"We resolutely obey the boss's arrangement!"

When he said this, he didn't forget to tease Qin Mo with his eyes.

You must know that Gu Qing is also compared with Ye Yin, and there is no difference.

The two have their own characteristics, and Gu Qing, who does not speak, is also cold.

Once spoken, the whole person exuded a sense of charm.

Just look at Fu Hetai on the car, look at Gu Qingyi with wide eyes, and even forget to eat the bread in his hand.

"Back to God!"

Seeing Fu and Tai not contending, Qin Mo gently patted the back of his head.

"You guys drive a little attention, I'll squint for a while!"

There are still three hours to go to the destination, and you have to concentrate highly while using the silver needle.

Now that the sequelae appeared, Qin Mo felt a little tired and planned to rest and recover.

As for the air conditioning in the car, will it get cold.

Not wearing a shirt, with his current physique, is a minor problem.

"Don't worry, boss, you can rest assured of my car skills!"

At this time, the car had been changed to Fu Hetai, and he patted his chest with one hand to assure.

As for the side is even more unreliant, this time you can watch it openly.


Gu Qing was also secretly refreshed in her heart.

Around three o'clock in the afternoon.

The vehicle got off the highway and stopped on the side of the road.

"Supervisor Gu!"

Fu Hetai watched, Gu Qing didn't know when, he was already leaning on the boss, and he was sleeping soundly.


Gu Qing, who was woken up, stretched out a lazy waist, and Fu Hetai quickly diverted his gaze.

Now he knows that the supervisor in front of him is interesting to the boss.

"Just get off the highway!"

This was ordered by Gu Qingyi before, and she was allowed to drive when she got off the highway.

In Qingshi, she is still relatively familiar.

"That boss..."

Gu Qing was about to wake up Qin Mo, but was stopped by Fu Hetai.

"Don't wake up the boss, wait until you reach your destination!"

This scene is so familiar, not the same as the last time on the high-speed train.

It was the second time he had seen the boss sleep so deeply.

Just now, Gu Qing didn't wake him up!

"What's going on?"

Gu Qing also asked with a puzzled look.

"I don't know, but don't call the boss, this is the second time I saw the boss like this, but this time it was better."

Fu Hetai remembered that scene, but the boss even changed his face.

This time it was fine, just sleeping.

"Last time? What's going on, tell me about it! For

everything about Qin Mo, she Gu Qing was also curious.


Fu Hetai was a little embarrassed, he knew about the last time alone, and he didn't even tell the boss's family.

"Say, I won't tell anyone else!"

Gu Qingyi's tone suddenly became serious.

Seeing that Gu Qing is also like this, how can he also lead by himself.

So Fu Hetai said what happened last time.

"Supervisor Gu, don't talk about it everywhere, or the boss will definitely know how to say it."

At that time, only he knew about it, and if one more person knew, he didn't need to think about who said it.

"Is this the price of genius!"

Through the rearview mirror, glancing at Qin Mo, who was still asleep, Gu Qing couldn't help but sigh.

Half an hour later.

Vehicles enter the city.

Tianrun Department Store shopping paradise!

"This is the most prosperous area in Qing City."

Fu Hetai just checked the information, and I saw many people recommending this place on the Internet.

"I can't imagine you know this place!"


For Gu Qingyi's question, Fu Hetai smirked, and he couldn't tell her that he had just found it from the Internet.


Gently shake Qin Mo and fall into a deep sleep.

He woke up quickly, and after more than three hours of deep sleep, Qin Mo had fully recovered.

"It's arrived!"

"Boss, are you all right?"

After Gu Qing also parked the car, he pulled the car door and looked at Qin Mo with concern and asked.

Her operation made Qin Mo wonder what was going on for a while?

"What's wrong with her?"

Qin Mo asked Fu Hetai next to him.

"Ahem..." Fu

Hetai quickly coughed a few times towards Gu Qingyi, not forgetting to give her a look.

"Well, it's okay, I'm afraid boss you'll get cold..."

Qin Mo did not ask Gu Qingyi, but asked Fu Hetai.

"Boss, yes, Supervisor Gu was just worried that you would catch a cold, and wanted to find you something to cover."

"It's almost four o'clock, hurry up, it's going to take an hour here."

When Qin Mo said this, he got up from his seat, jumped and got out of the car.

At this time, he did not realize the problem, and it was too late for Gu Qing to stop it.


Gu Qing also covered her face and followed to get out of the car.


where they parked their car was not far from the entrance of the mall.

Passing crowds come and go.

At this time, everyone was attracted by a luxury car.

In this city, millions of luxury cars are rare.

Mercedes big G, only young people drive.

It is generally only seen in large cities, and at most one or two in small cities.

The original luxury car attracted everyone's attention.

Now after Qin Mo came down naked, his handsome appearance was coupled with strong tendon meat.

Suddenly, a burst of screams came.

One is higher than the other, and it is still a female voice.

Let the surrounding pedestrians, who did not know what was happening, ran over.

The curiosity of the countrymen, wherever they are.

It can all be vividly reflected.

"How handsome!"

"I'm going to die, no, my heart is pounding, it's about to jump out of my chest."

"No, seeing the upper body muscles, I am soft, hurry up and hold me!"

I saw a young woman, and when she saw Qin Mo, who was naked, her body fell to the side.

"I said something was going to happen."

Seeing what happened, it was worse than I thought.

There were a group of people inside and out, and more and more people were around.

There was even a charming young woman who came over while everyone was crowded.

Her hand was on Qin Mo's body.

"Handsome man, your figure, tell your sister how much it costs, and then you are willing to go with your sister."

"Please be respectful!"

Pushing away the hand of the enchanting young woman, Qin Mo walked forward.

At this time, the crowd had not yet come closer, and this side was because the vehicles were parked.

So there are still some gaps to be able to go out.

"Keep up with me!"

Qin Mo quickly crossed in front, and the two followed closely behind.

It took only a few minutes to reach the mall, and it took ten minutes.

"Boss, hurry up, what brand to buy."

Running into the mall from the side door, as soon as Qin Mo appeared, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

If they weren't familiar with the mall, they would really have to buy clothes in a different place.

Entering through the main entrance, that is impossible.

"Just that!"

Looking ahead, an international brand is right in front of you.

Qin Mo quickened his pace and rushed into the shop before the people around him could react.

"Buy clothes!"

Watching a handsome man with a shirtless upper body rush in, all the employees in the store were stunned.

What's going on?

Looking at it with a puzzled face, the men and women who followed behind.

"Ahhh... Good! "

I heard that I came in to buy clothes, and the service attitude of big brands was reflected at this time.

"What kind of people do you need, say it and we will refer to it!"

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