The boy smiled and grabbed the other’s foot.

“Brother Liang, don’t be impulsive – I’m bringing you the rich man!”

“Cai, you are paralyzed, give Lao Tzu a roll!” Luo Liang raised his hand to close the door.

The door was slammed hard, but there was no expected slam.

Luo Liang looked at it, but saw that the strange man next to the boy actually stuck his arm in the crack of the door.

Luo Liang’s heart clicked.

“What are you doing?” Luo Liang reopened the door and looked at the strange man.

Strange man, hand in pocket.

Raising his hand, he took out a stack of banknotes.

Throwing at Luo Liang, “I just want white goods, I heard that you can supply stable supply here for a long time, and what I have is money.” ”

Luo Liang looked at the stack of banknotes in the man’s hand.

It’s a lot of them.

Say it is not moved, it is fake.

A few seconds later.

The temptation of money to people finally defeated Luo Liang’s vigilance.

Luo Liang turned around and walked towards the house.

Zizi smiled at the man next to him.

The two followed.

After entering, Luo Liangxian pulled the boy to the balcony position and asked about the situation.

Zaizi also said it truthfully.

Finally, he comforted Luo Liang, “This is an addict, but a rich man, some are money, no problem.” ”

Luo Liang, only then did he let go of his heart.

“I want a relatively large amount of goods, I don’t care which way you get it, in short, the money will not be less, but it must be a stable supply.” The strange man said.

Start by placing the stack of money in your hand on the table.

“That’s ten thousand. He said, looking at Luo Liang, “Half of the money, the remaining ten thousand, I will give you when the delivery is made, of course, if you can deliver it tomorrow, I will give you an additional five thousand, how about it?”

Luo Liang is the first time he has encountered such pain.

If this time the deal is closed.

Well, this will be the most he has earned since he set foot in this industry.

Luo Liang raised a finger, placed it between his teeth, and pulled out a strip of flesh.

Then, with a finger dipped in saliva, start counting the money on the table.

After counting, he took the money away and went to another room.

Then he came out empty-handed and looked at the strange man, “In a word, before tomorrow night.” ”

“In a word. ”

After the strange man finished speaking, he smiled, and then got up and left.

After the strange man left, Luo Liang looked at the boy.

The boy didn’t speak.

Luo Liang suddenly rushed up and grabbed the boy’s collar, “Say!

“No, not much—it’s all here…” The boy pulled out a few hundred-dollar bills from his pocket.

Luo Liang snatched it up.

“Leave me a copy, this deal is also introduced to you…” muttered the boy.

Luo Liang, croaked his teeth, smiled, and threw one to him.

“Brother Liang, this time, it’s going to be sent!” said Zaizi.

“I’ll go to my dad and get out of him later, but with such a large amount, I’m not sure if I can go along that much.” ”

“Half is enough!” said Zaiko.

Ning Chen.

After leaving Luo Liang’s place of residence.

All the way out of the neighborhood.

Then called a taxi.

After rounding the intersection in front, get off the bus.

At a sportswear store on the side of the road, I bought a caps and a sportswear.

Then change directly in the store before leaving.

Passing by a trash can, he threw a paper bag containing his old clothes into it.

Then, he walked again.

Returned to Luo Liang’s neighborhood.

I entered a fast food restaurant across the road in the community, asked for a fast food, sat in the glass window of the store, and paid attention to the opposite side of the community while eating.

After a while, he finished eating.

Entrance to the complex across the road.

That Luo Liang just happened to come out.

Ning Chen put on his cap, lowered it, and left the fast food restaurant.

Luo Liang called a car.

He’s going to find his dad.

The reason he had already thought of.

Discuss with his father which university to study and what major to study in the future.

It’s only November.

It’s still early for next year’s college entrance examination.

But he knew that his dad would be happy for him to talk to him about it.

He knew his dad wanted him to get into a university.

Although with his current grades in school, undergraduate is a big problem.

The car drove for about half an hour.

Up a ring road.

Then it drove into the new development area of Anji City.

Finally stopped in front of several buildings.

This neighborhood is not big.

There are only five buildings in total.

But it belongs to the new community, and the construction is still relatively exquisite.

However, because of the new community, the greening of the courtyard of the community is still going on, and the face brushing equipment at the gate of the community has not yet been installed, and the small iron door can be opened as soon as it is pushed, and you can enter directly.

Luo Liang entered the community, came to the third building, and was about to enter the unit door.

Suddenly, it felt as if there were always people not far away.

Glanced back.

But no one saw it.

He went upstairs.

As he expected.

His father was quite strict at first when he saw him coming to him.

But after hearing that he actually came to him, it was to discuss which university to enter in the future.

His father’s conversation began.

Although his father didn’t know much about it, he was very interested.

The two chatted for a while.

His dad got a call and went to the balcony to call.

Luo Liang’s movements were fast.

He knew where his dad was putting his goods.

Open the iron box, raise your hand and grab a handful.

One grabbed a dozen small transparent bags.

But there are many goods in the iron box, and at first glance, it is not easy to find.

Although sooner or later fewer will be discovered, it will take some time.

Moreover, when the time comes, he will definitely beat to death and will not admit it.

He hasn’t done this kind of thing.

After saying goodbye to his father, Luo Liang left.

He didn’t expect it to be so fast.

I already knew that when I agreed with the man before, I would raise the chips a little higher – for example, if he could arrive early, let him add another five thousand!

That’s 30,000!

But…… It’s already good too.

In the room.

Luo Lifeng after his son left.

Answered another call.

The phone was ringing when there was another knock on the door.

Because my son just left.

So he thought that something might have happened to his son and turned back.

Plus he’s on the phone.

So I didn’t look at the cat’s eye either.

Directly raised his hand and opened the door.

He really thought it was his son who had turned back.

So after opening the door, turn around and go.

The door behind him slammed shut.

But I didn’t hear footsteps.

The phone in Luo Lifeng’s hand was still in his ears, and he naturally wanted to look back and take a look.

Just turned back.

A dark shadow greeted you.


Hit him directly in the face.

Luo Lifeng faced back and lay directly on the ground on all fours.

The phone flew out.

Luo Lifeng was dizzy, but his physical fitness was not covered.

A bad cry in the heart!

Roll over and roll away.

Immediately after that, he was stepped on the ground where he was lying just now.

Luo Lifeng rolled out for several meters.

It also does not look at who the person is and what he looks like – his well-trained, his experience, allows him to have plenty of experience to deal with similar emergencies!

Raised his hand and pulled out the gun he was carrying from his waist!

Lift it up and aim it forward!

The visitor was a young man.


But now, Luo Lifeng has taken the initiative!

His gun was pointed at the man.

Luo Lifeng has not experienced such an occasion.

He knew that as long as he pointed the gun at the other party first, he controlled the absolute initiative.

As long as the other party is still a person, as long as he still cares about his own life, it means that the other party will have to completely lose all possibilities of action!

And then that’s the beginning of torture.

Luo Lifeng was curious about what kind of person he was, daring, and found his head – but!

What Luo Lifeng didn’t expect at all!

The man didn’t seem to see the gun in his hand!

Without the slightest pause, he rushed straight towards him!!

This is a situation that Luo Lifeng has never encountered in his life!

He had faced a ruthless person who was ten thousand times more fierce than himself, but once the other party was pointed at by a gun, he would immediately stop all actions!

But the person in front of him came straight over!

The two were only a few meters apart before.

In just a moment, the other party had already arrived in front of him!

Luo Lifeng did not hesitate any longer.

Although, shooting in the room, a loud noise can bring trouble.

But at this point, he had no choice.


A gunshot!

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