"Once a day, yes!"

At first, I saw the embarrassed expression on Zhang Ziming's face.

Shi Huiyun thought that there was no chance, and he couldn't think of the final surprise waiting.

"Two, I still have things, so I won't accompany you!"

After saying goodbye to Ke Baiwei and the two, Zhang Ziming went out.

Watching Zhang Ziming walk out, the biggest problem was solved.

The rest is the question of Babe, the rest of the time.

Her teacher Huiyun has to go to work, and her daughter has to go to the restaurant once a day.

The two clashed!

The thing about money is small money, which has saved hundreds of thousands in recent years, and can still be consumed in a short period of time.

"How about Babe follow me during this time?"

Seeing the sadness on Shi Huiyun's face, Ke Baiwei gave a compromise method.

"Isn't that very troublesome, you still have to take Babe with you to work every day?"

"It's okay, my company is still relatively free.

It won't be long, maybe soon Babe's anorexia will be gone! Hearing

his good friend say this, Shi Huiyun did not respond, but fell into silence.

"Take Bebe to work every day, and then take a taxi here to eat..."

She didn't continue, because if she came down like this, she would definitely be very tired all day.

When I took Beibei before, because it was my daughter.

No matter how hard and tired you are, you can endure it, and gradually get used to it.

"Hehe, I must be tired thinking like this!

If you think about it, you can eat here every day.

No matter how tired it is, it is worth it, and when we come in, we see those people.

Some want to wait in line for a meal, and are willing to wait for hours.

What is my bitterness, I will eat it as soon as I come. Ke

Baiwei said so, it is true.

As long as Shi Huiyun, go out and shout now.

Take care of Beibei for a while, and the reward will be able to eat a meal at Qin's restaurant every day.

There are definitely more people signing up than people queuing outside.

"Then trouble you, Bai Wei!"

"It's been so many old friends, and they're still so polite.

Hurry up and eat, such a delicacy in the world, it will not taste good when it is cold! Everything

was arranged, and the two finally let go of the mood to eat.

"Boss, you're still amazing!"

Zhang Ziming, who returned to the back kitchen, finally couldn't help it.

He wanted to tell Qin Mo the good news, and the food he made was able to treat anorexia.

If this matter gets out, then the reputation of their Qin Family Restaurant will have to rise again!

"What's the matter, God mysterious?"

Seeing Zhang Ziming walking over, he said something inexplicable.

Qin Mo didn't know how to answer.

"Boss, you should know about anorexia!"

Zhang Ziming didn't say anything, but asked instead.

"You know, why are you asking this?"

"Boss, don't you know that the food you make has other uses?"

"Effective for anorexia?"

"It's worthy of being the boss, I'll guess it as soon as I say so!"

"Your face is almost clear, this is still guessing!"

Just now, Zhang Ziming first asked about anorexia, and then asked himself if he didn't eat other effects.

This is not an explicit way to tell him that the food made has a therapeutic effect on people with anorexia.

"Say, what's going on?" ,

Qin Mo was talking while stir-frying in a pot!

The distraction didn't affect his performance at all, and he can now focus on both.

"There was just a patient with anorexia who came to our store.

I smelled the food made by the boss and ate it all the time.

I also praised while eating! "

This is naked horseshit, but Qin Mo loves to listen to it.

"Is it someone you know, or is it your friend?"

"It's my friend, but I think..." "

What's the matter, so hard to speak, do I seem to be such an unreasonable person?"

When I saw Zhang Ziming, I didn't explain the situation.

"Is it because of the private room?"

Seeing that he doesn't speak, the boss can guess things.

"Yes, boss, if you want to treat anorexia, a meal can't solve


So just promise my friend to come over once a day, and you won't blame me, right?"

At this time, Zhang Ziming looked at Qin Mo in horror.

I am afraid that he will be angry now.

Although I have been with my boss for so long, I have never seen him angry.

I'm afraid I'll make an exception on myself!

"Seeing that you are so worried, are you afraid that I will scold people!"

Seeing Zhang Ziming's current appearance, Qin Mo couldn't help but laugh.

"You're not using it for personal gain, so worried.

Besides, who I am, you don't know yet.

Using the convenience of one's work to help others is worth advocating.

You just put a hundred hearts, I won't be angry!

Zhang Ziming, who had been tensing his body just now, finally took a deep breath.

Let yourself relax slowly, and for a moment, I really regretted it.

Such a good job if because of this, put yourself out of work.

At that time, I don't know who to complain to.

"You're so worried!"

"You must be worried, but the future is bright with the boss!"

This little, Zhang Ziming shot very naturally.

"You've been with me for so long, and I still don't worry about you?

And you don't always want to stay in the back kitchen, giving you so long.

You should think about it now and tell me your decision!

In the blink of an eye, Qin Mo became serious.

"Boss, I still want to stay in the back kitchen, you also know that I have a low culture, and I really can't do the best in management!"

"Really decided?"

"It's decided!"

Zhang Ziming nodded his head in response this time!

"Okay, then you go and find Fu Hetai, and I'll train the two of you this afternoon."

And it will be like this in the next few days, and how much you can learn depends on your skills!

"Received, boss, I'll go!"

After waiting for such a long time, I finally got what I wanted.

Zhang Ziming thanked him and ran outside with brisk steps.


[Dear audience! It's news burst time.

What is reported next for you is good news for some people.

In China, and even around the world, incurable diseases have always been a difficult problem that everyone wants to overcome.

Now a living example is happening all around me, and I have to say it to share with you.

Everyone should be familiar with anorexia, and those who have this example around will experience it deeply.

Some time ago, I had the honor of going to Shenzhen City and taking my children to eat at Qin's Restaurant.

What I didn't expect was that the child ate like a normal person.

For the rest of the day, I asked my kids to go every day.

You probably wouldn't have guessed, it only takes three days.

Anorexia turned out to be better, and the child no longer resents eating.

This news ends here, and the next report to you is.....]

Now the host of the live news is so familiar.

This is not Shi Huiyun, it has only been three days since she last went to Shenzhen City.

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