"Another piece up!"

Seeing himself just hesitate for a moment, the stock rises again.

This time, Hu Shishuang bit his gums and also followed Qin Mo to complete the warehouse.

"When did I get so bold and fat!"

Looking at the successful transaction, it is too late to regret at this time.

If you want to sell, you have to open the market next Monday at the earliest.

Nearly 200,000 funds, suddenly smashed on the risky stock of market value management.

In the following time, Hu Shishuang was lazy to go out to find customers.

Or call an existing customer to recommend stocks.

Now where do you have to make money yourself.

She spent the rest of her time staring at the stock's volatility except for a break.

Along with colleagues in the office, she noticed this phenomenon.

Fortunately, when she was observing the stock, she did not open her own, or the customer.

"Hu Meinu, you study this kind of stock?"

The colleague who came over couldn't help but shake his head when he saw that it was this kind of stock.

Those who buy this kind of stock will jump off the building if they are not careful.

So after seeing Hu Shishuang staring all the time, everyone with a discerning eye knew that she must buy a little, or how could she be so nervous.

"Up... Rose! Every

time he saw the stock rise a little, Hu Shishuang secretly enjoyed himself.

Until today's close, the smile on her face has not stopped.

"Laughing so happily, that stock won't really go up!"

When colleagues left work, they saw the smile on Hu Shishuang's face.

Immediately thought that he and others were still preaching people before, and it seemed that he was going to slap his face now.

"Not much, five yuan up!"

Hu Shishuang said this, and his heart was already happy.

Even if you sell it next Monday, after the market opens, you will make a lot of money.

The funds lying on the top of the account are 180,000, excluding 100,000 classmates, and their own principal of 20,000.

He earned 60,000 yuan in just one week.

"Five pieces is not much, it is more than ten percent, no, it is not enough, there are three pieces in front."

The colleague reacted immediately, and had previously taken a special look at the opening price, which means that it was close to two limit increases.

"Oh, good luck!"

When Hu Shishuang saw his colleague say this, he could only respond with a smile.

"How much money did you invest?"

Seeing the same office, making money, not envious that it is all fake.

"Twenty thousand, I have all the deposits!"

Hu Shishuang did not tell the truth, did not tell the loan of money, or he would feel crazy if he did not do anything.

Borrowing money to speculate on stocks is something that only madmen do.

"Twenty thousand is not bad, and there is also an income of several thousand yuan."

After the colleague finished speaking, he saw that Hu Shishuang did not say the next step, and then left.

Just now, the man obviously wanted to make himself a treat, but Hu Shishuang was not stupid, pretending not to know what he meant.

"It seems that it will be more hidden in the future."

It's just that thousands of yuan are like this, really let them know that they have earned tens of thousands, then they have to get it.

Not to mention, it's going to earn so much next week.


June 8th.

Toot ——, vibrate!

Ye Yin, who was just about to go out at noon that day, vibrated with his mobile phone in his pocket.

Pick it up and take a look with a smile on your face.

"Tianxiao, what's the matter, call your sister at this time?"

"Sister, are you in the deep market?"

A young male voice came.

"Yes, I'm in the deep market, how do you know?"

Ye Yin remembered that he was in Shenshi and had not told anyone except his father.

"Huaming District?"

The other side continued to ask.

"You know so clearly, what's going on?"

Ye Yin knew that it was her father who betrayed herself, so don't let that woman know.

"Sister, you can rest assured, my father only told me."

"Sister, do you know that the Qin Family Restaurant is here?"

Ye Yin, who had just locked the door and was holding Qin Xinxin's hand, heard this, and the expression on his face was more wonderful and wonderful.

Isn't Qin's restaurant Qin Mo's, is there another one.

"From this side of Huaming District?"

However, Ye Yin still asked.

"Yes, that's the one, over there in the food court."

This time, Ye Yin was sure.

"Sister, you know, the food made in this shop is delicious, I'm queuing up now, you hurry up!"

Watching the phone hang up, Ye Yin couldn't help but shake his head, this Ye Tianxiao's personality has not changed at all.

It was her own brother who had just called her.

"Teacher Ye, whose call was it just now?"

Qin Xinxin took Ye Yin's hand and said.

"Teacher Ye's younger brother, said that he wanted to invite me to your father's shop for dinner."

Speaking of this, even Ye Yin couldn't help but laugh.

"Teacher Ye, then don't you hurry up and call my father, or we won't want to eat today."

The current Qin Restaurant is not something that can be eaten in line if you want to.

Thinking of this, as soon as Ye Yin's mobile phone was opened, it was Qin Mo's number.


It only rang a few times and the phone was connected.

"Ye Yin, you guys have arrived, so soon?"

He remembered that he had just hung up the phone, how could he come so quickly?

"No, my brother is lining up downstairs and saying he wants to invite me to dinner!"

Ye Yin finished her words quickly, and she was embarrassed in her heart, for fear that it would be unpleasant for the two to meet at that time.

"Brother-in-law, I know!"


"Who is Mr. Ye Tianxiao?"

In the hall on the first floor of the Qin Restaurant.

At this time, a waiter came down from the second floor.

Said to the customers in line.

"I am!"

A handsome-looking young man stood up and looked at the waiter who was walking towards him with a puzzled expression.

"Since you are Mr. Ye Tianxiao, then please follow me."

"Beauty, what about my classmates?"

Ye Tianxiao pointed to a few people around him.


Several people saw that the attendant leading the way was heading towards the second floor.

Suddenly, a young woman among the four said: "Tianxiao, you went to the back door?

"Yes, I don't think you know the people here, or we don't know when the queue will be?"

All three are Ye Tianxiao University classmates, and they all graduated in their senior year this year.

This time, I came to Shenzhen Market to intern at a company.

Ye Tianxiao is also the master of money, and since he ate it last time, he has been obsessed with the food of Qin's restaurant.

Now come to the deep market, then don't hurry up and show your face in front of your classmates.

When they came over, they found that they had thought of the problem simply.

So many people in front of the queue.

When it is their turn, they may all have to settle lunch and dinner together.

If it's just a few of them, it's good to say, who let himself pretend to be forced, call your sister in advance.

When he was figuring out how to explain to Ye Yin, a turning point appeared.

"Hehe, if I say now that I don't know people, you won't believe it."

Soon, the four of them walked into a private room.

When entering, everyone found that there was no number outside the door of this private room.

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