Crescent Community.

Room 501 on the 5th floor of four buildings.

"Ye Da beauty, finally willing to come back."

Ye Yin, who had been busy at school for a day, finally returned to her den at eight o'clock.

She did not live in the school's dormitory.

Instead, with a colleague, I shared a flat in a neighborhood outside.

Two bedrooms and one living room, 3,000 yuan a month's rent.

They rented the old neighborhood.

When I opened the door and walked in, the interior decoration was still new, which was a clear contrast with the old building outside.

In order to be able to live comfortably, the two of them each paid their own pockets and redecorated it into a warm one.

At this time, from a bedroom, a young woman wearing a cool vest ran out.

She has long hair, but now it's casually tied up.

"Why, you want me to bring food again."

Looking at this girlfriend's friend and colleague, he stayed in his residence all the time except for class time.

No wonder when it came to decoration at that time, I didn't even think about it, it turned out that a hole had already been dug and waiting for her to jump in.

"My Ye Da beauty, don't bother you today, just look at my belly."

After speaking, Wu Yueyi pulled up her vest, and saw a white little belly, reflected in Ye Yin's eyes.

"I said, Miss Wu, can you have a little image, or be a teacher."

Looking at Wu Yueyi's temperament, there is no steadiness at all, just like a child.

No wonder even when teaching, they pick the most idle history lessons.

After the class, there was no one to see.

I usually have lunch when there is no class, and sometimes I have to bring my own dinner back.

Ye Yin sat on the sofa and turned on the TV casually, it was local news.

"When did you eat?"

Put the satchel away and look at this stomach, it should be too much to eat.

"Isn't the school doing activities today, I also passed, fortunately I went, or I really missed the food."

While speaking, Wu Yueyi also extended her tongue to lick her lips.

"It's not like your style, aren't you going to lose weight, why did you eat so much this time?"

"What are you eating?"

Ye Yin also began to wonder what kind of food could make this snacker pay attention to.

"Buns! Ate four meat buns, at that time I was afraid of that scene, isn't it just a few buns, one by one, look at themselves, just like enemies, although the buns are delicious, they don't need this! "

Wu Yueyi is a southerner and doesn't like to eat buns.

But now that she heard that she actually ate buns to eat, Ye Yin immediately thought of the afternoon.

He looked at Wu Yueyi with a surprised look and said, "No, that foodie turned out to be you, and it almost made ten judges fight." "

I don't want to either, I was eating and eating, I didn't pay attention to the others, it was so delicious..." Wu

Yueyi rarely had a shy expression, and her eyes were rolling rapidly while she said.

"Buns can also understand, then why you spoiled four bowls of sugar water later, that is for the judges."

Ye Yin looked at her current expression and expressed disbelief.

"Hehe, this is all for you to know, I thought so at the time, killing one is also killing, a pair of one killing, such a delicious thing, how can you miss it, just eat enough, the big deal is to receive a scolding, and a piece of meat is indispensable."

"It's also delicious, it's made by the parent of one of my students, I can't imagine that I usually look very low-key, and I still hide such a big skill."

Ye Yin is the child of a large family, she knows that she has this craft, and she casually finds a star hotel.

The salary must be open by yourself, as long as the taste is guaranteed.

I can easily get a job with a monthly salary of more than 50,000, but I run to do food delivery.

After a month of hard work, it still reached less than 10,000 yuan, not even one-fifth.

Before Qin Mo was just a little handsome, but now it looks mysterious.

Since he is interested in him, is it because he is now single.

"Your student's parents..." Wu

Yueyi, who was sitting next to her, heard this, her eyes lit up, and she immediately jumped up, sat on Ye Yin's lap, and hugged her tightly.

Since a shrunken expression appeared on his face, he said: "My Ye Da beauty, I have a small request.

"There is no lady image at all, hurry up, small request, I don't know what you think yet, don't think about it."

Ye Yin saw Wu Yueyi's smile and immediately realized that it was wrong, this girlfriend must have dug a hole for herself, and quickly wanted to push her away.

"Hehe, I haven't said it yet, you know what happened, it means that Ye Dabei also thinks, if you don't agree, don't think about me coming down today."

After speaking, Wu Yueyi tightly clasped Ye Yin's neck again, and the whole person was pasted, if it were not for the small leather ball in the middle to block it, the two would have faced each other.

"I decided to give Comrade Ye Yin a difficult task, and in the future, I will find a way to get me back a few buns every day, so that Comrade Wu can get rid of his boredom with buns as soon as possible."

"Come down, I don't look serious all day long."

Let her go to the parents of the students every day to ask for buns, then it is better to kill her Ye Yin.

"Comrade Ye, don't be discouraged, the revolution has not yet succeeded, and we still need to work hard, and you have a powerful Comrade Wu Yueyi behind you to cheer you on."

"It's better not to go to an annoying house, divorced, and have to be alone with children and work."

Wu Yueyi heard that the strength of his hand increased here: "Divorced man, will also make such delicious buns, definitely not much worse in cooking, Ye Dabei, is there a photo, I don't mind going to be a stepmother for your student..." Ye

Yin said with surprise on his face: "No, Wu Yueyi, you can eat it, this is okay!" "

That's, don't look at me Wu Yueyi, food comes first, as long as people look good, I won't mind, besides, my Wu Yueyi's conditions are poor, to have a good look, to have a figure."

Speaking of this, Wu Yueyi also deliberately bumped forward.

"How can this work, people are divorced, you used to bring children, this is to be a stepmother for other people's children!"

Ye Yin looked at her girlfriend, looking serious, and quickly grabbed her head and shook it.

"Haha, you believe this, I think someone is afraid that I will take the lead, forget it, I have a large number of Lord Wu Yueyi, so I won't fight with you, I quit!"

"Remember, tomorrow I want to see delicious buns, I won't bother you to take a bath."

After that, Wu Yueyi jumped down from Ye Yin and returned to her bedroom.

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