(PS: It’s a little Kavin today, so the update is a little late, and I’ve been smoothing out the following ideas during the day, and it’s smooth at night…) )

Look at the stack of hundred-dollar bills on the chair.

That thickness, Zai Zi felt, at least, had to have thousands…

Thousands of them.

He swallowed.

He looked around, but his hand reached for the stack of money.

“Pay with one hand and deliver with the other. The man held his hand.

The boy’s hand retracted and looked at the man.

“What do you want to know?”

The man sat up straight and looked ahead.

“Your goods, all from the one you said-Luo Liang, take it from him?”

“Hmm. ”

“How can he get the white goods?” the man said.

The boy became vigilant again and did not speak.

The man looked at him, “You suspect I’m taking your words?”

The boy didn’t gnaw.

The man raised his hand, pulled out five hundred yuan bills, and placed them on the previous stack of money.

Boy, staring at the stack of money.

Swallowed again.

The man raised his hand, pulled out five hundred yuan bills, and put them on the stack again…

Boy, staring at the stack of money.

This time, the Adam’s apple came to a standstill.

The man raised his hand again.

was held down by the boy, “Big brother – you don’t, you don’t – you are like this, I panic… If you know anything, just ask. ”

“Tell me about Luo Liang. ”


“All right. ”

Boy, nodded.

Boy, let out a long breath.

Another glance at the large bill on the chair.

After Luo Liang graduated from high school, he will definitely become a real criminal.

Zaiko said this first.

His father is a man on the road, and it is said that his mother ran away with people a long time ago, and I heard that his father often beat him when he was a child, hanging him and smoking him with a belt.

Later, when I grew up, I stopped fighting.

Luo Liang was already famous inside and outside the school when he was in junior high school.

He followed the bastards outside until his father paid him a high price and mixed into his children’s high school.

He often took his horseboys at school and beat other students.

Basically, every week or two, you can see Luo Liang with people sitting on the steps at the gate of the teaching building.

Do you know what he’s doing? Collect protection money.

The boy passing by, whether he knows him or not, has to hand it to him.

If you don’t hand it over, you will directly pull it to the toilet to beat.

Some teachers know about it and take care of it, but it is useless.

A female teacher was also threatened on the spot by Luo Liang, the female teacher was pregnant at the time, had never seen such a student, and was almost scared to death.

In the second year of high school, Luo Liang took a few bastards outside the school to target a beautiful girl in our school’s out-of-school class, and dragged the girl to the van in the alley on the girl’s way from school, and gave it to that.

The girl studied well and looked beautiful, but because the conditions at home were a little poor, her personality had always been very shy.

Perhaps it was because of this that Luo Liang dared to make a move on her.

Later, the girl’s belly was big, and she was found by the school, and when she asked her, she just cried and did not dare to say.

Later, the girl and her grandparents came to the school and cried all day, asking the school to give an explanation.

Later, I don’t know if Luo Liang and his father used any means, anyway, the girl dropped out of school, and things were somehow calmed down, and then I don’t know how.

That girl is actually quite pitiful, her parents have been divorced since she was a child, her parents don’t want her, she can only live with her grandparents, her grandfather’s legs are still lame, she has studied since she was a child, but she was ruined by people like Luo Liang.

When Zaizi spoke, he was actually gritting his teeth.

The grass is fucking, even a rotten person like me can’t stand it, fucking the world!

He said, spitting on the ground.

Oh yes.

This thing, after this thing.

I followed Luo Liang, and it was after this incident that I started.

Luo Liang and his father sent someone to find me once, let me follow Luo Liang in the future, monitor Luo Liang, and once I find that Luo Liang is not good with those people outside, let me report to him. What dare I say? I can only say yes.

To put it bluntly, his father just installed me, in the name of my brother, next to Luo Liang.

People like Luo Liang, as I said just now, will definitely be a very dangerous criminal when they grow up in the future.

He inherited his dad’s violent genes, born to belong.

His father is a person on the road, and I heard that he seems to be a member of a large gang, let alone a good person.

On the other hand, Luo Liang’s father does not know whether it is because he is older, or because he sees his son gradually growing up, in short, although his father knows that Luo Liang has not studied well, he still does not want Luo Liang to embark on this road.

Therefore, Luo Liang’s father may be a bigger bastard, but he really loves Luo Liang in his bones.

He may become a criminal later, but his father does not want him to.

Zizi repeated, but there was a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth.

When Zai Zi was talking, he seemed to have forgotten that he himself was not a good bird.

So, speaking of which.

This boy couldn’t hold it.

Until the man next to him suddenly interrupted him:

“Where did his white goods come from?”

“He? stolen from his dad!” said Zaiko.

“His father is engaged in this kind of business, this kind of thing, in the southern territory, is not uncommon, but his father is the kind of business that belongs to a large gang, not the kind of ordinary street two-kick little D peddler.” Zaizi added.

The man next to him nodded, “The amount I need may be relatively large, I’m afraid, I can’t be the master.” ”

After speaking, he did not wait for the boy to react.

Raising his hand, he shoved the stack of bills on the chair directly into Zizi’s hand.

“This is a reward for you,” the man said, “but I need a relatively large amount of goods, and I need to talk directly to that Luo Liang, and even he may not be able to supply me.” ”

Zaizi looked at the money in his hand, and his eyes lit up.

“You can rest assured of this, Luo Liang has always been a comer! he knows how to get goods from his father!”

“But I’ll have to meet him, if I want a long-term partnership.” The man next to him looked at the boy.

The boy looked at him for a long time.

I’ll take you — but. ”

Zaizi paused, “This money just now, as you just said, is an additional reward for me, so you have to keep it secret.” ”

“Don’t worry. The man said.


Boy leads the way.

Take this man to Luo Liang’s house.

Along the way, Zai Zi said.

“His father is not at home at this time, otherwise I wouldn’t dare to take you to Luo Liang.” ”

“Luo Liang’s family is not far from the school, it can’t be said to be their home, this house is Luo Liang’s father for Luo Liang’s high school, specially rented near the school, his father will come to live from time to time, probably because next year will be the college entrance examination, his father seems to be very interested in Luo Liang’s study-” So said, the boy smiled.

Such a father, for such a son, is still more and more attentive. ”

“Yes. ”

“Well, what is it?” the boy was stunned and glanced at the man next to him.

The man nodded, “It’s funny, but it’s the only thing that makes people feel warm and human, isn’t it? ”

“Hmm… Well, think about it this too. The boy shrugged, nodded, and looked ahead, “Oh, this is the community.” ”

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