In the live broadcast room.

Water friends ridiculed the anchor for picking up light like a pug.

Looking at the others below so happy, he only had envy.

And the pick-up anchor sat on the side of the road halfway up the mountain, looking at those people under the mountain.

After nightfall.

The people at the bottom of the mountain had enough of playing and returned to the travel bus, which drove away.

In the surrounding world, only maple leaves flying in the air remained.

The anchor still sat there in a daze.

The devil knows what he’s thinking.

In this live broadcast room, the number of male and female viewers is basically half-open.

Although some male viewers ridiculed the light picker like a poor pug.

But it is not malicious, but while ridiculing the anchor, they are also ridiculing themselves.

In this world, is it a shameful thing to envy the happiness and warmth of others?

Of course not.

But only when I return to my small house where I live alone, when I return to the small space that closes myself, and listen to the silence around me, I feel that the world has not changed at that time.

But it’s missing someone, or something missing.

The female audience is much kinder.

[Pick up the light, let’s go too, you don’t stay here alone, it’s dark]

[It’s quite cold, go back to the car, otherwise you will catch a cold~]

[Pick up the light, if you want, I can accompany you to check in together, so that you will not be alone~]

There are no less such barrages.

They feel that this anchor needs to be comforted now.

Of course, there are also vibe-breakers:

[This character is well created, lonely, melancholy, this kind of character, it is easy to have a market, this anchor is quite smart Oh~]

[Hehe, looking at the entire live broadcast industry, it is basically crazy, or it is a brush with the edges, but this anchor, but with practical actions to create such a personality, in this era of easy sadness, it is easy to evoke a sense of resonance, behind this anchor, there must be a strong planning team…]

Of course, this barrage soon appeared refutors.

In short, it didn’t take long for the barrage to scold each other again.

The atmosphere destroyers are mostly a small number of new passers-by.

And the one who justifies the light is naturally the time guard army that occupies the vast majority.

And so, the barrage is dry again.

These viewers in the live broadcast room often happen like this, and fighting is the norm.

Anchors don’t care about them anyway.

Kill one less one~

And often in the end, when it comes to the point of death and life, the anchor suddenly explodes in place, including all the people and horses on both sides into the pockets of his loyal fans.

Ning Chen.

Suddenly bend over.

He tightened the laces of his sneakers.

Then get up and start running.

This is Xiangshan, night has fallen, the winding road is very dark, and the distance between the street lamps is also very far.

He started running.

It’s not jogging.

So, on this night.

On Xiangshan, a madman-like guy started running on the winding road.

Xiangshan is the northwestern suburb of the capital and the eastern foothills of Xishan.

The whole mountain covers an area of about 15 million square meters, about 160 hectares.

Usually, it takes two or three hours to climb up the mountain along the road at a normal pace.

There is a “Jade Rabbit Galloping” cross-country running track route.

Ning Chen ran along this route.

I don’t know how long it took to run to the top of the mountain, and then turn back and run back.

So repeatedly, I don’t know how long I ran.

The camera in the live broadcast room has been shaking.

Many viewers began to wonder how they ran in the mountains at night.

Later, I couldn’t stand this violent shaking shot, and I felt a little dizzy in my head.

I left the live broadcast room.

They believe that the destination of the anchor to pick up this check-in is the fragrant mountain of Gyeonggi.

When I waited for ten or eleven o’clock in the evening, I found that the light collection live broadcast room was still live broadcasting.

Hands come in again.

Found that guy still running!

Been running for hours!

And the audience who always resides in the live broadcast room is a real iron fan.

The barrage has stretched into one, all persuading the anchor not to run!

[Don’t run! Are you crazy?!]

[Running like this will kill you!]

[I really convinced this guy! I ran without saying a word! It turned out to be hours of running!]

[It’s still this kind of running for life! It’s this kind of mountain road again! Are you really not afraid of cardiac arrest?!]

[Don’t run… Don’t run, okay! We don’t laugh at you for being a pug! Please, don’t run, okay?

[I really can’t figure it out, why does a person always torture himself like this? I just want to come in and see where you take us to see the scenery, why do you always have to self-harm like this?]

[Brother Pick-up, don’t run, other live broadcast rooms laugh at us, saying that our group of fans are all crazy like the anchors we love…”

[Chasing that bolide last time too, this time again! You really think that your life is long…]

[Even if you exercise, you can’t run like this!


The anchor picked up the light and didn’t know how many times he had turned back to the location of the RV from the top of the mountain.

This time.

He turned back and stopped.

As soon as I arrived next to the RV, I knelt directly on the ground.

In the live broadcast room, only his violent gasps could be heard.

He braced his hands on the ground.

The audience could not see what he looked like, only his gasps.

Just thought he was going to stop.

As a result, this guy, suddenly got up again and ran towards the mountain again …


It was almost twelve o’clock in the evening.

The light collection live room is still live.

Audiences who left before, came back, and left again.

This is when it comes in.

It was found that the anchor finally stopped running when he picked up the light.

Also relieved.

Thought he was about to go on the air.

But I saw him sitting on the roof of the RV.

It was dark all around.

The westerly wind is urgent.


The fallen leaves of the fragrant mountain maple forest kept falling on him, on the roof of the RV.

And kept brushing past him.

There was an illusion at that moment.

It feels like his whole person is shuttling through this overwhelming maple leaf.

Winter is really coming.

It won’t be long before all the maple leaves will wither.

[Good night, go take a shower and rest, you fool. There is a barrage saying.

[Don’t leave tonight, just spend the night here, if you drive again, it’s really serious fatigue driving, it’s very dangerous]

[Good night, pick up the light, sleep well, I know how you feel, because I have experienced it too, maybe we are not experiencing the same moments, but you may have insomnia like me, so you have to exhaust yourself physically and mentally in this way so that you can fall asleep, right?]

[Sleep, sleep, brothers, sleep, tomorrow I have to work for the capitalists of Dog Day ~ Good night]

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room began to decrease.

Four hundred thousand.

Three hundred and sixty thousand.

Three hundred and fifty thousand.

Three hundred and thirty thousand.

Two hundred and eighty thousand.

On the roof of the RV.

Ning Chen was still sitting.


He raised his hand and picked up something next to him.


The remaining audience in the live room.

Only then did he find out that he had brought the guitar to the roof of the car at some point.

In the west wind, in the maple leaves.

The strings of the guitar were gently plucked twice.

On the screen of the live broadcast room, the barrage of saying goodnight to each other before flew by.


Perhaps, it was seeing this behavior of the anchor.

This barrage suddenly disappeared.

And the number of online people in the live broadcast room, in the middle of the night.

Started again…

Three hundred thousand.

Three hundred and sixty thousand.

Four hundred and sixty thousand.

Five hundred and eighty thousand.



One hundred and twenty thousand!!

The official platform of the shark, all the staff, has been enthusiastic!

They thought the live room should be like this tonight!

Didn’t expect that!

Sure enough, you still pick up the light!

It’s going to start exploding!

“Hot! Hot! Quick!”

“It’s still a little bit short on the data!”

“Take care of the data! Hang it directly to the top of the hot list! Quick!”

“The data has been overtaken! Quick!

The staff is busy manoeuvring!

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