"Success or failure is here!"

Looking at the more than 120,000 amounts on his account, Hu Shishuang clenched his fists nervously.

Just when Hu Shishuang thought that there was no action today.

Just after the opening price fluctuated, there was a cliff in an instant.

It only takes a few minutes to drop to the limit.

At this moment, Qin Mo made a move.

All the money on hand is bought.

The stock that just fell to the limit, after this share of money entered the market.

Bounce back a little.

However, it was quickly pressed down again.

In a conference room in a building.

Several computers were arranged, and in front of each computer sat a person.

Next to him sat a young man and a middle-aged man.

The two had just taken out a bottle of red wine at this time.

Just opened and ready to celebrate.

The trader in front of the computer exclaimed, almost throwing out the red wine in the young man's hand.

"Boss, someone has entered!"

The young man put down the red wine and quickly got up and rushed over.

He is the prince of the Chen Group, Chen Yuda.

This time it came out with a part of the group's funds.

Even his father didn't know, let alone the directors.

"There is not much money to enter the market, hurry up and press me down!"

Seeing that this stock began to rebound, Chen Yuda quickly ordered down.

"Boss, not much, less than twenty million."

As soon as he heard this number, Chen Yuda breathed a sigh of relief.

Walking back to my seat, I collapsed all of a sudden.

Just now he was afraid to die.

But he took this opportunity to take the company's funds of 500 million yuan.

The middle-aged man next to him is a well-known figure in the stock market, Wu Zhengqing.

When he makes a move, Chen Yuda will give him three percent of the money earned.

Chen Yuda also met at a drinking party.

Wu Zhengqing said, this is an opportunity.

It depends on whether you dare or not, he can increase the funds in your hands by one and a half times.

Take his word for it, and give him forty percent of the money earned when the time comes.

In his words, he also took the risk to tell him the news.

In the end, he chose to believe it.

Because his father just had a business for him to negotiate, this time involving up to 500 million yuan.

The two add up, the huge profit, immediately let him choose to gamble.

After the matter is completed, he waits for more than 100 million, how can he not be moved.

Now the pocket money given to themselves at home is not enough to spend, so they must find ways to make money.

"Mr. Wu, this won't be affected, right?"

Chen Yuda asked worriedly.

Before, I heard Wu Zhengqing say that this time the highest amount of funds was 500 million, and now it is close to 20 million.

Chen Yuda was afraid that it would affect their plans.

He started with skepticism, but now he is completely convinced.

Now the stock is completely under its control.

Listening to what Wu Zhengqing said, after today, they will no longer have to worry and be afraid.

The back is just lying down and counting money today.

Before today's market close, all the funds on hand were spent.

"It's impossible to say that there is no impact, but we make tens of millions less."

Sure enough, Wu Zhengqing guessed correctly, and after the market closed, they still had 20 million funds in their hands.

"Damn, I know who it is, or I'll make him look good!"

Now that he earns 20 million less, how can Chen Yuda be happy.

"Drink bars, don't think so much, most of the heads have been earned by us, and these oils and water are also left for others!"

Wu Zhengqing's mentality is different, fortunately this time others did not enter.

Or don't think about making this huge amount of money.

After this time, you can retire!

The rest of the time is to keep an eye on the stock market.

Don't let your pension go to waste.

If Wu Zhengqing is willing, it must be false.

No matter what, I prepared in advance, and when I was about to pick the fruit, I was temporarily inserted by someone, and I would definitely not be happy.

In the next three mornings, Qin Mo would appear in the leisure bar and return to his shop in the afternoon.

As soon as trading opened Wednesday, the stock could only rise to the limit in just a few minutes.

Those who want to buy can only watch others make money.

Thursday was even more crazy, not giving everyone time to react at all, and giving the price limit again.

For several days in a row, investors know that this is a bull stock.

Start asking around why this stock is crazy to go up and down.

The last day of the week.

Qin Mo listed the stocks in his hand in several orders, each of which was a few cents apart.

After a few days of brewing, suddenly this stock is after the limit rises.

There are some selling orders in the stock market.

The slow hands of the shareholders did not react at all, and these orders had disappeared in front of them.

"This stock market money is coming quickly!"

Looking at the account above more than 21 million.

The funds that have been transferred in on their own are fifteen million.

"I have earned more than six million, which is equivalent to eight days of net income from my three stores, and what is not satisfied."

Qin Mo took out a notebook at this time and opened it to see that there were some stocks recorded on it.

There is also its own note next to it.

Three of these stocks were circled by themselves.

"Which stock to buy this time?"

One of the three stocks was circled a few more times.

This is a market capitalization management stock.

The risk is also the greatest, and there is no such thing as a limit up or a limit.

However, what can be written down by Qin Mo shows that in the next time, this stock will definitely rise.

As for how much it will rise, only he knows.

Looking at the price of this stock now, it is 4,300 lots.

"Earn a little bigger, what are you afraid of!"

It's only been an hour since the start.

Qin Mo just thought for a while, and then bought all the funds on the account.

More than 20 million funds entered the market, immediately making this stock rise by two dollars.

In other words, when Qin Mo bought it all, he made more than 300,000 yuan.

"It's time to go back, I can't come here next time."

Looking at the few people circling around the shopkeeper.

Qin Mo knew that he guessed correctly, these people were Zhong Aoyu's friends.

After learning that a stock god appeared in her store, they all ran over, wanting to make a little money.

At first, Qin Mo was not worried.

The latter thing is not what he wants to see, now there are a few people, soon it will be a dozen, or even dozens of people.

What is the difference between this and seeing my ex-wife and brother in a securities company before.

Soon someone will cut leeks.

After Qin Mo left the leisure bar.

Hu Shishuang of the securities company is different.

He kept up with Qin Mo from the beginning, and the 100,000 yuan borrowed later.

Now, after excluding the principal and handling fees, the money earned is more than 55,000.

This is almost a year's salary before!

Just when she hesitated whether to return the money to Li Chengjuan.

The funds on Qin Mo's account changed.

In a moment, the stock rose a little.

After following Qin Mo to buy stocks, Hu Shishuang also began to study stocks.

So she knows what this stock stands for.

It is possible to make yourself fifty thousand again, or you may spit out all the money you have earned before.

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