"Two of you, please come with me!"

Watching Ke Baiwei and several people follow the waiter in, the people outside began to discuss.

"I really envy these people for getting to know the management and saving time in line."

"Don't envy, how many people outside envy us, they don't even have the opportunity to line up."

"It's the same thing, isn't it just a little more delay."

Soon these people calmed down, after all, they could eat here.

In terms of quality, there is still there.


Following the waiter, Ke Baiwei was still in a daze.

He couldn't imagine that his classmate's younger brother was mixing so well now.

If I didn't guess wrong, I applied for a position at this level at that time.

Now a high school graduate actually pressed her, a high-achieving student, to the ground and rubbed.

"Bai Wei, this friend of yours seems to be very powerful!"

Until an hour ago, he didn't know the ability of Qin's restaurant.

"Hehe, I just knew..."

Ke Baiwei laughed awkwardly.

Two please come in!

"This is?"

Looking at the box in front of him, it was different from what he had just passed.

Because this doorway is not marked with a number.

What I just saw was 1111, 2222, 3333 and so on.

"Two guests, it seems that you are here for the first time?"

The waiter looked at the two beauties in front of him, and their appearance was not different from that of the manager.


"Our Qin's Restaurant has several such private rooms, which are mainly for the use of management.

After all, we all have some relatives and friends.

Can't let them line up outside, wouldn't it chill their hearts. Hearing

the waiter say this, Ke Baiwei understood.

It turns out that Zhang Ziming is really developed, but why doesn't his family know?


Yesterday, after talking to Zhang Ziming on the phone, I also called my old classmate to thank him.

This made Zhang Lixuan confused what was going on?

"If you want to eat, just scan the QR code with your mobile phone."

After the waiter finished speaking, he exited and closed the door.

Only then did the two discover that there was a QR code on the dining table.

No wonder I thought it was weird at the beginning, didn't see the menu, and the waiter didn't give it.

"It's so expensive!"

After scanning the QR code, Ke Baiwei looked at the name of the dish displayed on the mobile phone.

Then I was shocked by the price below.

With such an expensive price, so many people can't eat if they want to.

How much money does this boss have to make!

With her current income, she can only eat once a month.

"There are so many rich people, look at the rich woman, it is also the amount you can consume."

I looked at the numbers and panicked!

"Well, this time please please, Babe, what do you like to eat?"

Shi Huiyun took the mobile phone to her daughter and let her choose by herself.

This time, the purpose of coming here has not been forgotten,

"Mom, I want this, this, and these two."

Soon Shi Beibei ordered four dishes, and Shi Huiyun also ordered two.

"Don't you order, this opportunity is rare!"

Shi Huiyun's meaning is obvious, eating here depends on relationships.

Wait for the next time, it is not to trouble Zhang Ziming again.

"Grandma today, just bleed once, I'll order it!"

"Okay, I'll laugh, I'll buy today's order."

Just you get some salary, order a few dishes, and this month you will drink the northwest wind. Seeing

hope, Shi Huiyun's mood improved.

"Several, this is your first course!"

"Mommy is so fragrant!"

Shi Beibei's voice attracted the attention of the waiter.

"This kid is also too skinny to compare with our little princess!"

"Mom, I want to eat!"

Shi Beibei stared at the first dish opened on the table.

This is what she ordered herself, it is Cantonese food, it belongs to desserts and the like.

"Woohoo.... Good.. Don't worry, mom will serve you a bowl! Seeing

her daughter's appearance, Shi Huiyun felt hopeful.

Quickly picked up a small bowl, filled it for her, and placed it in front of her daughter.

"Don't worry, take your time, it's still hot!"

As soon as Shi Beibei saw the pumpkin soup in front of him, he couldn't help it anymore.

Pick up the spoon and put it in your mouth without getting hot.

"Whew... Scald... It's so hot..."

The mouth said it was hot, but she didn't spit it out.

Instead, he breathed and swallowed it when it was cold.

"Good, good... Haha..." Seeing

her daughter so anxious to eat the first bite, Shi Huiyun cried with a smile and laughter.

"Be careful, don't let Babe see it, wait to affect her appetite!"

Ke Baiwei next to her reacted quickly, and when she walked over to comfort her, she also reminded Shi Huiyun.

"Yes, yes... I don't cry! He

quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and took a deep breath.

Calm yourself down.

"Mom, I still want it!"

In less than a few minutes, a small bowl of food is eaten.

If she could eat a small bowl the day before, she would have been happy for a day.

"Okay, Bei Bei eat slowly, there are others, you can't eat without waiting"

Considering that her daughter rarely eats for a long time, Shi Huiyun does not dare to let her eat more at once.


Nodded his head, Shi Beibei this time, while blowing cold, slowly eating.

"Bai Wei, this bowl is for you!"

"Thank you, just want to try it, it's about to blow the sky outside!"

Taking it from Shi Huiyun's hand, Ke Baiwei just smelled the fragrance emanating.

Just let the roundworm in her stomach turn over.

"It's also delicious!"

After drinking a spoonful, Ke Baiwei felt refreshed all over.

I don't know how many times better than I have eaten in other hotels before.


The same phenomenon is happening again.

But this time Ke Baiwei is more bold!

Directly take the bowl and drink it to your mouth.

Even the tingling pain caused by the soup passing through the throat is not cared for!

"Bai Wei, you..." When

Shi Huiyun wanted to stop it, it was too late.

Ke Baiwei had already drunk half a bowl.

"Is it so delicious? As for this?

If she didn't think about it this time, she wondered if the two had lied to herself.

"Even if it's a lie, it's good!"

Seeing that her daughter is like a normal person, there are no symptoms of anorexia at all at this time.

She was satisfied!

"I'd rather taste it, isn't it so exaggerated!"

The result was the same, and Shi Huiyun also joined after trying.

It's just that she is not as exaggerated as Ke Baiwei.

Soon all seven dishes are served, and the speed of this serving really doesn't know what to say!

"That's more than 10,000!"

Looking at the table, it is like a work of art and food, smelling the fragrance in the air.

From time to time, the three of them ate the bowl in their mouths and stared into the plate.

"It's also too fragrant, so delicious!"

"Two guests, you guys have had a good day.

Today the owner, personally cooked.

Your table is made by the boss.

The guests came to the venue, hoping to eat the food made by the boss himself. Hearing

Ke Baiwei and the two of them eating while praised.

The waiter couldn't help but say something on the side.

"These are the bosses, then usually..."

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