"Look: Why didn't I see a beautiful woman? At

this time, Gu Qing was also the whole person, hanging on Qin Mo.

"If you are drunk, settle down a little, and I will send you back to your room."

Qin Mo quickly put on his pants and helped Gu Qingyi out.

Her room was next door to her, but after Qin Mo walked out.

His face instantly darkened.

"Okay, the door is closed, there is no key!"

Gu Qing also lay on him and clapped his hands.

At this time, call the waiter up.

Seeing how to explain himself alone with Gu Qingyi.

As for Fu and Tai, there is no need to expect that they all sleep like pigs at this time.

"Why, I'm afraid I'll eat you!"

Gu Qingyi ran her finger across Qin Mo's lips, she didn't know that she was playing with fire.

If he hadn't just taken a cold shower, Qin Mo would really be unable to hold it.

Pulling her into the room, other guests appeared in the hallway.

Now Gu Qing also smells of alcohol, but it still can't cover up the body fragrance on her body.

Although Qin Mo can drink as much as he can, he will continue to stalemate like this.

Sooner or later his own gun will go off, take a deep breath and calm himself.


Picked Gu Qingyi up and threw it on the bed.

When he covered her with a quilt, he slapped Gu Qingyi's thighs.

"Drink a drink, you don't know who you are, you sleep in bed tonight!"

Qin Mo did not go to the hotel staff, there was another factor.

Gu Qing can also come out once, there will be a second time.

So staying by the side is the best choice.

"I can only wronged myself tonight!"

Go to the living room and lie down on the sofa.

Fortunately, the hotel is a good size and the sofas in the living room are large enough.

The cost of one night's accommodation is 1688, which is the most exclusive in the area.

"I want water!"

Qin Mo didn't know how long he had been lying down, but he was woken up by a voice next to him.

I saw a person standing in front of the sofa with his head down.

If he hadn't been familiar with the sound at the beginning, Qin Mo would have been scared to death.


Qin Mo took out the mineral water in the room, unscrewed it and fed her to drink.


At this time, he found that Gu Qingyi's eyes were closed.

"Can't you sleep quietly?"

After drinking two sips, she stopped drinking, and Qin Mo could only work hard.

Take her back to the room, don't expect Gu Qingyi to walk back by herself.

"It's so hot!"

When he lay down and was about to squint, Gu Qingyi's shouts came from the room.

But just a shout, there was no movement behind.

Qin Mo did not get up, turned over, and went to sleep sideways.

"Hmph! Don't squeeze me!

In a daze, Qin Mo heard a female voice in his ear.

Because he was too tired and weak, he ignored it.

I drank last night, and it didn't work until the second half of the night.

"Hold me!"

In the dream, Qin Mo seemed to sleep with Ye Yin, and she hugged herself tightly.

This is no different from usual, but when did Ye Yin have the habit of talking in dreams?

"Nasty, you can't take your hands away, just grab it like that."

At this time, under the moonlight outside the window.

On the sofa in the living room, there were two people lying down.

A man and a woman, in which the man's hands are fished together by the woman.

Looking through the moonlight, the woman slept fragrantly.


The wind in the tall buildings is strong, and from time to time it blows in the windows that are not closed.

The two of them were covered with only a thin quilt.

The woman's upper body was only covered with a quilt, and the corners of her mouth moved from time to time.


The woman also let out a giggle from time to time, as if dreaming of something good.

"Ah..." Qin

Mo was being entangled with Ye Yin in his dream when he was woken up by a scream.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Gu Qing also sitting in front of him.

Open your mouth and look into your eyes.

Just why didn't she wear clothes?

Looking at Gu Qingyi, who was naked with his upper body, there was no cover at all.

Stunned at yourself.


Qin Mo kindly reminded her that she was not dressed.

I couldn't help but think in my heart: "This figure is just right, but it's a pity that I can't see more!" "


Another shrill cry sounded, and Qin Mo quickly covered his ears.

Gu Qing also jumped down from the sofa in a panic.

But this time, it was Qin Mo's turn to be stunned.

In front of you is a good scenery, a beautiful picture of beautiful women bathing.

His eyes were swayed by the beauty in front of him.

"Still look!"

Gu Qing also pulled the quilt on Qin Mo's body.

At this moment, he still seemed to see something!


After wrapping the quilt around himself, Gu Qing also glanced at Qin Mo.

The face quickly turned red, no different from the monkey's butt.

After scolding Qin Mo, she ran to the room.


After seeing the full-body photos of the people and being scolded, Qin Mo could only endure it.

But soon he found out why, Gu Qing would also say that sentence before running away.

I like to sleep in my pants.

Before being woken up, he seemed to dream of Ye Yin, with her or something.

After the quilt was removed, his whole person was exposed to Gu Qingyi's eyes.

This time everyone did not lose money, they were all seen.

"Shame and shame!"

Qin Mo shook his head, found his clothes to put on, and went to the bathroom to wash.

"Ahhh... Gu Qingyi, you are so shameless! After

running into the room, she locked the door tightly.

When I saw the inside of the room, I lost my clothes.

This must be his masterpiece last night, and when he thought of himself naked, he slept with Qin Mo for one night.

The blush on his face had only subsided, and now he was red again.

"It's not going to happen, is it?"

Gu Qing also quickly sat down on the bed to check it.

"It's fine!"

She let out an exclamation, mixed with both joy and loss.

"Don't be seen by others!"

She was inside the room, quickly dressing herself.

After she came out, Qin Mo was already dressed neatly, and even personal hygiene was taken care of.

"You go in and wash your face, and you don't even take out your room card, just close the door!"

Qin Mo pointed to the bathroom, and the following words were not finished.

The meaning is obvious, you came out by yourself last night, not me pulling you over.

"Do you have a sleepwalking habit?"

Gu Qingyi, who was walking towards the bathroom, was instantly stunned, wondering if he had said something wrong.

"Boss, what did you just say?"


"I have sleepwalking, you have it, your whole family has it!"

Gu Qing also fought back like a hedgehog at this time.

"Still look!"

Due to the intense movements, the quilt on her body fell to the ground.

The beautiful body was once again displayed in front of Qin Mo.

Qin Mo, who had just stopped, suddenly felt a hot breath emerge from his abdomen.

"Ahem, hurry up and rinse it!"

Qin Mo didn't continue, saving her from blowing up again.

According to Gu Qingyi's performance just now, she should not have sleepwalking.

If there really was, you wouldn't react so much.

But what happened last night?

Twice in total, the first time he carried her back to his room.

As for the second time, when did it come out?

When to lie on the couch with yourself?

This is not clear.

Could it be that these are all her drunken performances!

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