"Young man, you hold this card first."

Just as Qin Mo was about to turn around and walk away, in front of everyone's eyes, Qin Jingming took out a black business card and handed it to Qin Mo.

Looking at Qin Mo who left, the faces of several people present immediately turned black.

"How did the department here in Shenzhen City do it, and actually use such a ridiculous excuse to close people's shops."

Thinking of this, Qin Jingming couldn't help but say to the several referees in front of him.

"Elder Qin, don't be angry first, I'll find out what's going on."

I saw the five people around Qin Jingming, and immediately three of them took out their mobile phones and walked to the side.

"Dad, you are so powerful, Teacher Ye Yin asked you something today."

"Say, does Shin Shin have something to say?"

Riding a little donkey and blowing the cool evening breeze, Qin Mo heard his daughter say this, there must be a purpose.

"I just tried to ask Teacher Ye, saying that there is time, I want my father to make food for the teacher to eat, Teacher Ye just smiled, did not object, did not agree, you adults are really strange..." Hearing

Qin Xinxin say, it is really no benefit, it seems that what she said before is true.

"But I'm a divorcee, and I don't even have a stable income... What I was thinking, how to get my daughter around. At

this time, the thoughts that came to Qin Mo's mind were all startled by himself.

"Okay, Dad knows what Xinxin is thinking, Xinxin's father got a bonus today, so he will take you to eat the most expensive."

"Dad, seriously, it's the store I said before, what's it called..."

"Yes, this is the store, long live the dumplings."

Forty minutes later.

Qin Mo didn't expect this store to be so popular.

Now this is the time slot, and there is still a queue to make an appointment.

After waiting for half an hour, it was finally my turn.

"Dad, these things are so expensive!"

When Qin Xinxin came over with Hai Lan before, he didn't see the price.

I can't imagine that a dish costs a thousand yuan, which requires how many buns to sell.

"Eat, daddy is rich now!"

At this moment, a nasty voice sounded behind him.

"I can't think of where the dog goes, and I can't change eating!"

"As far as you are poor, you also deserve to eat here, wearing cheap clothes, and you don't know what your last name is."

What appeared now was Qin Mo's ex-wife Hai Lan.

I can't think of eating a meal, and I meet disgusting people.

"Xinxin, don't be deceived by him, when there is no money to pay, he will sell you."

For Hai Lan's words, Qin Mo didn't even look at it, but beckoned to the waiter in the distance.


Seeing Qin Mo's side beckoning, the waiter immediately ran over.

"This is the attitude of your restaurant, a fly buzzing in my ear!"

Seeing the waiter coming, Qin Mo said dissatisfied.

As a waiter in a high-end restaurant, Su Zhi reacted quickly enough, and immediately understood what Qin Mo was saying.

"This customer, there is another one over there, please come with me."

Both sides cannot be offended, one is a new customer, the other is an old customer, and if the other is not handled properly, his job will not be guaranteed.

"Hehe, Qin Mo, you have a kind, don't come to me when you don't have money to pay."

Seeing that from now to the end, Qin Mo didn't even look at himself, and his daughter didn't pay attention to himself.

Hai Lan angrily followed the waiter.

"Boss Hai, what's going on?"

It was Hai Lan's partner, Song Yiming, who spoke.

The owner of a small company, twenty-nine this year, is also a talent, a young Dezhi, and one of the suitors of Hai Lan.

"It's nothing, an annoying suitor before, forget it, the more you say it, the more angry you get..."

After speaking, she also put on a look of being wronged.

Seeing this situation, Song Yiming felt that his opportunity had come, and it was time to perform: "Boss Hai, don't worry, wait until you see me ready to let him get off the stage."

When Song Yiming didn't pay attention, a sneer flashed at the corner of Lan Hai's mouth, and then said: "Forget it, I don't want to deal with him villain."

"There are still a lot of Boss Hai, but since I Song Yiming said it, I have to do it, just because I know the manager of this restaurant, you can watch this person make an ugly appearance!"

In order to perform, afraid that if Hai Lan and others softened their hearts, they would have no chance to perform themselves, Song Yiming quickly picked up his mobile phone and looked for it in the address book.

"Hello Manager Lin, I'm Song Yiming."

"Yes, it's the one who drank with you last time, I'm in the store you're in charge of now, there's no big deal, don't need Manager Lin to come over specifically."

In order to perform, Song Yiming chatted with Manager Lin on the other side of the phone at this time, which was really proud.

"It's like this, as a friend, I just saw one thing, just remind Manager Lin, the customer in seat 5, may be going to eat the overlord meal, how can I pit Manager Lin, this is still my partner said, I just found out, yes, yes, I promise, next time I have time to invite Manager Lin to dinner."

Song Yiming put down his mobile phone when he said this: "Boss Hai, let's wait to watch the play!"

"Boss Song, how I said it, I said no need, it's just a small thing, forget it, since you said it all, if the trouble continues, I'll come forward again!"

Hai Lan said while showing a regretful expression on her face.

"It's still Boss Hai who is kind-hearted, and he is still worried about this scum at this time!"

Now Song Yiming looks at Hai Lan, the more he looks at it, the more satisfied he is, because he was divorced before, there was a little bump in his heart, and now it has disappeared.

"No way, after all, it's an acquaintance, don't say these frustrating words, today I want to come out to invite Boss Song..."

At this time, the front desk phone of the restaurant rang.

A waiter kept looking at table five when answering the phone and kept nodding.

After putting down the phone, go directly to table five.

"Excuse me, this customer, please come with me first and buy the order, so we can serve you food!"

Qin Mo, who was still laughing with his daughter just now, suddenly raised his head.

His face was full of confused expressions: "You said, I have to buy the order before I can eat?"

Qin Mo wondered if he had misheard, and asked word by word.

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