"What! Forty thousand, which is more than ten times more than me! Gu

Qingyi's last sentence was really heavyweight.

In a small county, a monthly income of four thousand is already very good.

The bride who returned from the big city realized that the gap between them was so large.

"Big city companies are like this?"

Some people who have not been to a big city quickly asked the people next to them.

"How is it possible, some are not as good as our small place.

However, the overall income is definitely far exceeded, and the general income can exceed 10,000.

There are not many people with a monthly income of 40,000 like this.

It can be said that this little nizi of the Fang family is standing at the top. "

Those who have been to big cities can't get mixed up, and those who come back have a deep understanding.

"It's not enough, her salary is not the end.

Judging from the situation of today's casual gift, her boss must have a great future, and her salary will rise in the future.

40,000 this month, what about the next time?

Sixty thousand, eighty thousand, or one hundred thousand?

Ay! I really can't compare with these people, I have lived to dogs in these decades.

"Seriously, the Fang family is someone who looks like it!"

Hearing the comments of the surrounding guests, it is not difficult to hear that everyone's attitude towards them has changed.

It can be said that everyone present can be better than Fang Mixue except for the main family?

Even if there is a better mix than her, your boss will care so much about his subordinates.

A gift is a million, and a promotion and salary increase by the way.

"Gone, stay and shame!"

Seeing that the family was still sitting still, Li Xingchang said angrily.

He flicked his arm and left the field.

The wedding banquet is almost over here.

As for the toast at the end, he simply ignored it.

What he did was a joke in everyone's eyes.

Even if the Fang family does not marry your son, the living conditions will improve for a few years.

Maybe they found something better than their family conditions.

"Dad, just go, isn't there another link?"

"You can stay if you want, I have to go beforehand!"

The retention of his family did not allow him to stay.

Fortunately, it was a major event in his son's life, and everyone else stayed except for him and Li Shanmei leaving.

Before, he thought that Fang Mixue was a village girl in the countryside, and it was unfortunate to enter the house.

That doesn't seem to be the case now.

Fang Mixue herself looks good and figures, except for her education is a little lower.

But now her work can make up for that.

Compared with her, her son's work is not a grade.

I just graduated from college this year and found a job in Shenzhen City for 10,000 a month.

Except for renting a house and eating, the rest can be imagined.

If you put aside the family background, it is really not as good as Fang Mixue.

"Okay, you've all eaten pretty much done, right?"

Seeing the current situation, I don't need to come forward myself.

"Have you eaten enough and don't toast the bride and groom?"

"No, save the problem."

"Okay, you don't say hello, let's go over."

Gu Qingyi pulled up and still ate Fu Hetai: "Go, I haven't eaten enough!"

"Wait, I'll drink!"

Gu Qingyi and the two greeted each other and walked outside.

At this moment, a strong man in one of the guests stood up.

With an expression of ecstasy on his face, he ran towards Qin Mo and the three.

"Several, please wait a minute."

"Bi Yuanwu, why are you going!"

Seeing the strong man suddenly get up, he ran outside.

Several people in the same room also followed, thinking that what happened in the past was more important than the wedding banquet.

"Someone seems to be calling us?"

Gu Qingyi Qin Mo stopped and turned to look back.

I just saw a strong man running over, followed by several people.

This strong man is a little familiar.

"What are you looking for us for?"

After seeing Qin Mo and the three stop, the leading strong man did not stop.

He didn't stop until he ran to Qin Mo's side.

"This gentleman, meet again!"

Standing in front of Qin Mo, the strong man's attitude surprised the people who followed.

Is this still the Bi Yuanwu they know?

"Are you..."

Qin Mo really couldn't remember that he knew this person.

"Sir, the service area is there."

At this time, the strong man gestured to retreat.

"Well, it turned out to be you, I was really embarrassed at that time!"

At that time, Qin Mo only cared about saving people, where did he have time to observe the people around him.

Even if he had snatched the steel bar of the strong man at that time, he couldn't remember his appearance later.

After saving people, he left in a hurry and did not stay.

"My name is Bi Yuanwu, and I am very happy to be able to recognize such a superior person as sir!"

He stretched out his right hand to shake hands with Qin Mo.

"Qin Mo!"

Based on politeness, Qin Mo also stretched out his hand and said his name.

"It turned out to be Mr. Qin, it's really a blessing to know you!"

Bi Yuanwu was photographed again with a.

A few people followed, and they were standing next to them at this time.

"You didn't take your medicine today, did you?"

A person next to him couldn't help but touch Bi Yuanwu's forehead.

Today is the first time I have seen him speak in a crepey manner.

"Stop playing, this Mr. Qin is also the one I just told you!"

The few people who were still joking just now, as soon as they heard Bi Yuanwu say this, the hippie smiling faces on their faces immediately put away.

"Is it really him, Mr. Qin's strength is even greater than yours?"

These people were immediately surprised, and it seemed that they had learned some information about Qin Mo from Bi Yuanwu's mouth.

Now as soon as I see the real person, I can't help but compare the two of them.

I was a little skeptical before, but now I just don't believe it.

Qin Mo was at most one meter eight, but Bi Yuanwu was almost two meters.

There are also two people standing together now, and at a glance, it is really not a grade.

"Mr. Qin, it's nice to meet you!"

If you don't believe it, you have to try it yourself.

One of them is also more than 1.9 meters tall.

From the field of vision, the impact is not as big as Bi Yuanwu.

But from the perspective of outsiders, it is definitely more powerful than Qin Mokong Wu.

He stretched out his most powerful right hand and personally tested whether it was what Bi Yuanwu said.

Qin Mo didn't know what these people were thinking at all, just curious that when they greeted others, they all shook hands first?

You can see that their identities are not like that.

"Crunch..." After

the two hands were held together, the green tendons of the man's arm immediately appeared.

At the beginning, he exerted all his strength, and did not think at all about whether the other party would cause harm to others if he did not have what Bi Yuanwu said.

"This way!"

Qin Mo was not a stupid person, this person obviously did not believe what his friend said, and wanted to try it himself.

"You are so curious, if you don't fulfill your wish, I really don't care!"

Thinking of this, Qin Mo's arm that had not been used forcefully, and he used three points of strength fiercely.

Immediately, the sound of bones rubbing around resounded.

Soon, the man's face instantly turned red, and his breathing began to become rapid.

Finally, his face began to turn pale, and his lips were tightly bitten by his teeth.

At a glance, you can see that this is the limit of his endurance.

"Pay attention next time!"

Looking at this person, Qin Mo sneered and said.

Fortunately, it was myself, if it was someone else, it would have been injured.

"Mr. Qin, I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, I have to go beforehand."

Without giving them a chance to speak, Qin Mo turned around and walked away.

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