“Fang Lan, are you okay?” He Jinzhi didn’t pretend anymore, and said directly.

“This ‘Wings of Time’ project was reported by me on the board of directors,” Fang Lan did not mince words, and said bluntly, “In the end, I am now just an executor, responsible for collecting the songs picked up by the anchor and producing the album in the later stage.” ”

“Of course, I also think that Xuexue is indeed talented, but I don’t have the right to decide on a song from ‘Wings of Time’ for her, so I’m really sorry.” ”

Without waiting for He Jinzhi to say more, Fang Lan took the lead, “If there is nothing wrong, I still have a meeting, goodbye.” ”

After speaking, Fang Lan hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, He Jinzhi’s face turned green.

The point is, it was closed doors, and it was in front of a planning minister.

And He Jinzhi’s girlfriend, the vase Xuexue, was next to him at this time, waiting for the good news.

This made He Jinzhi’s face even more dull.

“Is this company your father’s or this Fang Lan’s?” said Xuexue Yin Yang on the side.

He Jinzhi did not say a word.

“Jinzhi, you are the son-in-law of the chairman, so you let a small planning minister take control?”

As long as your dad agrees, Fang Lan can’t carry it out?”

He Jinzhi thought, and then nodded.

And that is the near future.

The Douyin headquarters conveyed the latest news.

In terms of douyin, it was decided to agree to the plan proposed by Tianyin Music and Shark Live – the three strong teams.

Douyin is mainly responsible for the next traffic import field.

Tianyin is responsible for the music production field of concerts and light picking.

Shark platform, steady and steady light live broadcast room.

In this way, the “Wings of Time” project, after completing the tripartite talks, was completely launched.

The initial plan is that as long as the number of songs collected by the anchor can reach ten, the release of the album will be completed, and the giant “cloud concert” based on the platforms of sharks and douyin will be synchronized.

The three parties intend to put this cloud concert at the end of this year.

That is, the end of December.


It’s for a New Year’s Eve cloud concert!

This is something that has never been done before in the entertainment and media world!

New Year’s Eve was already in the spotlight!

What’s more, there are well-warmed up songs!

Coupled with the strong cooperation of the three parties, it will definitely become the hottest hot spot at the end of this year and the beginning of the New Year!

Of course, this wish can be fulfilled.

There is also an uncertain factor, that is, the anchor picks up the light,

He has sung seven songs so far.

It’s November, and the remaining three songs can be released before the end of December.

No one can say for sure.

After all, pick up the light, he is free, no one can influence him,

On the highway.

Ning Chen’s RV was galloping.

The navigation in his mind showed that he had left North Ha province.

Continue north.

Next stop, the Northeast region.

His destination was the small city of Mohe on the northeastern border.

There, he will await a spectacle called “Night Elf Frost”.

The rime itself is a rare spectacle.

The Night Elf Frost, for the most part, may only exist in rumors.

Because, the so-called night elf rime has long surpassed the rime itself, and the focus is on the three words “night elf”.

In the live broadcast room.

There are still too many viewers who have not yet come out of last night’s song “Maple”.

There are a lot of barrages, all talking about last night’s song.

And the anchor picked up the light, still did not say a word, concentrated on driving.

And so, a peaceful day passed.

In the evening.

The Donghai City Bureau received news from Yun Province.

It came from Anji City in Yun Province.

“What?” Director Liu Zhiguo held the phone and locked his eyebrows, “Oh oh oh – that is, the one caught is the accomplice of Li Saiyu in the online platform?”

On the other end of the phone, the specific situation was explained in detail.

Director Liu Zhiguo listened, his eyes.

Slowly widened.

After a while, there was no response.

After putting down the phone, at the door of the office, I just saw Zhao Mengmeng.

“Misty. Liu Zhiguo exclaimed.

Zhao Mengmeng came in.

“Over there in Yun Province, there is new progress. Director Liu Zhiguo said.

In fact, now, Zhao Mengmeng no longer cares about the affairs on the Yun Province side.

Because Ning Chen had returned safely.

Zhao Mengmeng looked at Director Liu, and she found that Director Liu’s eyebrows were locked, and she realized that things should not be very good.

“Liu Bureau, what do you say?” said Zhao Mengmeng.

“There you go, close the door. Director Liu’s expression was serious.

Zhao Mengmeng looked at Director Liu, looked puzzled, got up and went to close the office door.

Come back again.

Liu Bureau has already lit a cigarette.

Smoking, “Over there in Yun Province, I caught one of Li Saijian’s accomplices.” ”

“It was caught according to the video surveillance clues in a hospital before. ”

Looking for Zhao Mengmeng looked at Director Liu.

Suddenly, she had a bad premonition.

“That accomplice, who has already recorded a confession, is a small shrimp under Li Saijian, and many things are also unknown, but some of these confessions may help the local police to catch Li Saizhuo himself.” Director Liu looked at Zhao Mengmeng.

Zhao Mengmeng nodded, “This is a good thing, the kind of evil gang should have been caught a long time ago.” ”

“From the current point of view, Li Saijie’s small gang has nothing to do with the case two and a half years ago, and it is likely to be independent of each other. ”

“Oh…” replied Zhao Mengmeng.

“But the accomplice of Lee Sai Paste who was caught confessed to a very bad fact. ”

Zhao Mengmeng looked at Director Liu and did not speak.

He said that someone did come to them that night. ”

“And, there was a fight. Liu Bureau looked at Zhao Mengmeng.

Zhao Mengmeng’s heart suddenly jumped violently.

“To be precise, it was the man who came to them and fought them unilaterally. Liu Bureau said, he also felt that this expression was a bit strange.

“Fight them unilaterally??”

Liu Zhiguo nodded, “That person, with a knife, suppressed Li Sai and the four of them. ”

“One person, suppressed four??” Zhao Mengmeng opened his mouth.

Director Liu Zhiguo nodded.

“Among them, that Li Sai paste was said to have been stabbed in the arm by that person. ”

“In addition, that person came to them just to find a person named ‘Luo San’, and did not pester them too much. ”

Director Liu said and looked at Zhao Mengmeng.

Zhao Meng’s face was already white.

She knew Director Liu Zhiguo, and when he started talking so slowly, it meant that the problem was serious!

“That person…” Zhao Mengmeng looked at Liu Bureau.

Liu Bureau nodded, “The accomplice of Li Saiji who was arrested said that he will always remember the appearance of that ‘devil’, and now, over there in Anji City, he has begun to organize and carry out portraits.” ”

After speaking, Director Liu Zhiguo looked at Zhao Mengmeng.

Zhao Mengmeng also looked at Director Liu Zhiguo.

Both of them stopped talking.

There is an important piece of information.

The Donghai City Bureau did not provide it to the Yun Province side, and Director Liu Zhiguo did not deliberately guide it.

That is.

Previously, he had indicated to the Yun Province side that Jean would help intercept the RV of a man named Ning Chen.

And it was mentioned that Ning Chen was likely to go to Li Sai Paste.

However, when Director Liu Zhiguo was talking to Yun Province just now.

Director Liu Zhiguo did not remind the other party of this matter.

And because of the different focuses, the clues that Yun Province is currently paying attention to are also more complicated, and blind spots in thinking and memory are inevitable, so this matter before seems to have been temporarily forgotten by the colleagues on the Anji City Bureau.

Zhao Mengmeng looked at Liu Bureau.

The two looked at each other like this.

The air, suddenly froze.

After a while, Zhao Mengmeng spoke, “Director, then you, plan, what to do?”

Her eyes kept staring at Liu Zhiguo.

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