Today is the fourth day, and the child she said on the news is not surprisingly her daughter.

Originally planned to take half a month, now it is only the past three days.

As she just said, Shi Beibei is no longer anorexia.

It's already good, this is too fast.

"Director, why is this kind of thing also put on the stage and said, if this is not good, it will be punished."

During Shi Huiyun's live broadcast, the staff below was talking to a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man is the second in command of the unit, Guo Liangzhe, who is specially responsible for live broadcasting.

This time can make him make up his mind, is Shi Huiyun's report to himself.

And bring your own daughter to yourself and let yourself verify it yourself.

Shi Beibei's affairs are no longer a secret in the unit.

Everyone in the whole unit knows Shi Huiyun, because the child suffers from anorexia, and finally her husband divorced her.

"Director, I want to broadcast this matter.

Of course, I also have a purpose, to repay the favor.

The final goal is to let everyone know that anorexia can actually be treated quickly. At

first, Guo Liangzhe didn't believe it, where is such a magical thing.

I only met Shi Beibei last week.

At that time, Shi Huiyun took her daughter's unit to work and ate a little for her daughter.

At that time, I tried everything I could, but in the end, I didn't.

At noon today, I saw it with my own eyes.

Shi Beibei eats more fragrant than herself, if not for her thin body.

No one believed that she had suffered from anorexia.

"Okay, you can be flexible yourself, just give you a minute."

"Thank you, Director!"

Shi Huiyun could not have imagined that Guo Liangzhe would be persuaded so easily.

Although I only gave myself a minute, it was enough.

After all, he is a famous host, and the control of time can be accurate to the second.

"This director, how to mess around with Shi Huiyun."

News serialization reports on these, what a system.

This is not to find yourself unhappy, and you can't get by with your own future!

"These leaders naturally have a point, and we can just do it to our subordinates."

Too much control, or I'm sure you won't have good fruit to eat! Some

people still tried to persuade Guo Liangzhe, but they were held back by other colleagues.

"I will succeed!"

After the leader agreed to his request, colleagues around him questioned him.

This makes Shi Huiyun even more not to take it lightly, this time it will be broadcast perfectly.

I didn't receive complaints from the audience, only pennants!

The time of the news broadcast coincides with dinner, and there are many viewers watching the news.

[Mom and Dad, what did you just hear?]

This is a wealthy family, illuminated by the lights of the suspended ceiling.

The restaurant of dozens of square meters looks very warm.

At the dining table, five people were sitting around eating.

A little boy was shaking his head constantly: "I don't eat, these are not delicious!" The

man with glasses who had just spoken was about thirty years old.

It was the father of the little boy, Zhu Xingyan.

What he didn't expect was that in a superior family situation, his son suffered from anorexia.

Fortunately, it is a mild symptom, as long as the usual psychological counseling, as well as the attention to diet, this is not a big problem.

However, as long as these are not completely recovered, Zhu Xingyan will still worry.

"It seems to say that anorexia is effectively related?"

"Yes, it's anorexia, it's just a news series, why report such a thing."

"It seems to have mentioned the address and so on, so you can only wait half an hour to look back."

When Zhu Xingyan heard the family say this, it meant that it was not his illusion just now.

If you want to view it, you can only wait half an hour later, and you can look back on the Internet.

[Xiaoxin, you see it, as long as I have the opportunity, I will cure you even if I lose my family! ]

In a hospital room, a young man is accompanying the patient in the hospital bed watching the news.

At this time, a short report flashed quickly under the host's pure Mandarin.

Those who don't pay attention to listening really can't listen to everything.

But this young man watched the news from beginning to end, so he knew what it was talking about.

As he spoke softly, the corners of the woman's eyes on the hospital bed began to moisten.

A tear wet the pillow, and the young man was watching TV excitedly.

Without noticing the condition of the patient in bed, the first tears appeared.

The patient's emotions began to stir, and finally the young man realized that something was wrong.

"Xiao Xin, don't get excited, yes, just take a deep breath slowly."

With the comfort of the young man, the patient's mood finally calmed down.

The two are a small couple, but no one else appears at this time.

The patient is a young woman, twenty-five years old, named Sherana.

In the later stage of anorexia, the body is now maintained by drips.

The doctor said that Jiang Xingxian should be mentally prepared.

Patients can go into endangered status at any time, and may never wake up.

Usually pay attention to her emotions and not get too excited.

The sad thing is that it appeared here, and Sheranna's house ignored it.

It means that in the future, her life and death will be resigned to fate.

If it weren't for Jiang Xingxian's presence, even if he didn't die in the first few months, he would have chosen to commit suicide.

For the next two months, Jiang Xingxian accompanied her in the hospital.

9-year-old Jiang Xingxian is a technician of a company with a very good income.

But there was a problem with the girlfriend, and the family broke off the relationship.

In this case, he has to make a decision to either break up or quit to care for the patient.

Obviously, Jiang Xingxian chose the latter!

[The Qin Restaurant in Shenzhen City is it, I hope this is true! ]

"Doctor, I'm going to be transferred!"

Jiang Xingxian found the attending doctor and said that he wanted to transfer to the hospital.

"You have to think about it clearly, this may increase the burden on patients, you still think about it seriously."

"Don't think about it, I'll handle the transfer today, and ask the director to make it convenient!"

"Well, since you have decided well, I can't stop it!"

The attending doctor glanced at the patient on the bed, and now it was really skinny.

A poorly cared for, leading to sudden death of arrhythmias.

"Thank you for taking care of you!"

Go through the formalities and contact the hospital ambulance.

Jiang Xingxian thanked the medical staff before finally getting into the ambulance.

This is to rely on the ambulance all the way to ensure the patient.

But the cost is not low, and the average family really can't afford it.

As for the hospitals in Shenzhen City, they have already been contacted.

It can be said that they are very lucky, Jiang Xingxian wants to transfer to the hospital.

There is exactly a bed!

"These two young people, what a pity!"

Looking at the distant ambulance, the attending doctor couldn't help but shake his head!

If he hadn't seen that the two of them were so inseparable, he really wouldn't have used his personal relationship.

Give them the hospital in contact with and arrange beds.

People who don't know really think that transferring hospitals is such a simple thing.

As for the news serialization, it can be said to have set off a storm in China.

In the deep city, the Qin Family Restaurant once again appeared in front of people.

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