From Ning Chen this location.

You can see a lawn down the hill.

The meadow had begun to wither.

Next to it was the bus from before.

At this time, everyone in the car came down.

There are men and women, old people and children.

They stopped there and could hear their laughter and children’s frolicking.

A gust of wind hit.

The maple forest of the whole mountain is rattling.

In the autumn leaves.

The people below let out a burst of exclamations.

They hold cameras or mobile phones to photograph the autumn leaves.

A young couple, the woman snuggled in the man’s arms, they gestured at scissor hands, asked others to take pictures of them, and the girl smiled.

The children are chasing the autumn leaves in the air, screaming and shouting like catching butterflies, and the red elves in the air are like children and children.

A gray-haired old man with crutches in his hand stood on the observation deck not far away, looking at the entire fragrant mountain in front of him.

There was also a family of three, a man and a woman with a little girl, who spread a picnic cloth and a small triangular tent on the lawn not far away, and the little girl danced and cheered.

It’s a very harmonious picture.

Everyone in the picture is so happy.

They feel the joy brought to them by the fragrant mountains in late autumn and admire the dancing of the red elves in the sky.

Nobody knows and no one cares.

Halfway up the mountain, there is a black motorhome.

A silent man was quietly watching them.

In his eyes, looking at the happiness below, only envy and jealousy were revealed.

In the live broadcast room.

The audience only saw the back of the anchor picking up the light and his wind-blown hair.

Far below.

Spectators can see the small tour group below, enjoying, playing and cheering.

[You say, what are we thinking about?]

[I don’t know, I guess, I also feel that I travel alone, a little bored?]

[Haha, like a pug, his eyes are so happy to look at others, but he can only look at ~]

[Upstairs, are you polite?]

Then I tell you, I myself am like this poor pug, and it has been more than ten years, did I say anything?]


[I feel that he is quite envious of the people below, how happy they are…”

[I don’t know why, why I suddenly felt that looking at his lonely back, so lonely, so sad. ] 】

[What’s so lonely? Pick up the light and be accompanied by our millions of time guards!]

Look at us! What do you think they do? We have been with you for so long!]

In the live broadcast room.

The barrage shouted.

But the streamer didn’t react.

He just sat quietly on the side of the road, looking below.

Ning Chen looked below.

His eyes may be envious and jealous.

But his face was expressionless.

He sat quietly like this, I don’t know how long he sat there.

Something suddenly came to mind.

That was a long, long time ago.

It was the first time he came into this world.

At that time, he had just crossed into this world.

The system in his mind warned him to wait six years before he could use the classics of the previous world for his own benefit, otherwise, he would be eaten back and died.

He remembered that he was still scolding his mother.

But deep down, when he first arrived, he didn’t feel safe in the world at all.

A little windy, worried that I will be discovered by this parallel world.

And then.

And then ah.

I heard a woman’s voice suddenly in my ears – “Don’t run!

Hear this.

He thought to himself!

So soon it was discovered that he was a crosser?!

Don’t run?

Are you kidding!

He just ran!

After running for a while, he also overtook another man.

The man was also a little confused when he saw that he was surpassed by another person.

In short, there were various voices behind him.

He threw off the chaser, of course.

Spare a circle and peek out of another alley.

Then I heard a big aunt scolding and cursing — “Wow! Don’t say anything! Everyone saw it! You pay wow! You want to leave today!”

Then I saw the girl.

Her face was red, her arms were dragged by her aunt, and she couldn’t get out.

The scene is embarrassing to the extreme!

“Auntie, I’m sorry – I really didn’t mean to! No, no, I didn’t hit your fruit stall!”

You girl looks at you very beautiful, how do you know that you lied at a young age?!

“Auntie, it’s really not me! I promise with my personality! I’m a policeman! I’m catching a thief! You let me go…”

The aunt was originally five big and three thick, grabbing the girl’s slender arm.

The stall next to her heard the girl say that she was a police officer.

Now they all gathered around and pointed at the girl.

“Yo, what about the police?”

“Can the police be unreasonable?”

“That’s it, still catching thieves? Laugh at the dead!”

I don’t know if the surrounding momentum is too pressing, or the grip is too hard to hurt, or she really hasn’t seen this kind of scene that makes her completely unable to get out.

In a word.

The girl actually raised her hand and began to wipe her eyes.

And then he started whining and crying directly …

Ning Chen was also dumbfounded.

When I shouted “Don’t run to me to stop” just now.

That voice can simply scare people!

At this time, I was actually made to cry by an aunt…

“It’s really not her. Ning Chen saw that she was really pitiful and decided to help, so he stepped forward and said.

“Listen! Listen!” The girl heard Ning Chen’s voice and came to life again.

“Young man, it’s not her, it’s you?” the aunt glared at Ning Chen.

“It was the thief just now, I was running behind the thief, and I saw with my own eyes that the thief knocked your shelf down. Ning Chen was telling the truth.

But Auntie still does not adhere to it.

In short, it may be because he has never lied to the police in his life, so this time, the surrounding masses are all excited, anyway, watching the play is not afraid of big things.

In the end, it was the police who came.

After checking the monitoring.

Only then did I rescue the girl…


to know.

That day, it happened to be the first time that the girl was out of the police after becoming a police officer.

When she saw a thief stealing, she yelled.

As a result, with this roar, the thief ran away.

Of course she had to chase.

As a result, a guy next to him also ran away.

It was impossible to give her all at once.

Why did you roar and blow up accomplices?

“You’re not a thief, what are you running?” During the interrogation, the girl slapped the table and forced Ning Chen to look.

“I see you’re chasing me…” Ning Chen lowered his head and didn’t dare to speak loudly.

“I’ll chase you and you run?!” The girl was angry and stared at Ning Chen, mainly because she was too humiliated today… It’s going to turn into anger.

“Then you are chasing me, I can still not run…” Ning Chen lowered his head, and his voice was even quieter.

The girl stared at Ning Chen, looking at him like that.

She had never seen a man who could be aggrieved like this.

Suddenly, I wanted to laugh, but I felt out of temper.

Outside the interrogation room, another woman’s voice came, “Shiya, let that person go, the monitoring is clear, he is fine.” ”

That was the first person Ning Chen had met in his life when he came to this world.

And, for the first time, a name that was known.

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