"What happened?"

The guests in the hall were alarmed by the noise at the door.

They all got up to go out to see what was going on, but they had only been away from the table for a few minutes.

"Sorry to let everyone know, there's nothing going on here.

Please go back to your place and sit down, but you can tell you that what just happened is a great event! "

I don't know where the stereo came from at the door, but I quieted everyone down with a word.

Things went back a few minutes ago.

Gu Qing also held a small gift box and a bank card.

Looking at the front line of some guests, can only wait outside.

After about two minutes, someone in front of him noticed a beautiful woman standing behind him.

The manly demeanor makes him work.

"Guys, there's a beautiful woman waiting in the back.

Can you carry forward the gentlemen and do it for the beautiful women first? "

If it is a square-looking woman, the person in front will definitely ignore it.

But when they saw Gu Qingyi, who was as beautiful as a star, for a while, some people were stunned.

"Beauty, please!"

The man who reacted quickly quickly got out of the way.

"Thank you!"

At this time, Gu Qing also spoke in dialect, and as soon as he spoke, these men became even more excited.

"I can't imagine that the beauty is still a fellow countryman!"

"Beauty, how much do you want to give as you please?"

Seeing that it was a fellow villager in Qing City, the man in charge of registration also spoke a dialect, his name was Yi Jianzhang.


Gu Qing also put the delicate box in his hand lightly on the table.

"Beauty, you are?"

Everyone has drunk so many happy wines, and the first time like this gift is not cash, or the first time they have seen it.

"Can I open it and take a look?"

The registered man looked at the beauty, not like a joke, and then asked.

"Yes, but be careful!"


After Yi Jianzhang opened the outer package, he found that there were two boxes inside.

These two boxes just look at the exterior and know that the contents are precious.

Until now, he finally understood what Gu Qingyi meant.

At this time, the two boxes are treated more carefully.

"Wow, how beautiful!"

As soon as the two boxes opened, the people around them made a surprised sound.

"Xiao Cheng, see how much it's worth?"

Someone next to him began to wonder about the value of this pair of jade bracelets.


After hearing the registered man's bid for money, everyone's eyes widened.

"You look at it again, is it wrong!"

Someone clearly did not believe it, let him look at it again.

"If you don't believe me, you can come and see for yourself.

But be careful, if you break it, you can't afford to sell it!

"I'm Cao, it's really 58888, the bride and groom sent it this time."

"Is it fake?"

"It can't be fake, you look at this logo, this can't be imitated."

"To get rich, it is only tens of thousands, and the groom's family is not short of money.

But seriously, it's the first time I've seen someone so generous. "

The young man who just now also had thoughts about Gu Qing can do this when he sees Sui Li.

Instantly retreated, they still have self-awareness.

"Wait, and!"

Just when everyone thought it was over, the beauty took out another item.

But this time everyone couldn't figure it out.

A bank card, what does it mean?

Whether there is something hidden in it, I and others can't figure it out.

"The woman's side will give 500,000 with a gift!"

Gu Qingyi's words are no less than dropping a bomb in the crowd!

Then everyone showed disbelief on their faces.

"If you don't believe it, you can find a card machine, I believe this hotel will not find one."

"Beauty, wait a minute, I'll ask if there is any."

As soon as Gu Qingyi's words fell, someone immediately ran out.

It seemed that he was even more anxious than Gu Qingyi, and this card was himself.


the man shouted as he ran over, waving the card machine in his hand.

"Hurry up and try it, what's the password?"

"6 8s!"

"Rich people are different, passwords are different."

The authenticity of this bank card has not yet been verified, and someone around immediately patted the horse.


After entering the password, the number is displayed on the card machine.

"One zero, two zeros .... Five zeros, wow! It's really half a million! "

The man holding the card machine, after entering the password, was a ghost cry.

The riots were also caused at this time.

This is no less than dropping a bomb on a calm lake.

"It's really 500,000 ah, this is my salary for ten years, so I am willing to give it like this, plus the previous gifts

..." "Who said before that the bride's side is poor, this is not..." Everyone

around expressed their opinions

, and even the people who followed the ceremony forgot.

"Everyone, be quiet, the banquet will begin."

With the help of several men, the surrounding guests dispersed and returned to their seats.

However, when persuading, Yi Jianzhang said a word.

"I hope you don't talk about this first, and save it for the end."

"Haha, young man, you're right.

I just can't get used to the people on the groom's side, and I will use this to dampen their prestige. "

The person in charge of registration is a family member on the bride's side, and most of the relatives who have just been around are relatives on the bride's side.

As for the other people who are on the groom's side, they are not so close to the groom.

Everyone has the attitude of watching the play, so this matter is pressed down like this.

Only these people know about it.

"Hello everyone, today....

It's a good day to be lucky.

We gather in... Wedding celebration.

Commissioned by both couples, I acted as the celebrant of the wedding.

First of all..."

The wedding went on in an orderly manner under the good eloquence of the emcee.

All this has already been arranged, step by step.

The emcee is dangling above, and the guests are eating food off-site.

Qin Mo probably glanced at it, and the dishes at each table were considered high-end in a small place.

If nothing else, the food on a table will cost at least five thousand.

"This groom is willing to give up his blood!"

Everyone who has held a wedding banquet knows that they do not seek to make money, but only to preserve capital.

By the standard of every table in front of you, it is definitely a loss.

"It's the first time I've eaten such a good banquet!"

Seeing that half of the seafood on the table is accounted for, the hands of the guests have never stopped.

At Qin Mo's table, the three of them were all shallow.

"Everyone stop, now is the most important part, please parents on both sides, come on stage to send blessings for the newcomer."

The first to go up were two very plainly dressed elderly people, who knew at a glance that they were the parents of the bride.

"Dear relatives and friends, this year is my daughter's wedding day.

We don't have much culture, we don't know what to say.

I only hope that in the days to come, the two can cover each other from the wind and rain together.

Finally, I wish the two a happy newlywed and an early child! It

was the father who spoke, and as he spoke, tears flowed unconsciously.

He said a few words and came down.

"Well, when his daughter is married, this father is weeping with joy, and as he said, the simplest words are the best blessings."

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