
"This... There was salvation..."

The deformed rear door, accompanied by a shrill sound.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, it was slowly pried open.


After prying open a certain angle, Qin Mo gave up the steel bar and clasped the edge of the rear door with both hands.


Let out another roar!

The rear door was pulled open by him, and then fell heavily to the side.


"Why are you still stunned? Find me a piece of clean cloth to spread out..." At

this time, Qin Mo turned to the back and shouted a few words.

"I have it in the car..." I

saw that the strong man just now was surprised, and quickly responded and ran over.

He didn't know what the young man was going to do?

But what is certain is that it is inseparable from saving people!


After parking the car, Gu Qingyi and the two who quickly ran over saw Qin Mozhen get into the car.

Soon he came out with a little boy in his hands.

At this time, the white t-shirt on his body had been stained red with blood.

This blood was the little boy in his arms.


"Coming, coming!"

The strong man strode over from not far away.

"Gu Qingyi, help me bring the bag!"

Seeing a glance at Gu Qingyi, Qin Mo said.

At this time, there is no need to be polite, every extra second to fight, the car accident person has one more chance to survive.

"Good boss!"

The two met for the first time, and Qin Mo's side simply made people dare not disobey him.

"Put it here!"

Qin Mo held the little boy and walked to a flat place.

The strong man had already run over and laid on the ground as ordered.

"Don't all around, go save the other car accidents, bring them to me!"

Qin Mo did not raise his head and gently put the little boy down.

Why didn't anyone look at the first car, which was also the door that Qin Mo had just pried open.

The rest of the people in the car have already been killed, especially the cab, which has been squashed.

Those who sit in the back are luckier.

However, if you follow the previous rescue speed, wait for the firefighters to arrive.

The little boy will lose the best chance to rescue, which is why Qin Mo personally went into battle.

"Everyone spread out a little!"

He had already been taught a lesson by Qin Mo, and now what the strong man said to him would be implemented to the letter.

I don't know what he is going to do now, but he just needs to know that he is saving people.

"Boss, what can I do?"

Gu Qing also quickly squatted down and simply covered up, not to expose it.

She also didn't expect that if she encountered a car accident on the road, the boss would get out of the car to participate in the rescue, and she was wearing a short skirt.

"Just stay around!"

After putting the little boy down, Qin Mo took over the burden.

After opening it, everyone saw that inside, it was some simple self-help preparations.

"What is this for!"

What everyone didn't expect was that the young man only took out a set of acupuncture from these things, and did not use anything else.

"Can this save people?"

Everyone glanced at the silver needle on Qin Mo's hand, and then at the car accident on the ground, who was already unconscious at this time, and his body was all covered in blood.

No one doubts that such a small silver needle can save the little boy on the ground.

Qin Mo ignored the gazes of the people around him and took out the first silver needle.

Before everyone could react, they had already accurately landed on the corresponding acupuncture points.

"What a speed!"

Only how long had passed, not even a minute, and the little boy had more than a dozen silver needles inserted into his body.

When everyone thought it was over, Qin Mo first walked around in a circle.

The brows were locked, and at this time, the car accident victim still let out a painful wail from time to time.



He finally found out the problem and quickly squatted down again.

Grab one of the little boy's arms with both hands and twist it at speed.

Then do it again on the right leg, making two bone-piercing noises in a row.

Frightened so that the people around him have no time to react, it seems that he is saving people?

Or is it killing?

"Don't move!"

One of them was about to step forward to hold him accountable in person when he was held back by his companions.

"What are you doing?"

He turned around with an angry expression on his face.


the companion said, pointing to the little boy on the ground.

"What for?"

"This..." I

saw that just now, the little boy who was still wailing, now the painful expression on his face is gone, and his face is calm....


everyone let out a shocked voice in disbelief.

"You guys pay attention, when the medical staff arrive, tell them that the silver needle on their bodies is not allowed to move until they are sent to the hospital, do you understand!"

Qin Mo got up and looked at the people around him, and first whispered.

The louder and louder the back, almost roared at the end!

However, everyone was willing to let him roar and respond a few times.

"Got it!"

"There are still car accidents here..." At

this time, shouts came again from the place of the incident.

"Send it over here..." The

people who were still surrounding just now could see Qin Mo's way of saving people from beginning to end.

Now spontaneously scattered, ran to his car, and saw that there were no supplies such as cloth.

"Here, I have one here..." Soon

the first one ran over with a sheet.

"Get out of the way..."

he spread out next to the first car crasher.

"Put it on top!"

Everyone began to command in an orderly manner, and those who were rescued and seriously injured were placed on this side.

Qin Mo looked at another set of silver needles inside the baggage.

Glad that I had an extra set before, or the next car accident victims would not know how to save it.

"Miraculous, amazing, I couldn't imagine that such a small silver needle would play such a big role at this time!"

Onlookers, watching the three seriously injured car accidents, were actually stabilized by several silver needles.

Other car accidents were not as badly injured, but there were still broken arms and legs.

Under their terrified eyes, Qin Mo corrected them one by one.

"Let's go!"

Qin Mo glanced at the scene, and there were no other injured.

As for those few, they can only be blamed for their bad luck, even the immortals can't do anything.

"Don't wait a little longer?"

Gu Qing also looked at Qin Mo with adoration, and he didn't think that the boss would also heal and save people.

"No need, the ambulance should be arriving soon, let's go!"

At this time, an hour had passed since they stopped to save people.

It seems that time passes quickly, but in fact, it is more time-consuming to save people.

"Boss, you are so great!"

Do good deeds without leaving a name, isn't the boss in trouble now?

If this piece is exposed, I believe there will definitely be more people who support him.

For an hour, the ambulance had not yet arrived, and the road ahead must have been blocked.

This hour, if it weren't for Qin Mo's appearance.

To be sure, the three were seriously injured and would definitely not be able to wait for help to arrive.

Take advantage of everyone's attention, not on yourself.

Qin Mo ran to get into the car, but no one noticed it all the time.

"Lunch can only be eaten here, and Tai, you go down and buy some food casually, we can only take it in the car."

Letting Fu Hetai get out of the car to buy food, Qin Mo looked at the blood stains on his clothes.

Only then did he feel uncomfortable and quickly took it off.

"Hey, boss, what are you doing?"

Seeing Qin Mo sending Fu and Tai getting out of the car to buy something, he undressed in the car.

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