The second to take the stage was the man's parents.

The dress of the two, the dress of an upper-class person.

It is a clear contrast with the woman before.

But judging by the expressions on their faces, how could they agree to this marriage.

"Guys, seriously, we were strongly opposed to this marriage at the beginning!"

When the man's parents said this, the guests below were quiet.

It seems that this is the result for a long time.

Only Qin Mo and the three felt angry!

Yes, it's anger!

How can any parent say such a thing at a wedding banquet.

However, if you are an outsider, it is difficult to express your opinion.

They would rather hear what this man had to say.

"You also know that if my son hadn't been forced to die, there would not have been this wedding banquet today.

What I want to say now, you just enter my Li family's door.

It doesn't mean that she is already the daughter-in-law of my Li family.

You can climb our Li family, it is the ancestor tomb of the previous generation that emits green smoke.

In the coming days, if there is anything that dissatisfies us.

I will say ugly things ahead, so many relatives and friends here testify.

The words spoken by me Li were like splashed water.

Don't blame me for kicking me out of the house then.

Well, I'm not in the mood to say anything else right now.

When the man's father said this, the people below were not indifferent.

Among them, Fang Mi Xue's parents, Qin Mo were so far apart.

You can see that their bodies are shaking, which is enduring.

As for Fang Mixue herself, her palm had been deeply dug into her nails.

Blood flowed down his hands.

The groom next to him also had a gloomy face.

They can't imagine that their father's mouth is one thing, and his actions are another.


Looking at his wife at this time, his eyes turned red.

The groom did not know what to say to comfort him.

Working against your parents, then this marriage is absolutely yellow.

It was hard for him to get his parents' consent, and he didn't want to give up just like that.

Don't stand up and speak, the grievances of his wife's family are a joke today.

This will certainly sow a seed of instability in the days ahead.

"Okay, everyone, you guys said today's meal is good!"


"Very generous!"

Or is the emcee able to control the atmosphere of the whole audience, such an occasion.

Even if I haven't encountered it before, I want to resolve this embarrassing scene.

What they have is the method.

This is not a casual sentence, let this topic jump.

"Next is the most important play, which our man asked for.

That is the singing ceremony, which is only understood by our side.

I won't say anything extra, but I will invite the handsome guy who has just been in charge of registering the bride price.

Send the ledger up! Hearing

the emcee call himself, Yi Jianzhang walked up with his head bowed.

There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

If it weren't for this incident, he would have left the scene long ago when he heard the man's parents talk like this.

Now he stays, just to wait to see how the man's parents end.

"Okay, now the ledger has been delivered, as for this red paper.

It's already written down the first ten guests, now let's start with the last one! The

emcee's words were in Yi Jian's heart, how could he disagree.


Immediately after, he responded loudly.

People who don't know, they thought he was from the south.

"This Xiao Yi is so ignorant, this is obviously bullying our side, and cooperating."

"Young people, such a festive day, maybe they don't understand this."

Seeing that most of the audience responded, the emcee opened the red paper.

"Since everyone has no opinion, then I will announce the tenth place to everyone!"

"Tenth place, Li Mingda, three thousand gifts!"

As the emcee called out the name of the first person, the faces of the audience showed such an expression.

"Three thousand, block the road at once.

In addition to the possibility of many siblings, it is really satirizing our woman. "

As soon as I heard the gift money reported, the last place was as high as three thousand.

Usually people go to drink happy wine, usually two hundred.

A better relationship is three hundred.

No matter how good it is, it is five hundred.

Sometimes relatives may be three hundred, let alone outsiders.

"The ninth place, Li Qiuqiao, with a gift of three thousand five."

The words of the emcee once again verified everyone's guesses, just look at the smiling face of the groom's father sitting at the main table.

The groom's father is Li Xingchang, the boss of a local company.

The company is privately owned, with initial estimates of a value of around $10 million

This is considered rich in a small county, no wonder he just spoke like that.

"Eighth place, Li Jiancheng, four thousand gifts!"

The names reported three times in a row are all people from the Li family.

Now everyone can be sure that the remaining seven are from the groom's side.

Li Xingchang added this show in order to show his financial strength in front of the woman's relatives.

Accompanying is a good insult to the bride, which is one of the conditions for him to agree to the marriage.


"Third place, Li Shanmei, 10,000 gifts!"

As soon as the people in the audience heard that the third place was 10,000 gifts, they were envious.

"This is our four-month salary, this is the rich man!"

"It's great to be rich, hmph, this is too bullying!"

"Don't be provoked, soon the show will be on the stage!"

Li Shanmei, who was at the main table, smiled slightly when she heard her name.

But soon stopped smiling, and I clearly remembered that it should be the second place.

How to run to the third, is the emcee mistaken!

"I'd rather see if the emcee made a mistake or who embarrassed himself!"

In the Li family, their members are very concerned about face and have to fight for everything.

"Next, the second place is..." The

emcee stopped abruptly when he read this.

He took the red paper and read it several times, wondering if he had read it wrong.

In the end, it was not wrong, because the first place was not what I imagined.

Rather, the name of a stranger.

"Read on, why don't you read it!"

At this time, Yi Jianzhang, who had just sent the account book.

He did not leave, but stayed by the side waiting for the opportunity.

Now seeing that the emcee did not read it, he quickly shouted loudly.

The guests in the audience also noticed the situation and saw Yi Jianzhang shouting so vigorously next to him.

Everyone also noticed the problem and shouted along with it.

Under pressure from the guests below, the emcee had to read it.

"Second place, Li Xingchang, 66666!"

It was exactly five sixes, which was particularly smooth.

However, the number is not small, and the exclamations of the guests continue to continue.

However, in the exclamation of all the guests, Li Xingchang's face suddenly darkened.

"How could there be more people than him!"

"Read out the first place too!"

Li Xingchang snorted coldly towards the emcee on stage.

"First place, woman, Mr. Qin Mo presents a pair of concentric jade bracelets, worth 58888!"

Before the emcee finished speaking, Li Xingchang below was not happy.

Such a clear difference, how can he become the second place.

"Did you do this on purpose?"

Li Xingchang stared at Yi Jianzhang, who was standing next to him.

"300,000 gifts!"

The last sound of the emcee was like a dry thunder striking Li Xingchang's head.

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