Ning Chen’s left shoulder shook.

At the same time, his hand also clamped Luo Lifeng’s gun hand.

A twist of three hundred and sixty degrees!

The bones rattle.

The pistol landed.

Luo Lifeng’s other fist had just been raised, and it was pinched by the iron tong-like force.

Ning Chen’s skill came from the familiarity and strength bonus of using the black blade.

Although Luo Lifeng was tall and strong, he did not form an absolute power suppression against Ning Chen.

Ning Chen just looked thin, and his strength was not weak.

The sharp pain in both wrists made Luo Lifeng’s legs weak.

The moment to bend.

Ning Chen’s knee suddenly lifted and slammed right into his mandible.

Luo Lifeng’s whole person collapsed on the ground.

This adds up to no more than five seconds.

Ning Chen bent over, grabbed Luo Lifeng’s chin, and pressed his face to the side.

He saw the scorpion tattoo on Luo Lifeng’s left neck.

This tattoo spreads from his left chest to the neck position.

Ning Chen raised his hand and picked up Luo Lifeng’s mobile phone that had fallen on the ground.

Raise your hand and hang up the phone that Luo Lifeng was still making before.

Then the gun that fell to the ground was removed.

After this.

Pulled down the curtain next to it and tore one open.

Then he took off his shirt, revealing his upper body, and on his left shoulder, blood was gurgling along the point where the bullet hit.

He bandaged the wound with a strip of curtain cloth, at least to stop the bleeding first.

Then he went to the bathroom and scrubbed the blood stain on his left arm.

Back in the living room.

Sitting opposite the sofa, he looked at Luo Lifeng without saying a word.

Luo Lifeng, who was struggling to get up, tried several times without success, and could only half lean next to the sofa.

Looking at Ning Chen, his eyes were still a little stunned.

The heavy blow to the mandible just now was enough for him.

The position of the chin is connected to the human trigeminal nerve, and the trigeminal nerve is connected to the human cerebellum, which controls the balance of the human body.

A violent impact can form a concussion.

A punch in boxing, the core lies in this.

No matter what level of boxers, always pay attention and protect their jaw and cheek position.

“You, Luo San?”

Ning Chen’s voice was very light and asked.

When I heard it, the other party actually called him “Luo San”.

Luo Lifeng was also stunned.

His name is only called by those who know the road.

In an instant, Luo Lifeng thought it was a vendetta.

He has not helped people eliminate disasters, and he has long been prepared to be sought for revenge.

But he didn’t expect it to be in such a way.

At this time, he was subdued like a dead dog, and he didn’t even have five seconds before and after.

And the root of everything is that he did not expect that there would be people in the world who were so not afraid of death in the face of the aim of the gun.

Luo Lifeng curled up a few times.

“Brother, brother… I, I knew there would be such a day,” Luo Lifeng swallowed his saliva and looked at Ning Chen, “I know the rules… But this is not absolute, you, you and me, we should all be our own masters, but if the conditions are enough, you and I have never known each other, we must be flexible, right?”

He thought that the man in front of him, like him, was also employed.

So, plan to talk to the other party about the conditions.

Ning Chen looked at him.

There was no expression on his face.

Nor did he pay any attention to what he said.

“20 years, May, Donghai City, Donghai Hotel, let’s talk about it. ”

Luo Lifeng didn’t expect that the other party suddenly came out with such a sentence.

He stared at Ning Chen stunned.

For a long time, I didn’t think why the other party would ask about that.

Ning Chen looked at him.

“You say, I need to know that, you say it, I’ll leave.” ”

Hearing this person say this, Luo Lifeng’s heart suddenly rejoiced.

Since the other party said such a thing.

That says what he wants.

And this is much better than directly coming to kill him.

“Brother, what do you want to know?”

Luo Lifeng looked at Ning Chen.

“The gang that had the shootout with the police, behind the scenes, what’s going on now — you know, you can say it. ”

Luo Lifeng nodded.

When he lowered his head, the afterglow swept across the ground.

He wanted to determine where the gun he had just dropped was.

However, he heard a click.

When I looked up, the man sitting directly opposite him was holding his gun.

The man raised his hand and slowly unloaded the magazine.

The gun originally had five bullets inside.

The one that Luo Lifeng shot out just now was in Ning Chen’s left shoulder at this time.

So now there are four bullets left in the magazine.

The man withdrew three of the bullets, leaving only one inside the gun.

Then, look up at Luo Lifeng.

The man’s gaze was empty.

And such a gaze to each other.

Luo Lifeng’s eyes somehow shrunk, and his heart froze.

Those who do his job know how to observe the details, and he has the eyes of countless people in his mind, angry, hideous, fearful, uncertain, pretend, contrived, poisonous… Too much.

And the hollowness in the gaze of the person in front of him.

It was the first time he met.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that at this time, he must not have other ideas.

This man wanted to know something, tell him everything, in that case, he would have a chance to survive this calamity.

“I, I’m kind of half independent. ”

Luo Lifeng finally began to speak.

“Because I’m in an employment relationship with them. ”

“But because the cooperation has been long, it is also half an internal member. ”

“At the beginning of 20, the third group below is ready to take over the underground business on the other side of the East China Sea, and at the same time, expand the territory of the entire gang to the entire Eastern Province. ”

“After planning for about half a year, you should know about the events in May. Luo Lifeng looked at Ning Chen, “There was an exchange of fire with the police at the Donghai Hotel, and after that, only a few people in the third group continued to lurk in the East China Sea, and the remaining forces all withdrew to the branch on this side of the southern border. ”

“My role in it is just a hired gunman, because I shoot accurately, and I have never missed a shot before you. ”

Ning Chen nodded, “If it hadn’t been accidentally discovered by the police, you would have established a territory in the East China Sea at that time?”

Luo Lifeng looked at Ning Chen.

Then, shook his head.

“No, not an accident. Luo Lifeng said.

“Not an accident?”

Luo Lifeng looked at Ning Chen, “Although I am only an employee, I have been cooperating for too long, and I know one thing. ”

said. ”

“Internally, in order to ensure that they are not involved with each other as much as possible, they are divided into several layers, and the bottom layer is the gangs scattered everywhere. ”

“One level up, there are three branches in the southern territory. ”

“And above the three branches, there should still be some, but I don’t know how.” ”

“It is said that the Chinese people outside the Golden Triangle are in control, and as for whether there is anything further up, I don’t know.” ”

“Sixteen years ago, in ’06, a police undercover agent broke out inside the top. ”

“An undercover cop who has been lurking inside for many years and has become a high-level confidant. ”

“This incident has angered the top management, disgraced, and even put everyone at risk, and has set off a wind of internal purges within colleagues in other parts of the world.” ”

Luo Lifeng said, licked his dry lips, and looked at Ning Chen.

“Sixteen years later, the daughter of the undercover policeman, in Donghai City, also became a police officer, and she was actually an anti-drug policeman. ”

“The top brass learned about this and saw it as a provocation, an offense and even humiliation to them, but also thought it was a perfect moment of revenge and warning. ”

Therefore, they decided to have a head-on confrontation with the police in Donghai City again. ”

“Two and a half years ago, in May 20, the conflict at the Tokai Grand Hotel was not accidentally found by the police. ”

“Instead, they deliberately let out the wind just to wait for the police to come to the door.” ”

“In front of everyone, kill the daughter of the undercover policeman on the spot, as a warning and declaration.” ”

When Luo Lifeng spoke.

Ning Chen looked at him, his eyes unblinking.

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