"Impossible, you must be false.

You wrote all these things alone.

Even if you write a million, I don't believe it.

A few of you go and take a look, I'd like to see how they cheat!"

Li Shanmei had been waiting for her father to speak, and now she stood up immediately when she heard it.

"If I find out that this is fake, don't hold today's wedding banquet."

Originally, I had tolerated enough of this marriage, and I couldn't imagine that they would be so unscrupulous!

I like it so much, as you wish!

"Hmph, what the emcee said just now, so many people here are watching, take it out to open my eyes!"

Li Shanmei stood in front of her, looking at it with disdain.

It seems that you are at the top of the class, and looking at you up close is Gao Pan.

Just after the stage broke out, Qin Mo called Gu Qing over.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Gu Qing also got up and walked over, thinking that at this time, the boss called her, she wouldn't want to make trouble, and she didn't think it was messy enough.

"Take this with you!"

Looking at Qin Mo's hand, there was an extra bank card, Gu Qingyi knew whether his boss was a person who was Anfen, this was to add another fire to it!

"Boss, you are?"

Gu Qing also asked knowingly.

"Help people to the end, besides, it's my subordinates, how can people say her, this is not hitting me in the face, it's the same as the previous card!"

Originally, Gu Qing also thought that Qin Mo should give this one hundred thousand at most.

Unexpectedly, it was still the same, and suddenly exclaimed.

"Or half a million?"

She now thinks that the person who gets married on stage is herself, and the boss's hand is one million to give away.

According to his current salary, he has to work for at least four years.

In the deep market can be paid, a small house down payment.

How lucky Fang Mixue was on stage!

Not only Gu Qing was surprised, but even more so at this table.

Especially the two men before, they already knew that these three people should be rich people.

There is also a difference in the definition of this rich person, just like the people of the Li family at the main table.

But compared with the young man in front of him, it is a small witch.

"If I heard it correctly just now, what the emcee on stage said is true."

The two were taken aback by their own analysis.

"That's a million gifts!"

They couldn't help but sigh.

As for the aunts at the same table, when they heard this, the chopsticks in their hands fell one after another.

"Young boy, when you say one million, do you add this bank card?"

One of the aunts pointed to Gu Qingyi, who had already walked out.

"You didn't hear it with your own ears like me!"

The two of them looked at this time, holding in the pack of cigarettes that Fu Hetai had just given.

Instantly feeling more precious than anything else, this is a cigarette given to both of them by rich people, and they can be taken out to brag about it in the future.

Now people can give a million to people at will, and how much is the total property of people, they dare not imagine.


It should be more than that, so that no one should be willing to count a million.

That should be hundreds of millions of assets!

To be a billionaire at such a young age.


As soon as Li Shanmei finished speaking, she was interrupted by a female voice in the audience.

Behind the voice, a beautiful woman who made her jealous came out.

"Who are you, it's not your turn to speak here!"

This is the home field, and his Li family is there.

She can be regarded as arrogant enough, and she speaks with a straight eye.

"Who I am, you don't deserve to know."

To deal with this kind of person, you are more arrogant than her!

And Gu Qing also has arrogant capital, not to mention her figure.

Just what she wears can make the people around her feel ashamed of themselves!

Hearing Gu Qingyi say this, Li Shanmei was unable to speak.

Just kept pointing and saying, "You..."

"Since people want to see it, then take it out!"

It was rare to have this kind of opportunity to show his face and pretend, and Gu Qing also felt so refreshed.

The eyes of the people around them looked at their promises.


She shouted like that just before, and everyone ignored it.

Now as soon as this beauty came forward, she just said a word.

The man responded respectfully.

Everyone is not mistaken, but the attitude is very respectful.

"You don't have to give it to me, just give it to the emcee above."

Gu Qing also pointed to the beautiful emcee who looked embarrassed standing on the stage.

"Be careful, don't drop it, or this time of work will be done in vain!"

Originally, I wanted to take it casually, but this emcee immediately became serious.

"Thank you!"

Whether the other party reminds it kindly or does it for others to see, the emcee will thank him.

"Open it, I'd rather see how you guys are tricking the mystery!"

Until now, he did not believe that local tyrants appeared in small places, and he did not receive the wind.

And as far as the woman's family is concerned, the poor can't open the pot.

There are really such rich relatives and friends, and they have not helped them get through the difficulties early.

The emcee didn't care about holding it and opening it, but walked to the table next to it and gently put it down.

When he saw this, he said with disdain: "Don't listen to their nonsense, there may be a stone in it."

"Wow! It's beautiful!

As the emcee opened one of the boxes, under the light, a light flashed, and the guests who had already gathered around sighed.

"The other one, quickly open it and take a look!"

"It's really a pair, just for this luster, worth a lot, no wonder the previous quotation was 58888!"

At this time, no one felt that this pair of jade bracelets was fake.

If this pair of jade bracelets is true, then the 500,000 casual gift that the emcee just said is also true.

"There are really people who are so tyrant that they don't treat money as money!"

"His assets are so horizontal, people directly take out one-twentieth of you, this slap is loud enough!"

"I don't believe it, you went over to verify his bank card."

Li Xingchang is still doing his final death throes.


Someone handed over a card machine, and Li Shanmei took the bank card and swiped it on it.

Suddenly, stars began to appear in his eyes, this is really half a million.

"Five... Lakh! "

Li Shanmei is talking very much now.

"What is the divine qi, it's just 500,000, I think we will look at you in this way!"

Li Xingchang glanced at his in-laws sitting at the same table, and his disdain in his eyes did not hide at all.

Indeed, as he said, if you want to catch up with the Li family, you can't do it without decades of struggle.

Now there are only half a million, not even a tenth of it.

"I almost forgot that there is still something, this bank card is rewarded by the boss, and it is the same as the previous one."

As Gu Qingyi said these words, the guests knew the true face of Lushan, and the local tyrant turned out to be the boss of the bride.

"No, didn't it say before that the bride sold sugar water to people in a small shop, when was her boss so rich?"

"If it is really her boss, then she will definitely change jobs now, which means that everything in her family is her own money, not given by the man."

"I saved hundreds of thousands in a few months, I really want to know how much her salary is now?"

"The boss asked me to tell you, go back after taking leave, and the salary will rise to 40,000!"

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