"Usually, they are the apprentices of the boss, but they are also top chefs.

The chefs outside are nothing compared to that! Speaking

of the chef of his restaurant, the waiter's face was full of pride.

It seems to be talking about himself, but for those cooks outside, his face is disdainful.

"What should I do now?"

Through the words of the waiter, the two can tell that there is still a difference in the level of cooking.

I don't know how big the difference is, if it's big, then how should Bebe's anorexia be treated?

"So how many times does your boss cook in a week?"

"Maybe, if the boss is in the deep market, it is possible to have a Thursday or five days a week."

If you go to another city, it is possible to go to another city a week.

By the way, I almost forgot, it's not that our boss is there, everyone can eat.

What you can eat depends on luck, just like you do now.

Just at the table in front of him, the rich people outside are willing to take over at several times the price. Hearing

the waiter say this, he looked at the fact that Babe was now eating every dish.

There were satisfied smiles on their faces, which stumped the two of them.

"How about I beg them later?"

"That's going to trouble you again!"

"No trouble, for the sake of Babe, this time I will be cheeky!"

"Let it be, don't think so much, you see that Babe is going to eat up!"

"Aunt Ke, if you don't eat again, Beibei will finish eating!"

Seeing the adult talking about himself, Shi Beibei slowed down his movements.

However, his eyes are still glued to the food on the table.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!"

I don't know how long it took, half of the food on the table had been eaten.

At this time, there were footsteps outside.

Ke Baiwei knew that the main lord had appeared, because the location of this box was in the corner.

At this time, only Zhang Ziming appeared.

As for the others, it was impossible, they all served their own dishes, and they did not call the waiter.

As soon as the door opened, a young man in a blue suit appeared in the doorway.

Shi Huiyun looked over, and this man's appearance belonged to the public level.

However, his mental appearance is not comparable to others.

The whole body is full of confidence.


Shi Huiyun thought of the fame of the Qin family's restaurant, this person had this capital.

"You are Miss Ke?"

After Zhang Ziming came in, he glanced between the two.

Immediately recognized Ke Baiwei from it.

This is still very easy to recognize, there is still a difference between a woman who has a family and a woman who does not.

"Supervisor Zhang, I'm bothering you today!"

The current Zhang Ziming is not half a year ago, and a certain respect is still required.

Besides, people helped themselves so much.

"Miss Ke, you still call me by name, this way I feel weird."

If others call themselves that, Zhang Ziming will gladly accept it.

However, because the eldest brother likes the person, call the Zhang supervisor or forget it.

"By the way, this is my good friend Shi Huiyun, this time trouble Zhang Supervisor, it is my friend's business, I hope you don't be strange!"

When introducing Shi Huiyun, it is inevitable that it is a little embarrassing.

Asking someone to do things is not your own business.

"It's okay, Miss Ke's friend's business is also my business!"

When introducing Shi Huiyun, Zhang Ziming's eyes lit up and looked at the woman in front of him.

Inside and out, it reveals a charming temperament.

"It's a pity!"

The little girl next to her means that people have already started a family and have no chance.

"So skinny?"

After seeing the little girl, Zhang Ziming was surprised in his heart.

"Supervisor Zhang, aren't you surprised!"

From the expression on the other party's face, Shi Huiyun could still see something.

"My daughter has anorexia, that's why Toko Baiwei troubled you this time!"


Chefs are generally aware of this symptom.

He is no exception, this is usually learned by checking information on the Internet.

But as far as he knows, isn't anorexia very difficult to treat?

Looking at the little girl in front of her, anorexia should have been around for several years.

This is already above the middle level.

But this kind of patient now eats more delicious food than anyone!

"No, have you forgotten something?"

Zhang Ziming thought that if anorexia was so easy to treat.

Just food can be cured, that is still an incurable disease!

"This won't be our boss doing?"

Now only this reason can explain why, the little girl in front of her eats so deliciously.

"You don't know?"

Zhang Ziming really didn't know that he wasn't in the back kitchen at that time.

"It's really the boss, then it's no wonder!"

In this way, the food made by the owner has a role in curing anorexia!

"You guys wait for me."

Thinking of this, Zhang Ziming hurriedly walked outside, he wanted to verify his ideas.

When Ke Baiwei and the two did not know what was going on.

Five minutes later, he returned to the box.

It's just that when I came in, I was holding a plate in my hand.

It's a dish!

"Little sister, you take a look at this first, is it delicious?"

Put the plate in front of Shi Beibei, and as soon as you open it, it is fragrant.

But this time, Shi Huiyun had already seen her daughter's expression.

It didn't seem to have the same expression as before, and he began to hesitate when he looked at the food in front of him.

"Thank you big brother!"

After saying thank you to Zhang Ziming, she picked up her chopsticks.



The three asked almost simultaneously.

Now Ke Baiwei also reacted, this dish is definitely not made by their boss.

That must be the chef of the back kitchen to make it again, but it doesn't seem to make much difference in smelling the aroma.

"Not as delicious as the front!"

Shi Beibei chewed a few times, and finally swallowed.

But this time there was no smile on his face.

"After that, eat these, does Babe eat every day?"

Shi Huiyun, how to put blood into the blood, as long as he can cure his daughter's anorexia.

Spend all your money willingly.

"Isn't there such a thing?"

Shi Beibei stared at the other seven dishes on the table and said.


"Well, this Babe can still eat!"

Hearing her mother's voice change, Shi Beibei quickly lowered her head.

"But sometimes you can eat like this!"


The sad clouds on Shi Beibei's face disappeared instantly, and she raised her head to look at her mother in surprise.


"That's great, this Babe likes to eat too!"

Zhang Ziming, who was standing next to him, could be regarded as hearing it.

This little girl is cooking the food made by other chefs.

The owner himself made the dish.

If you let the boss and these apprentices know, they don't know what to think.

"Supervisor Zhang, I want to ask you for a favor?"

"Two, I know what you mean, but..."

Hearing that Zhang Ziming didn't say anything halfway, the two asked worriedly.

"If it's once a day, I can still do it, and the rest..."

He didn't continue, after all, he wasn't the only one above the middle level.

There are not many such private rooms, if one of them is occupied by yourself every day.

Even if other colleagues don't say it, they can't care about it!

People who know themselves, and what do they think!

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