Tianyin Music Company.

“At present, the number of online people in the live broadcast room is 2.36 million. ”

“That’s a staggering amount. ”

“After all, it was past midnight. ”

“As far as I know, the shark platform is frantically pushing light recently, which may be the reason,” Fang Lan looked at the others, “The shark’s popular list, the effect is quite good.” ”

“…… Last night, before Picker started singing that song, the shark platform had already directly put his live broadcast room at the top of the hot list!”

“No wonder. Fang Lan smiled, and in her ears, she seemed to recall the song again.

“What do you guys think of this new song?”

“The overall pathos, but very different from the song “With You” that he had sung in Namu before, when the song was heartbreaking, and the song returned to lyricism. ”

“It feels very similar to the previous “Stranding” style. ”

“That’s right, I feel the same way,” Fang Lan nodded, “Now, this is the seventh song, we should pay attention to the diversity of styles when pre-production this album.” ”

“For example, if you follow the unit, songs of similar styles are placed in the same unit. ”

Others nodded.

“Minister Fang, one more thing. ”

said. ”

“At present, the image design studio has been determined, and the zero studio will design the dimensional image of the light picker,” an employee said, holding a note, “However, we thought of one thing yesterday, if this dimensional image appears in the album as the image of the light picker, then what will happen to the MV content of the song?”

When the singer releases the album, the official announcement must have a supporting MV released.

This matter, in fact, has been discussed in the Tianyin Music Design Department before.

At that time, there were two points of view.

One believes that you should find real people to participate in the MV, after all, such an album, this is the very least.

But now because the light picker cannot be found, it must be explained by a virtual dimensional image.

In this case, how to deal with the MV?

Can’t you be in a song, one moment is the virtual image of the singer, and the next moment jumps to the real MV, right?

This will make the whole MV look very messy.

“Is there another plan?” said Fang Lan.

“At present, there are two ideas, either full animation, which can coincide with the singer’s virtual image, but this will lower the sense of grade of the entire album; or, consider the actor’s live-action appearance and the singer’s virtual image matching, but such a problem, as mentioned earlier, will make the entire MV look messy. ”

Everyone is also a little helpless.

Fang Lan thought.

This is indeed a headache.

However, she had to make the decision, otherwise the following work could not be carried out.

Fang Lan closed her eyes.

In my mind, I suddenly came back.

The live broadcast of the previous streamer.

He is almost the same that every time he goes to a new check-in location, or on the way to it, or after the end, there will be a new song singing.

And if…


Fang Lan opened her eyes, “I have an idea. ”

Everyone else looked at her.

Fang Lan slowly got up, “Everyone, what if… We, the light streamer, the process of clocking in and those spectacle, after editing, into a MV, synchronized with the song, such an effect, will it be the best?”

When Fang Lan said this, the eyes of the others also lit up.

“Wow! That’s a good idea!”

“The songs he sings, it seems that at present, have the meaning of touching the scene, as long as we edit it properly, it will definitely match his songs!”

The song he sang last night would fit perfectly with the environment he was in last night!”

Everyone suddenly thought.

Last night, the anchor picked up the light and drove, and it was among the fallen leaves of the maple forest.

And the song he sang last night, isn’t it related to Maple Leaf?

This idea has been recognized by everyone.

“It just so happens that we can now also choose a name for his song last night.” “There is humanity.

Everyone talked about it.

“Simply, just name it with a specific image, just call it ‘Maple Leaf’?” someone suggested.

Fang Lan thought for a while, “Maple leaf is not impossible, but the word ‘leaf’ is a little too ordinary. ”

“Then it’s called ‘Maple Forest’?”

“It’s still too redundant — simply, just leave one word. Fang Lan said.

“Kaede??” the others looked at her.

Fang Lan looked at the others, pursed her lips and smiled, and nodded.

Then, everyone felt, it’s called “Kaede”, good, good name, the name given by the minister is good, just right.

The door to the conference room was pushed open.

“Minister, your phone. The assistant said.

“Wait until I’m done with the meeting. Fang Lan didn’t look back.

“It’s He Gongzi’s phone…” the assistant said.

As soon as he said this, the others in the conference room were also stunned.

He Gongzi.

Chairman He Hong’s son, He Jinzhi.

That playboy, what are you calling for?

Fang Lan didn’t like that person very much.

However, because of the chairman’s face, she had to answer the call.

Fang Lan walked out, and the assistant handed her the phone.

Answered the phone.

“Minister Fang, hello?” was a man’s faint voice on the other end of the phone.

This He Jinzhi has done something that Fang Lan has heard about to some extent.

Don’t do business, spend days drinking.

That’s it, but he also stuffed his girlfriend into the company.

His girlfriend was nothing but a vase.

But He Jinzhi forced it in, so as to fulfill his girlfriend’s dream of stardom.

Many staff members of the company frowned when they mentioned this matter behind their backs, but they did not dare to say anything.

“He Gongzi, long time no see. Fang Lan said with a smile.

She faintly guessed what this person wanted to do.

“Oh…” He Jinzhi paused, “I heard that you guys have been preparing to make an album for a male anchor recently?”

“yes, what’s wrong?” Fang Lan didn’t evade.

“Oh, I heard that the anchor seems to be uncontactable, right?” He Jinzhi thought for a while, “Let me tell you bluntly, I heard that you have gathered a lot of songs for that album, I want to pick one out of it and give it to Xuexue.” ”

Xuexue is He Jinzhi’s girlfriend.

After Fang Lan listened.

The first reaction was also stunned.

“You—what do you mean?” Fang Lan rubbed her ears.

“I mean, pick a song from the album you’re working on and give it to Xuexue. “The way of Hejin.

“Oh, it means,” Fang Lan understood, “let that—Xuexue, sing? ”

“It’s not a cover, it’s saying, give the song to Xuexue.” “The way of Hejin.

“It means—” Fang Lan blinked, “into Xuexue’s own song?”

He Jinzhi’s laughter came from the other end of the phone, “Xuexue is powerful, but she didn’t meet a good song, otherwise she would have been popular a long time ago——”

“Nope. Fang Lan directly interrupted He Jinzhi’s words.

He Jinzhi was also stunned.

He didn’t expect that in this company, there were still people who dared to intimidate him so bluntly.

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