Anji City.

Southern Frontier Children’s School.

In the second half of the last century, this school was also beautiful.

At that time, there were many mainlanders who came to develop southern Xinjiang.

This school was established to accommodate their children in school.

This school was once the best school in Nancheng.

However, after entering the new century, various education groups began to join forces and monopolize the source of students.

The school for children in the southern realm began to gradually fall into loneliness.

Thirteen years ago, it was packaged out by the local education bureau.

Originally, it was also intended to operate under the model of public and private interests.

However, it has been left behind by the other two key high schools in the city.

But despite this, the number of students in this school still reached several thousand.

After all, although it is not as important as the two schools in the market, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and the Southern Frontier Children’s High School, although the name is a little dirty, is still the boss in the second echelon.

It is the first choice for students and parents who cannot score in key high schools, but are not willing to go to too poor schools.

So in general, the annual promotion rate of children’s schools, among which the key rate, is much better than the first two leaders in the non-listing, but it is still much better than the schools below.

After all, many parents also understand.

If you let your own children go to the worse high schools below, or even vocational high schools, it will really be wasted.

Children’s school is their only option at the moment.

Of course, another way: school choice, which is more common.

School selection means that the score of the high school entrance examination is not enough to enter the children’s school, but if the family conditions permit, you can pay for it.

In recent years, the school selection fee for children’s schools has also risen.

Despite the above three orders and five voices, it is not allowed to choose a school.

However, the abolition of the title of school choice does not mean that the fact of school choice does not exist.

It’s just a different way of saying it, from choosing a school to borrowing reading, and the essence is still the same.

And this, is doomed.

The students in the Southern Realm Children’s School must be mixed.

At least.

The man stood early in the morning at the window of the hotel opposite the school, observing the school.

His black blade was placed on the table behind him.

Across the road, at the gate of the school, students kept entering.

It was almost eight o’clock in the morning.

It stands to reason that high school students arrive at school at least before seven o’clock.

And the students who arrived late, as can be seen from their dress, should not be too normal students.

He even saw a student with dyed hair.

At the school gate, there are also security guards on the middle level of the school, and there are clashes.

According to what those people said last night.

The man named Luo San did have a connection with them.

To be precise, Luo San is the presence above them that Li Sei anointsed.

But this person is not easy to find.

Suspicion is heavy and he never reveals his position.

So once there is a need in this area, it is common to let a person named “Zaizi” in this school go to deliver the message.

What is basically certain is.

This “boy” is just a small piece of Luo San’s message in this area.

Luo San once killed a policeman with a miniature sniper in Donghai City.

This kind of person, of course, cannot be mixed with people on the high school campus.

However, this kind of person is very cunning, he understands the dangers of modern means of communication, and he also understands the dangers that people bring to themselves.

Therefore, he chose the bad teenager on the middle school campus as the messenger he needed, safe and easy to control.

There should be more than one such messenger.

But this man standing at the window of the hotel, he now, just needs to find that one.

He had the contact information of this “boy” that he had obtained from them last night.

A morning of waiting.

Anji City is small, and this school does not need to be boarded.

School ends at noon and students leave campus to go home for dinner.

The flow of people began to pour out from the school gate.

The man dialed that number.

After a while, the other head answered.

But the other party did not speak first, but waited.

Probably because it was seen as a strange call.

In hotels.

The man whispered, “Hey?”

“Who are you?” the other was the voice of a middle school boy.

“Are you, boy?” said the man.

“Oh… Are you?”

“I was introduced by Brother Dog, I heard that Luo Liang has white goods there? ”

The other party, stop talking.

After a while, the boy spoke and said, “Zheng.” That S forced. ”

“I won’t give you less money. As long as you have the goods. ”

Zai Zi listened to the other party.

To say that it is not moved, it is impossible.

But the control is not with him.

He’s just an errand runner.

Luo Liang has the goods on hand.

“I have to tell Luo Liang, you wait. “Boy was about to hang up the phone.

“I think it’s better if we talk, I won’t let you suffer.” The other end of the phone said.

The boy was stunned.

At this time, he was standing at the school gate.

“What do you mean?” said Zaiko.

“I can give you a high price so that you can get some rebates from the middle, as for how you get the goods, I don’t care, I just want to get it quickly, what do you think?” said the other end of the phone.

This boy, listen to the other party say so.

To say that it is not moved, it is impossible.

He followed Luo Liang.

At the same time, there is another extra job – running errands for Luo Liang and his father, who can get 500 yuan a month.

And this extra work was secretly arranged by Luo Liang and his father, in order to let him monitor Luo Liang at the same time.

“It’s not convenient to say on the phone, let’s meet and say, where are you?” said Zaizi.

“The hotel opposite your school, third floor, 306. The other end of the phone said.

“You asked me to come to you?” The boy’s security vigilance was still quite high.

“Then you can choose your own place, I don’t care. The other said.

The boy thought about it, naturally he wanted to be safe, “Half an hour later, you are at the intersection in front, do you see – it’s under that traffic light, how is it?”

“Yes. After the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Zizi felt that he was a little excited.

In the matter of white goods, there are big profits.

The point is that if he secretly eats kickbacks from the middle, so that he is unaware of the ghost, there is no harm in it.

So, when the time comes, raise the price.

Half past twelve noon.

Boy, already standing at the traffic light at the intersection in advance.

After a while.

He saw a young man coming this way.

The young man looked like he had stopped Sven, and at first the boy didn’t pay attention to the man.

After all, how can that kind of person be an addict?

However, the man walked straight towards him.

That’s when the boy realized.

“Hello. The other said.

“Oh…” Zaiko looked at him and thought for a moment, “Let’s find a place with fewer people.” ”

After that, the boy walked forward.

The man followed him.

The two arrived at a small square in front.

sat down in a chair.

The boy was about to speak.

Suddenly, there was a red color in front of his eyes.

The man next to him actually directly pulled out a stack of hundred yuan bills and placed them on the chair.

Before seeing it, Zaizi’s eyes were a little straight, and he swallowed his saliva.

The man looked at him, “If you feel that this money is not enough, I can continue to add it.” ”

“But I want to know something. ”

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