“I am Liu Zhiguo of the Donghai City Bureau, please speak. ”

Large screen in the conference hall.

The Donghai City Bureau is on a video call with the Anji City Bureau.

In the video, a man in a police uniform.

At this time, he was still at the scene.

The environment is somewhat noisy.

“Yes, comrade, we found the building you are talking about in the afternoon. ”

“What you see now—” The other person gave the camera out.

In the picture, several police cars are parked in front of an old building.

There were also many onlookers around.

Several ambulances were also at the scene.

From time to time, stretchers carrying people come out of the building.

“Comrade, what happened to this building, is it related to that Li Sei ointment?” Seeing this scene, the people of the Donghai City Bureau all felt the seriousness of the problem.

“This is the situation on our side. ”

“At five o’clock in the afternoon we searched the building. ”

“The first to third floors of this building belong to ordinary rental houses, and there are no special circumstances, but-” The other party’s voice was very loud and his speech was also very fast, “Starting from the fourth floor, the floors above, all the way to the sixth floor, are all privately chartered, we are on the fifth and sixth floors!”

The other party raised his hand and pointed to the location upstairs.

“Found a total of fourteen people, these fourteen…”

The camera turns to the person who is being supported by the police, or directly carried out on a stretcher.

On the screen, you can see it.

These people who came out all described as withered, and their faces were all scars.

What’s more, the clothes were covered with blood, which looked like they had been whipped with leather whips, causing the flesh and blood to stick to the clothes.

The whole scene is miserable.

“At present, our preliminary judgment is that the fourteen people rescued from this building belong to illegal imprisonment, and the longest has been imprisoned for up to a year!”

“According to some of them, there were more people before, but some were transferred one after another, and they were all deceived by network C at first, many of them were people from other parts of the inner province!”

“They are said to be a criminal gang led by a man known as ‘Dog Brother’, and the total number of this gang is currently presumed to be between four and sixteen. ”

“When we found these victims, they were all chained and all concentrated on the fifth and sixth floors. ”

In the conference room of the Tokai City Bureau.

Everyone watched, listened.

So many victims, both men and women.

One by one, they have been tortured to the point of not being human.

It’s hard to imagine that such a thing could exist in an old building that looks ordinary!

Thinking of the background sound in the video he found in Ning Chen’s live broadcast room before.

It even made everyone present in the Donghai City Bureau shudder!

I really can’t think of it.

Under Lang Lang Qiankun, there is such a shameful thing hidden.

Director Liu Zhiguo paused, “That is to say, this is a large-scale cross-provincial C-sale and illegal detention case?

“It seems so,” the other party said, “but it is very likely that it is more than that, and the information obtained from the victims so far indicates that this is likely to be more than just the illegal detention of C pin, but also – most likely, there is!”

“Human organs are re-sold!”

As these words came out, a chill began to spread in the conference room of the Donghai City Bureau.

“By the way, the ‘Lee Sei ointment’ you said has been identified from the victim!”

“Among the victims, many of them first took the bait because they watched the promotion of ‘Li Sei Paste’ in the video on a certain platform, and came to Anji City from the introspection, originally to find a job or the so-called opportunity to make a fortune, took the initiative to contact ‘Li Sei Paste’, and then they were controlled. ”

“‘Lee Seo’, is the leader of this gang, the person called ‘Brother Dog’!”

“In general, thank you very much, for providing such accurate information! It is really unimaginable!”

Tokai City Bureau.

Yaque was silent.

At this time.

Everyone present at the Tokai City Bureau.

In the mind, only thinking about one person.

That was Ning Chen.

Everything was discovered by him.

And he, just that night, through one of so many videos in the background of Li Seo, from the details that are difficult for ordinary people to find in a screenshot of that video, let everything, all – the dust settled!

Present, no one said a word for half a day.

On everyone’s arms, a layer of goosebumps appeared.

This layer of goosebumps is not because of what happened in Anji’s building that I saw in the video call at this time.

Rather, because of the anchor called Pick-up in the live broadcast room.

Ning Chen.

“Comrade, our Donghai City Bureau’s preliminary judgment is that the man named Ning Chen we told you about before has already gone to your Anji City, and he is very likely to go to this Li Sai Anointing. ”

“The reason why we were able to determine the location of Lee Sei paste before was also because of him. ”

“When you searched that building over there, did you find anything else—for example, related to it?” said Director Liu Zhiguo.

What we are most concerned about now is this man named Ning Chen.

At the end of the video, the other party looked at the record and nodded.

“By the way, there are some, and there are some discoveries in the location of the corridor on the fourth floor. ”

“This criminal gang should live on the fourth floor. ”

“We can’t determine the exact time yet, but it’s likely that ten hours ago — between last night and the wee hours of the morning — the fourth floor location must have been where a fight-like behavior took place.” ”

“The chain of the iron door at the entrance of the stairs on the fourth floor was artificially broken, and the current preliminary judgment should be that it should be directly pried off by knives and the like. ”

“Fourth floor corridor, with blood stains. ”

“On the wall, there are also knives chopping – to be precise, it should be the marks of knives inserted into the wall, not very deep, indicating that the skill and strength of the knife person are extraordinary. ”

“Blood stains were also in a room on the fourth floor, and there were many. ”

“In addition, there were bloodstained drag marks in the corridor on the fourth floor, which looked likely to be the marks left by an injured person being dragged forward. ”

“This gang, located on the fourth floor upwards, has installed private surveillance cameras, which are supposed to be used to monitor the victims in captivity. ”

“But last night, the monitoring of the location of the corridor was vandalized. ”

“It’s strange because criminal gangs can’t take the initiative to destroy the cameras they have installed. ”

Listen to what the other person says.

The cadres and policemen of the Donghai City Bureau felt a sense of foreboding in their hearts more and more intensely.

After the call ends.

Director Liu Zhiguo smoked a cigarette and did not say a word.

After a while, someone finally spoke.

“Could it be… Is it Ning Chen?”

Then, no one spoke again.

Everyone, already faintly felt this in their hearts.

“If it’s really him…” “is humane, “then, can you first make a false inference, last night, he found the building where Li Sei Paste was located, and then went to find the other party, and explored in a hidden way, so he first destroyed the monitoring placed by the other party in the corridor.” ”

“But… In the end, they still found out, so a conflict broke out…”

“And the other party, listening to the comrades on Anji’s side just said, the number is between four and sixteen, and Ning Chen, there is only one person…”

“The blood stain in that corridor, the drag mark on the ground with the blood stain just mentioned, is an injured person, left by being dragged and moved, does that mean that Ning Chen has been already by them…”

So much for that.

It came to an abrupt end.

The entire Donghai City Bureau fell into a terrifying silence.

The participants, Zhao Mengmeng was also among them.

At this moment, her face instantly turned pale, and she suddenly got up:

“No! There’s a loophole!”

Everyone else looked at her, and Director Liu Zhiguo waved his hand, “Mengmeng, you said.” ”

Zhao Mengmeng’s face was still miserable, and she looked at the others:

“Anji police in that building, did not catch the criminal gang, nor did they find Ning Chen!”

“And this building, from the current point of view, is the lair of this criminal gang! There are so many people imprisoned in it, but the old capital of the entire gang!

“Unless, there is an irresistible external force that causes them to have to leave the building!

“Irresistible external force?” repeated Director Liu.

“If Ning Chen really found them last night and clashed with them, and they were so powerful that they subdued Ning Chen—then it was equivalent to them still controlling the overall situation!

“Are you saying that this irresistible external force, most likely, comes from Ning Chen?”

Others, again, widened their eyes.

It is 3,000 kilometers away from Donghai City.

Anji City.

Four hours ago.

The door of room 409 on the fourth floor of a building in a certain community opened with a knock.

Inside the room was a pale-faced seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy.

He thought it was a good brother he knew who knocked on the door.

Unexpectedly, he, a good brother, actually brought another strange man!

The corner of the young man’s mouth twitched, and he went up and gave his good brother a kick, “Who let you bring a stranger over?!”

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