"Attending the wedding!"

Gu Qing also came over and said.

"A few of you come with me!"

The male hormones emanating from Qin Mo's body, coupled with his naked and firm upper body.

Let these clerks almost can't hold it, if it weren't for the excellent service level, they would have pounced like a flower idiot.

"Several, all of them here, take a look!"

"Just take this set!"

"Bring me the new one."

Qin Mo quickly picked a set and told the clerk the size.

"Which set do you two fancy, change it directly!"

Seeing the two of them coming over, just watching, without making a move, Qin Mo couldn't even look at it.

"Really want to buy it for us?"

After seeing the price of each dress, the two thought that Qin Mo was just laughing at first.

Each piece of clothing here starts at five thousand, and if one set comes down, it is not tens of thousands, so I dare not ask for it.

At this time, hearing Qin Mo say this, he quickly confirmed it again.

"It's all a little sharper, buy it and leave."

Having said this, Qin Mo ignored the two of them and followed the clerk into a fitting room.

A few minutes later, changing his clothes again, Qin Mo walked out.

The clerk who was waiting outside opened his mouth and froze for a moment.

"This is also too handsome, those stars can't even compare to him without a hair."

The female clerks around found that their heartbeats were accelerating.

It seems that the next moment it will jump out of the chest.

"Bang bang..."

Qin Mo glanced at it, laughed and walked away.

He is going to check out, I don't know if Fu and Tai have chosen the two of them.

"Since everything is ready, let's check out!"

Qin Mo didn't even ask how much money they spent.

Just give the bank card directly to the front desk clerk to swipe.

"Boss, why don't you ask, how much did we spend?"

Gu Qing also looked at him worriedly when he saw Qin Mo checking out.

Because of the clothes on her body, it cost more than 30,000 in total.

This is the clothes I've always wanted.

Before, I was reluctant to buy it because it was too expensive.

Wrong, it's not that I didn't want to buy it, it's that I couldn't afford it at that time.

Gu Qing also made plans, worked for a few months, saved some money and bought again.

However, now that the boss pays, she is not distressed at all.

"Supervisor Gu, did I buy cheaply?"

Seeing that the boss didn't care at all, gave them the money they spent.

Fu Hetai caught up with Gu Qingyi and asked, he had just spent a total of ten thousand.

Equivalent to the minimum in-store spend.

"You say, I'll let you change the set, and just say this."

Gu Qingyi is in a good mood now, and he can't think of himself getting up temporarily, and followed out to mix a set of clothes.

"It's good that no one saw it!"

The three of them can be said to have changed their clothes all over their bodies, as long as they lower their heads, even the onlookers before will not recognize them.

"Xiaofei, let's see, are they?"

At this time, there were several people guarding next to Qin Mo's vehicle, all of them young women.

Seeing the three of them walking over, one of them quickly asked his companion.

"No, it seems that I received the wind coming."

After speaking, several people lowered their heads to play with their mobile phones, only the woman just now kept staring.

In this case, there have just been a few cases, so a few of them ignored it.

However, the woman did not think so, feeling that the back of the three was so familiar, and it happened to be three people.

"No, it's..." She

was about to call out to her companion when she saw the three people open the door and quickly board the car.

When he saw a few people, Qin Mo told the two of them about the plan.

The car keys are in his hands.

Gu Qingyi and the two stood on one side of the car door.

As soon as you hear the sound of unlocking, quickly open the door.

As for Qin Mo being faster, the two had just sat down, and the vehicles had already started.

"What's going on?"

Just lowered their heads to play with their mobile phones, and immediately heard the sound of the vehicle starting.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw that the luxury car guarded by himself and others was like a wild horse out of control, and it drove away with a drift.

"Ran away..."

Several people watched the black luxury car go away, and at this time they could only see the butt of the car.

"Haha... It's still the boss who is powerful, those who are guarding, I think they must be very confused now..." Fu

Hetai laughed a few times, just a few horse butt slaps.

"If it had been us, we would have been stopped at that time, but fortunately the boss observed the situation in advance."

"Don't shoot, I'm parked on the side of the road, Gu Qingyi or you will drive."

For the situation here, Gu Qing also knows better, so the driving task is still handed over to her.

Six o'clock in the afternoon.

They rushed to their destination, which is one of the best hotels in the area.

Gu Qing also parked the car first under the guidance of the hotel staff.

It was still an hour before the banquet, but the guests had already entered.

"Boss, are we going in, or are we waiting in the car?"

Fu Hetai looked at the customers coming in and out, not knowing what the boss thought, he could only ask.

"Since they are all here, let's get off the bus!"

"Boss, you don't know the specific location, do you?"

After the three of them entered, they saw Qin Mo taking them around to take a look.

"I only know the time and the hotel, as for the rest I don't know!"

Qin Mo also didn't expect that there would be four wedding banquets tonight.

"Or I'll come, what's the name of the boss bride?"

"Fang Michelle!"

Soon after knowing the name, Gu Qing also asked for information.

"Boss, in the lobby on the fourth floor!"

"I can't imagine such a luxurious hotel in such a small place!"

Looking at the decoration of the hotel, especially after going up to the fourth floor, several people were even more shocked.

Including Gu Qing, she didn't expect that there would be a five-star scale hotel in her hometown.

"Now the development of small places is very fast."

"Let's go, go in and find a seat!"

Qin Mo and the three followed behind everyone and walked in.

"I don't understand, our old Li family is a college student, marrying a high school graduate, I really don't know what their family thinks?"

"To say that Li Weize is a talent, his appearance and work are excellent!"

"Which one of the women who introduced him to him before is better than this uncultured country girl!"

"Sister-in-law Lin, the last time you introduced that, it is a good situation in the local family.

There is still a unit at work, and I am a college student, and I look good, this is not successful!

"Who said it wasn't, I'll see where this woman is later!"

"Shh, say less, after all, it's a festive day!"

"Hmph, you are afraid, I am not afraid.

No matter how it comes to saying that when the time comes, I will be her sister-in-law.

If you want to enter the door of the Li family, teach her the number of manners first! The

three Qin Mo who followed behind, listening to the discussion in front, their faces were a little ugly.

Hearing others say this about their employees is definitely uncomfortable.

"Boss, how can these people be like this, everyone is married, and their mouths are so unpumped!"

Gu Qing also heard this, and felt a wave of anger brewing in his heart.

If it wasn't for the wedding scene, somewhere else.

She was about to step forward and theorize with these people to see what their mouths were eating so smelly!

"Okay, don't worry about these people, wait and see."

Qin Mo looked at the gift box in his hand, and his previous thoughts changed.

"It seems that Fang Mixue, you have lived this day..."

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