"Beauty, trouble help our boss, take out all this type!"

Gu Qingyi, who came over, glanced at this jade card.

His face couldn't help but show a dissatisfied expression.

"Exactly, you guys help me see, I don't know which one is good?"

Seeing the two following, Qin Mo gave way to the side.

"Several, these are the latest models in our store!"

A woman with pimples on her face can't imagine that she can get a single order by standing aside.

It seems that this is a single drama.

The handsome guy in front of him knows at a glance that it is not bad money.

Now I don't know what price he wants to buy, whether I want to recommend it to him.

As soon as she thought of this, she saw Gu Qingyi next to her, taking out the jade card one by one, and had to extinguish this idea.

"Boss, which of these two pairs do you think is better?"

Ten minutes later.

In front of the three, only two pairs of jade cards remained.

On the surface, there is little difference between these two pairs.

The difference is only the price point.

One 18888, one 58888!

"That's it, swipe the card, password six 8s!"

Qin Mo didn't even have to think about it, he directly asked for the most expensive.

It's only tens of thousands of yuan, and I originally wanted to buy more expensive.

But the store does not give strength, and does not allow its strength to be used!

"The owner is so nice, it is such an expensive gift as soon as it is sent."

The two were at different angles, Qin Mo felt cheap, and Gu Qing also felt very expensive.

This is his own two-month salary, where is the boss now giving such an expensive gift to his subordinates.

If there is, it has long been on the news and on the hot search.

Because it's so rare!

"Okay, a few of you, please wait a minute!"

The salesman smiled and took Qin Mo's bank card.

This single commission is several hundred yuan, which is considered the bottom in luxury stores.

However, she is already very satisfied, and she is the first successful newcomer.

"You know, I heard the old man say before that the mobile phones they are using now are all sent by the boss, which is more than 10,000!"

Speaking of this, Fu Hetai took out his mobile phone of more than a thousand.

In the store, I am usually embarrassed to take it out, and I only take it out when I answer the phone.

"I've heard of this too!"

How could Gu Qingyi not know that during that time, as long as it was news related to Qin Mo, she collected it.

"Okay, guest, let's see if the number is right, just sign your name if you can!"

Under the envious eyes of everyone, Qin Mo and the three walked out of the store.

Everyone's thoughts are different, the man envies Qin Mo, and there are such beautiful women around him.

The woman's envy Gu Qing also climbed, such a rich handsome man.

"Let's go, if it's a little later, you won't be able to catch the banquet!"

Fang Michelle's wedding started at seven o'clock in the evening, and now it is around ten o'clock in the morning.

The journey used to be about four hours, except for the meal break, the schedule was similar.

The premise is that there are no accidents and the like.

"I'm really afraid of what will happen!"

Get on the highway, drive halfway, and start racing in front.

Racing at this time when it's not a holiday, you don't have to think much about knowing that there is an accident ahead.

"Boss, what to do, you can't get off the highway at this time!"

Gu Qing also didn't expect that he would encounter this situation the first time he drove for his boss.

Although it didn't have much to do with her, it definitely didn't care about it in the bottom of my heart.

"Time should still come, I hope it's not a big accident!"

Qin Mo looked at the time, and only two hours had passed.

If you are at home at this time, it is lunchtime.

Originally, I planned to drive for a while, so I went to the service area to have a meal and rest in the car for a while.


After slowly moving for a while, Qin Mo and the three were surprised.

Himself and others were the first to approach the place of the incident.

"No wonder!"

It turns out that this place is also very close to the service area, no wonder the vehicle is dredged so quickly.

"It's a little miserable!"

Looking at the scene of the car accident, Gu Qingyi's face turned pale in the next second.

This is a serial rear-end collision with a total of five cars.

Thankfully, there are no big trucks or the like among the five cars.

After all, it was the first two cars that were serious, and the last one was not injured.

It's just that the front of the car hits the butt of the car in front.

At a glance, you can tell that he braked in time.

At this time, the ambulance has not yet arrived, and now some personnel are helping on their own.


Qin Mo suddenly roared, startling the two.


Gu Qing also grabbed the steering wheel and slammed it to the side.

A sharp brake stopped next to it, not obstructing the vehicles behind.

"Boss, what are you going to do?"

Under the gaze of the two, Qin Mo opened a small cabinet in the car, took out a small bag, and opened the car door and rushed down.

"Park the car and wait for me in the service area!"

Qin Mo didn't have time to say anything, because in his eyes, a little boy was stuck in the car door, and blood was flowing all the time.

People outside tried to rescue it, but they didn't know if it was the wrong method or not enough strength.

It never worked, and the little boy in the car became more and more pale.

"Boss, this is to save people, but isn't he a cook?"

"Supervisor Gu, it's better to park the car first, and we'll come over again."

"Yes, yes, what you said is, let's come and help together."

Gu Qing also quickly started the vehicle, and she saw that not far ahead, there was just a position.

At this time, the passing vehicles did not choose to stop in the service area.

Everyone knows that after a while, it will be difficult to get out.

So they all went around to the service area and reopened the highway.

There are only a few enthusiastic people left in the service area, and they will come to help after parking their cars.

"Get out of the way, I'll come!"

Qin Mo, who rushed to the scene, had already rushed to the side of the first car after a roar.

The strong man who was still struggling to pry open the rear door just now.

Seeing the appearance beside him, a young man with beautiful eyebrows.

This kind of person is here to save people, don't come to cause trouble.

"You..." The

strong man was about to say something when he felt a huge force acting on him.

The steel bar that had just been held tightly could not help but loosen, and the person took a few steps back before stopping.

"Boy, what are you doing!"

Seeing that his partner was saving people, the young man who suddenly appeared pushed him away at once.

Some anger shouted loudly towards Qin Mo.

"Don't..." When

the strong man returned to his senses, he saw that his companion was about to step forward and pull Qin Mo away.

He hurriedly stopped it, only he had just experienced the horror of this young man.

I have always been proud of myself.

Unexpectedly, just now, I was pulled away by others with all my strength.

Still an inconspicuous looking young man, in addition to being handsome, he really can't see his strength.

If you can't pry open the rear door, you don't have enough strength.

The young man in front of him was able to pull himself away, and it was obvious that his strength was greater than his own.

"Brother Xiong, why are you stopping me, isn't this kid adding chaos?"

The companion saw that the strong man was holding him, and looked at him with a puzzled look and said.

"You take a look before you talk..." The

strong man pointed ahead, and at this time Qin Mo had already grabbed the steel bar.

I saw that he held the steel bar with both hands, and the green tendons on his arms burst.

On the ground lay a baggage, which he had just held.


After a violent roar, the rear door creaked....

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