Yao Shu left the dormitory where she lived.

I flashed a flashlight on my mobile phone and went to the old branch secretary’s house in the village.

She wanted to inform Lao Zhishu of this matter as soon as possible.

She lives in the school dormitory, the teacher’s dormitory at Ginkgo Village Rural Primary School.

Yao Shu is twenty-six years old this year.

Her story began with the passions and ideals of her college days.

I studied teacher training in college.

Originally, after graduating step by step, she could return to her hometown of Kunming City, and the teacher training she studied was subordinate, and after graduation, she would be directly assigned and could enter a good school in the provincial capital city.

This was originally the envy of everyone.

However, when people are young, they are easily seduced by the blood of youth.

At that time, there were four girls in their dormitory.

The four girls are all hot-blooded, perhaps because they have heard too many stories about giving without expecting anything in return.

The deeds of those who volunteered to teach in the field of education.

Deeply infected them.

So the four girls in the dormitory, in the junior year, were agreed.

At that time, apply together to go to the poor areas of the province to teach.

This kind of thing, as long as you apply, the processing efficiency above is definitely ten thousand times faster than you think.

Even at the graduation ceremony.

In his speech, the principal also praised these four girls by name.

Yao Shu still remembers the pride in her heart at that time.

Unexpectedly, many people said that she was stupid behind her back.

She also retorted at that time, there are more such fools in this world, it is good~

Dreams are full.

The reality is often skinny.

After coming to Gingko Village, Yao Shu knew.

A place can be impoverished to such an extent.

To what point?

At present, there is not a single place in the eastern country that does not have electricity.

However, at that time, Gingko Village was one of the last villages in the country to be electrified!

Come together to the dormitory of the four people in Ginkgo Village.

Two, after holding out for half a year, chose to leave.

The remaining one, after holding out for another half a year, also left.

Yao Shu is the only remaining fruit.

And, I still hold on to it to this day.

So far this year, she has been teaching in Ginkgo Village for more than four years.

From graduating from college at the age of twenty-two to the current age of twenty-six.

Twenty-six years old, unmarried, normal in a big city.

But in second-, third- and fourth-tier cities, they have basically begun to enter the ranks of leftover women.

Isn’t it excellent? Of course excellent.

Isn’t it pretty? She is recognized as the most beautiful female teacher in Ginkgo Village.

However, there is no way.

Yao Shu works as a classroom teacher at Gingko Village Rural Primary School.

The primary school has seven teachers, plus a principal, who himself is the eighth teacher.

The children of the village, as well as the children of the neighboring villages, are the students of the school.

Conditions at Ginkgo Village Primary School are very difficult.

Students in the classroom, leaking air.

The local climate is warm, and the so-called four seasons are like spring, which originally does not matter.

But at the beginning of last year, the global climate was strange, and heavy snow fell in the south, causing heavy snowfall.

The winter in Yun Province that year was particularly cold.

In the winter, the children huddled in the classroom, and the teacher huddled the children together and even lit the stove.

Then one day, the window glass somehow shattered.

Only glue with paper and plastic sheeting.

The children were frostbitten on their hands and feet.

After that, Yao Shu thought that this was not a method.

The people in the village didn’t have that idea.

She is a high-achieving student and always has ideas.

Isn’t the village producing local specialties?

This could have been profitable.

However, Gingko Village is far from the nearest county seat, Tengchong County.

Coupled with backward infrastructure, there is no serious path.

As a result, Ginkgo Village is extremely closed, and there are local specialties, and it is very unrealistic to pull them to the county to sell.

The e-commerce platform gave Yao Shu an idea.

After that, Yao Shu began to carry goods anchors online.

I want to find some anchors with goods to help bring the specialties of Ginkgo Village.

Generate income for the village.

In this way, the village primary school can be renovated next year.


She found a lot of anchors.

At first, the other party heard that it was to bring goods to poor villages, but they did not object.

However, when I learned that the local products of Ginkgo Village were all retail households, I stopped working on them one by one.

The reason is simple.

People bring goods anchors, but also need profit income.

For retail investors, it is doomed that the number of goods cannot be too large.

And the number is insufficient, it is difficult for anchors with goods to obtain greater profits.

This is equivalent to taking time without much return.

In this way, Yao Shu hit a wall everywhere.

Until she saw the [Shiya’s small house of Pufa] live broadcast room.

This “Shiya anchor” actually said that he was willing to bring goods to poor villages.

That’s why she sent a message.

And right now, this call in the early morning made Yao Shu very happy.

After all, anyway, somebody was willing to help.

Even if it is no longer possible to be the anchor himself.

But again, yes, it’s better than nothing.

Yao Shu really doesn’t want to see the children’s frostbitten hands and feet again this winter.

Lao Zhishu opened the door for Teacher Yao Shu in his clothes.

“Teacher Yao? What’s going on at this late hour? “Old Branch Book, Chen Liu Old Man, has been the Gingko Village Branch Secretary for half his life.

Yao Shu roughly explained the matter to Lao Zhishu.

The old man who listened to it smiled, and he was a little at a loss.

“Oh yo, Teacher Yao, this is a big help to Ginkgo Village!” Lao Zhishu muttered, “In this way, you just have to pick up that anchor gentleman, and I will go door to door to notify now!” ”

“When that gentleman comes tomorrow, we will be ready and do our best to welcome this kind gentleman!”

After saying that.

Yao Shu went directly, stepping on the moonlight, and a villager drove a tricycle towards the township bus station.

She had to leave now to reach the township bus station before tomorrow morning to pick up the “Mr. Ning.”

In this way, the old man Chen Liu, the old man of the old branch book, with a crutch, began to knock door to door.

The people of the village, who were woken up in the early hours of the morning, learned the news.

All of them were sleepless, and they were all excited.

Two years ago, Teacher Yao proposed to ask the anchor to help bring goods to generate income for the village.

Really very good.

But no anchor with goods is willing to help.

Now, two years later, the villagers of Gingko Village have long lost hope.

Unexpectedly, tonight, there was such a big good news.

The villagers stopped sleeping, and all gathered in the courtyard of the old man Chen Liu’s house to hold a meeting.

The old branch secretary arranged it in an orderly manner.

Tomorrow, who’s doing what and who’s doing what, it’s all arranged.

Look at the time, it’s almost five o’clock in the morning.

The villagers also dispersed and went to prepare.

And at this time.

Still in Tengchong County.

Ning Chen sleeping in an RV.

Suddenly somehow.

The eyelids jumped a few times.

The left eye jumps to the wealth, and the right eye jumps to the disaster.

He jumped a few times in his right eyelid.

Then, just keep jumping.

Ning Chen woke up and looked at the time, it was not yet five o’clock.

However, the right eyelid jumped sharply.

He would never have imagined it.

Wait a minute, a few hours later.

When he arrives at that Ginkgo Village, what a scene will he see!

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