, I actually got a reply again.

And now, it is no longer possible for Shiya anchors to bring goods for them.

Tonight, it was her fiancé who said that he called and offered to help.

This is a good thing, and naturally we should appreciate the kindness of others.


Even as an outsider, Yao Shu knows that this kind of thing is not so simple.

After all, it can’t be that Shiya anchor himself.

And the purpose of Yao Shu’s help.

She just wanted to ask the other party to help bring goods to her poor village.

This kind of goods, Yao Shu also understands a little.

It all depends on the charm of the anchor himself and the trust that fans have in the anchor himself.

It’s not Shiya anchor herself, change to another person to bring the goods.

All right?

It shouldn’t work…

The online world, sensibility and reality, are often in one thought.

Netizens are not fools.

The policewoman named Shiya has been sacrificed for two years.

In the past two years, the live broadcast room of [Shiya’s small house of popularizing the law] has no more operation.

How many original fans remain, this is unknown.

If this Mr. Ning now uses the Shiya live broadcast room to reopen the live broadcast to bring goods.

Even if there is an audience, will the audience be disgusted by this?

Everything is unknown.


Then again.

Yes, it’s better than nothing.

The village where Yao Shu is located is really too poor.

The two sides made an appointment to make an appointment early tomorrow morning.

Yao Shu would pick up Ning Chen at the township bus station below the county seat.

So, after hanging up the phone.

Yao Shu thought, no longer sleepy, get dressed, and go to find the old village chief of Gingko Village.

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