"Miss Ke, why are you asking this?"

"I have a friend who wants to eat at Qin's Restaurant, but he doesn't have a membership card!"

Hearing Ke Baiwei say this, Zhang Ziming understood.

Now that the owner's restaurant is famous, I want to try it.

It's really pervasive, looking for relationships everywhere.

The current Ke Baiwei is, if not because it is a classmate of the eldest brother.

Just hang up the phone now.

"When are you free tomorrow?"

"Is it okay at noon?"

Ke Baiwei calculated that it would definitely take time for Shi Huiyun to come over.

Noon is just right.

"Okay, call me when you arrive."

"Thank you!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Ziming couldn't help but shake his head.

"Supervisor, who called you, you just laughed!"

"Don't guess, look at the supervisor's expression, you can tell that it must be your girlfriend's phone."

"I can't stuff your mouth with food, don't guess, it's a friend of my brother."

After dismissing these employees, Zhang Ziming fell into deep thought.

He didn't know if this time was his brother's chance.

Now his work, the family does not know.

Because he didn't think it was time to tell him until his income was higher.

"If you can become a manager, it's time to tell your family."

Qin Mo is really good for these old employees.

Zhang Ziming has the opportunity to become a store manager in a branch.

However, he felt that his ability was not enough, so he stayed in the main store to study for a while.

In fact, his real purpose is to learn cooking from the boss.

But Qin Mo was busy with affairs, how could he stay in the main store all the time.

The management is relatively relaxed, but Zhang Ziming feels that it is better to learn some craftsmanship.

Now his role is supervisor, managing the chef of the back kitchen.

One level lower than the manager, the salary package is relatively less.

Only this location, closest to the back kitchen.

"Look at the fate of the eldest brother, and have the opportunity to help the younger brother extraordinarily."

After talking to Zhang Ziming on the phone, Ke Baiwei was very happy.

Now I want to tell Shi Huiyun this good news.

"Wait, did I miss something?"

When Ke Baiwei calmed down, she thought for a while, and there was a pimple in her heart, as if there was something that had not been done.

"The membership card, it seems that he didn't say this later, or does it mean that he will go to the queue in advance before noon tomorrow?"

A high school graduate, Ke Baiwei didn't have it at all, connecting him with the employees of Qin's restaurant.

Now the college students who want to join the Qin Family Restaurant are all in a long line.

Many of them are important universities, and even graduate students value their treatment.

One who just graduated from high school, even if you tell Ke Baiwei.

She thought you were joking.

Because she also came to Qin's Restaurant for an interview before.

It's just a management position, as for whether it can be passed.

Looking at her now, she knows that it must have been brushed down.

If she had chosen to be a waiter at that time, her chances of passing would definitely be high.

After all, the body appearance and education are there, and such an excellent talent comes to be a waiter.

The interviewer at that time did not dare to say that the probability of choosing her was 100%.

But the chances of passing are definitely greater than others.

"Forget it, call and let Huiyun prepare in advance."

If something goes wrong because of the time, it's really not worth it. At

this time, it was already half past ten in the evening.

"Bai Wei, how?"

As soon as the phone was called, it was obvious that Shi Huiyun on the other side had been waiting for her to call back.

"Just arrive before noon tomorrow!"

Ke Baiwei didn't say anything superfluous, and Shi Huiyun of the province thought wildly.

"Okay, I'll go pack up my things, and then stay on your side for two days and beat you as a tycoon!"

"Please, Senior Miss, your salary income is several times that of mine.

You said to beat me as a local tycoon, I think it should be me. The

two nagged for more than ten minutes before hanging up.


The next day around eleven o'clock in the afternoon.

Ke Baiwei has arrived at New Times Square.

But instead of going in, she waited outside.

Just received a message from Shi Huiyun, she had already got off the plane.

I got in a taxi half an hour ago, and it's almost half an hour away.

Zhang Ziming did not call her, but in the morning, he sent himself a message to let him remember the time.

"Babe, it's so tall, come to Auntie to hug!"

Seeing a taxi parked on the side of the road, Ke Baiwei knew that someone had arrived.

Walking over, the car door opened, and it was Shi Beibei who came down first.

However, looking at her thin figure, Ke Baiwei couldn't help but feel sad in her heart.

It's not easy for this kid!

"Aunt Ke, you are getting more and more beautiful!"

"Haha, Bebe's mouth is sweet!"

Ke Baiwei picked Shi Beibei up at once, and she couldn't feel the weight at all.

"All connected?"

Shi Huiyun showed a difficult serious expression.

At first, I thought that this time I came over, it was just a very ordinary restaurant.

As soon as I got into the taxi, I started talking to the driver.

As soon as I heard about her mother and daughter, they went to eat at the Qin family's restaurant.

The driver's face showed envy, and he even spoke with respect.

"I really envy you people, we won't have a chance to enter and try!"

At this time, if you can't notice it, it's not Shi Huiyun.

Take out your mobile phone and start looking it up according to the name of the store that Ke Baiwei said before.

Looking at the full page of Qin's restaurant, choose a random point to enter.

The contents of it shocked her!

What level of restaurant is this, you may not be able to eat it if you have money.

"It seems that I put a lot of pressure on Ke Baiwei, but I don't know how she did it."

For his good friend, Shi Huiyun knows very well.

Among her friends, there is not a single one related to the powerful.

"I'll just make a phone call!"

Ke Baiwei said not to worry, it was fake.

Take out your mobile phone, find Zhang Ziming's number and dial out.

"Miss Ke, you are here, where are you?

I don't have time now, just go to the front desk and report your name.

I'll tell her okay, I'll go find you when I'm done!" Hearing

Zhang Ziming say this, Ke Baiwei felt that it might be yellow.

There is no time at this time, just tell the front desk.

He thought he was the management of Qin's restaurant!

"Forget it, it's all coming, or go in and take a look!"

Looking at Shi Huiyun next to her, Ke Baiwei still held on to the last glimmer of hope.

"Hello, I'm Ke Baiwei."

Under the gaze of the waiting crowd around, Ke Baiwei walked to the front desk cheekily.

Everyone thought she took out her membership card to register.

But she didn't expect her to say this, Ke Baiwei felt her face hot and painful.

"You are Miss Ke and Sister He that Supervisor Zhang said, the person has arrived!"

Meng Zhiyao shouted towards a woman around twenty-eight years old not far away.

Today happened to be her on duty, and the supervisor just told herself the good news.

In his own group, he can immediately take a step up, and his salary is relatively improved.

I happen to be in it, and the things that the supervisor orders must be done.

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