Seeing that the two who were incompatible in the past, they were able to get along at this time.

The little fat man ate while fawning over Qin Xinxin beside him.

Even his own homeroom teacher, Teacher Ye Yin, was eating buns.

More than a dozen students came with their parents.

Take one per person, and there will be more than thirty buns on the table in an instant.

After eating the first bun, how could it be possible to stop, so they began to take the second one.

The rest of the students and parents around saw so many people, all eating the same buns.

In the heart of following the trend, everyone came to get one.

At this time, there are only a few buns left.

Seeing the deliciousness of the buns, and seeing the sugar water is the same person.

Everyone began to share the loot.

I couldn't stop drinking it, and each person almost drank two small bowls.

At this time, the staff also rushed over.

It's a pity that all left for them is a few buns and two bowls of sugar water.

"This is also so delicious, I can't imagine that among our parents, there is such a big god..."

"Yes, I can eat such a delicious thing, if it weren't for my son coming to me, I would really miss it."

"You said it would be made by those well-known chefs outside."

At this time, some parents raised questions.

"Impossible, didn't you hear the conversation between the two students just now, and the one next to them is their homeroom teacher, this should be impossible to fake."

"You said so, I remember watching the live broadcast, I saw a handsome guy, who used to make fun of it at that time, but I couldn't imagine that it was myself who hit me in the face."


Half an hour later.

After tasting Qin Mo's food, the next time.

It can be said that it is torture, and every time you try a dish, you will think of the delicious buns and sugar water before.

Even the referee who was pulled over to make up the number of people insisted on tasting all the dishes.

"All right!"

Qin Jingming looked at everyone like he was on a long journey.

I wanted to laugh in my heart, but I didn't.

"That's right, Elder Qin!"

Ten people nodded at the same time at this time.

The people who noticed the rostrum, even if they didn't have to announce it, they could guess who the first place was.

But this time is not enough, since it is a food festival.

The students and parents below are not over yet.

They can only wait on it until the time of instruction, and there is still half an hour until the end.

At this time, the most anxious are them, the referee, because everyone is anxious to meet this chef.

"Principal Shu, it's almost time."

Qin Jingming glanced at the people below and stopped, and said to Shu Zhicheng beside him.

"Elder Qin, or you will come to the abbot!"

Shu Zhicheng said while trying to pass the microphone in front of him.

"How can this work, this time I am a guest, and Principal Shu is your home field."

Qin Jingming just said a word, and Shu Zhicheng could only give up.

"Dear parents, this gastronomic event has reached the most important juncture, and it is also the result that everyone wants to know the most."

"And the results of our eleven referees have been handed over to the staff."

When Shu Zhicheng finished saying this, he first stopped and took a sip of tea.

"This time, our school has the honor to invite Elder Qin over, and Elder Qin will announce the result later."

"Okay, now I have asked Elder Qin to say a few words for everyone."

"In addition to nourishing the body and opening up the mind, we also attach importance to moral education."

As soon as Qin Jingming opened his mouth, he quoted Kang Youwei's famous saying.

"I won't be verbose about superfluous truths, everyone is a parent, and students are the future pillars of the country."

"Announce the results now.... Wait for us judges to give you a comment on why these delicacies can be recognized by us. "

First of all, I am now announcing the first place, which is what everyone cares about the most."

Qin Jingming's calm voice sounded in everyone's ears, and he took a serious look at everyone in the competition.

"The first place, the parent of Qin Xinxin in the second class of the first grade, Mr. Qin Mo, let us give this parent the warmest applause."

Speaking of this, Qin Jingming took the lead in applauding.

"Why do I say that, because the food made by this parent, we eleven judges can't find a single flaw."

"If you really want to find it, then all I can say is that this bun is too close to the lives of ordinary people and ugly."

Looking at everyone's serious expressions, he didn't expect Qin Jingming to say a cold joke.

Immediately mobilize the atmosphere on the field.

"The second place is the parent of Wei Kaikai, the second class of the first grade, Wei Lecheng."

"The third place

is..." "

The fourth place is..." The

next ranking, Qin Jingming listed.

Just put the top ten out.

"Of course, the rest of the parents did it, I can't say it's bad, but there are only ten places, so I can only pick out the best, and now let's welcome these parents and children to receive the award with the warmest applause."

Parents walked over under the guidance of the staff.

Qin Mo had the feeling of returning to his student days and was receiving praise from his teacher.

"Mr. Qin, congratulations."

"I can't imagine that since we are the Ben family, we really have a fate!"

Qin Jingming shook hands with Qin Mo closely, took the prize in the hands of the staff, and handed it to Qin Mo.

"These are sponsored by some parents, of course, for Mr. Qin's food today, this reward is still a little less, I hope I don't mind."

The opening next to him said, because he had contact with Qin Lao, he wanted Qin Mo's food today, if it was in those high-end restaurants, it was far more than this money.

"Twenty thousand yuan!"

Qin Mo held the thick envelope, not expecting that this event would have an unexpected harvest.

"Mr. Qin doesn't know where to go high now, we should have heard of such a delicacy."

At this time, the award was over, and some real gourmets were coming to make friends with Qin Mo.

"Elder Qin, I'm ashamed to say, the kid started his own business, and he currently opened a small shop, but he was just blocked by a certain department today, hey!"

I don't know when I will be able to resume business, although I have an income of 20,000 yuan, but I still lose a lot compared to the business.

"With Mr. Qin's craftsmanship, since it will be sealed, can you tell me what the problem is?"

When the surrounding referees heard this, they were immediately shocked, but don't let such chefs disappear into the food world because of some small things!

"Say it's me because my storefront is delicious, add some contraband, forget it, don't say, I still have to accompany my daughter, everyone chat slowly."

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