"Yes, this customer, just received a call from our manager, so ordered!"

When the waiter heard Qin Mo scolding him, he could only answer hard.

"Then why don't others use it, I need it!"

Qin Mo's face instantly became gloomy, and from the conversation with the waiter just now, he was obviously targeted.

But he just came in, he hasn't offended anyone, except that after his ex-wife came in just now, things happened, don't think, Qin Mo knows who is ghosting.

"Excuse me, customer, if you still want to eat, come with me and pay for it."

Looking at Qin Mo's ugly face, the waiter immediately adored the manager in his heart, and if people are not here, they can know everything that happens here.

"Customer, if you don't have money to pay the bill, I suggest you leave early, otherwise it will be you who will lose face!"

Thinking that even Manager Ke said so, the waiter immediately stopped being polite to Qin Mo, and his tone became stiff.

"Haha, this is the so-called high-end restaurant, since you treat customers like this, you can't eat it!"

After speaking, Qin Mo got up and said to his daughter: "Xinxin, it seems that Dad is going to make an appointment again this time!" "

Dumpling, the things they make are not as delicious as you, or I heard that the things here are expensive, and Xinxin doesn't want to come over to eat, so we'll go back to eat buns."

At this time, Qin Xinxin acted very sensible, took Qin Mo's hand and prepared to go out.

However, another burst of ridicule came: "Yes, if you want to eat the overlord meal, go back and eat your buns, no hillbilly can come in here." Qin

Mo, who had already got up and was about to go out, stopped and took down the backpack behind him.

Seeing his action, the waiter next to him immediately dodged away, as if Qin Mo was going to do something next!

In front of everyone, he took out a thick envelope, and Qin Mo directly tore open the envelope in front of everyone.


I saw that inside the torn envelope, two red bricks fell out, everyone took a closer look, isn't this two bundles of 100-yuan bills?

Thinking of the waiter's attitude towards people just now, the guests present immediately changed their faces.

"I'm a hillbilly, I want to eat the overlord meal, I don't have any money..."

Qin Mo said as he picked up the banknotes on the table and put them in his backpack.

Every time he said a word, he slammed back at the waiter's words just now, as well as punched in the face.

It's still crackling!

As soon as Qin Mo left, several guests who had just come in to order food directly paid and left.

"Dear customers, your meal will be delivered immediately!"

When the waiter saw this, he quickly ran over, not knowing what was going on?

"No need, leave it to you to eat, in the future, this restaurant, we can't afford to climb high!"

After speaking, the three guests directly threw their faces and left.

"Chong Ceng, it's all my bad, if it weren't for Xin Xin saying that he wanted to eat this, Cao Chong wouldn't be angry."

Watching Qin Mo walk out angrily, Qin Xinxin whispered.

"Xinxin, it's none of your business, it's their dog's eyes that look down on people, and they will definitely not let everyone dare to underestimate me Xinxin in the future..."

Qin Mo said, raising his head, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Go, go back and dad will make food for Xinxin."

Thinking that he still had 20,000 points that were useless, during the period of riding the little donkey, Qin Mo thought about it and made a decision.

"Two intermediate draws in the system."

As Qin Mo confirmed, the turntable in front of him turned rapidly, and his car slowed down and stopped to the side.


to the host lottery to obtain the porridge type skill (full level)"

"Congratulations to the host lottery to obtain the Jeet Kune Do skill (full level)"

At this time, Qin Mo's mind had a lot of experience in cooking porridge, and it was constantly fusing into his memories and limbs, and now he was like a chef who had been addicted to cooking porridge for decades.

Before Qin Mo could recover, the second lottery reward also had an effect, and a heat suddenly appeared in his body.

Slowly found that a force appeared in the body, this power is not suddenly increasing, but slowly changing.

Qin Mo also found that there was an itching sensation in his abdomen, which was not a big reaction, and it was the same as a change in strength.

"Xinxin, now let's go grocery shopping, dad will cook porridge and make buns for you, okay!"

Finding that the changes were still continuing, Qin Mo began to move towards the market.

"Well, I didn't think that the dumplings would also cook porridge, is it as delicious as the buns."

Qin Xinxin just had a little sense of depression, but at this time, he was attracted by the new food.

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