"Don't wait for her to get up before leaving?"

Half an hour later, Qin Mo and the three were already in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.

Fu Hetai asked a little reluctantly.

"No, Gu Qingyi, you go to drive first."

"Boss, wait for me!"

At this time, Fu Hetai ran towards the front desk of the hotel.

What is he doing?

Qin Mo looked at Fu Hetai with a puzzled look and ran over.

The person the three people said just now was Lin Ruxuan, who was still sleeping in the room.

Last night they drank people's beer, thousands of dollars.

It was not really in vain, Gu Qing also called the waiter and opened the door of the room.

Because last night's room was all registered by Qin Mo alone.

So the hotel agreed to his request.

"Put this in her room, we can't drink other people's beer for nothing."

Qin Mo held a small square wrapped in newspaper in his hand, and inside was 10,000 yuan in cash.

When he opened last night, he saw a teller machine downstairs in the hotel.

Took a newspaper from the room and went downstairs and took out 10,000 yuan.

Simply wrapped it in newspaper and let Gu Qing take it into the room and put it away.

There was also a small note inside, saying that Lin Ruxuan was arranged by him to stay in the hotel last night.

This has to be made clear, otherwise something will really happen.

"All right, boss!"

"Get in the car!"

After Gu Qing also drove the car to the door of the hotel, Fu Hetai also ran back.

"Boss, are you still going there?"

"No need, go back directly!"

As soon as the car got on the highway, Fu Hetai exclaimed.

"Boss, what happened to you at the service station before, someone posted the video online."

He wanted to hand the phone to Qin Mo to see.

"This is a good thing, just let those black bosses take a look."

Hearing this good news, Gu Qingyi left the steering wheel with both hands and applauded.

"Be careful, you're driving right now!"

Employees care about themselves, and that's a good thing.

At this time, Qin Mo just reminded Gu Qingye to pay attention when driving.

"Hetai, quickly read me the replies of some netizens."

Forced to drive now, and I want to know the information, I can only trouble Fu and Tai.


[Shenqing high-speed shocked Chinese medicine divine doctor, helping to save several lives! ] As

soon as he read out the title of a post, Gu Qing also responded.

"This is good, suitable for our boss, hurry up and give the owner a thumbs up!"

[The declining Chinese medicine practitioner only uses a dozen thin silver needles to hold the patient's life, do you want to know who this person is?]

"These people are really everywhere, and this seizes the opportunity to rub the heat!"

Keep reading, don't look at me! "

[If it weren't for the video, I shouldn't have believed that this person would be the person who was pushed into the limelight a few days ago, he is Qin Mo. [

Upstairs, are you mistaken, or did he himself invite the team to hype!] [

Ignorant, don't guess if you don't know, someone has already posted a video earlier.]

I see that you come to comment without even watching the video, are you the most powerful black person! [

I can attest, this video is not post-processed.]

There is also the policeman himself who took the photo and compared it with the person in the video, and the probability that it was Qin Mo was 99.99%. [

Anyway, I don't believe that a person who can abandon his wife after making money.]

Definitely not by him, maybe someone looks similar to him! ]

On this issue, compare it with the video of Qin Mo's former mother-in-law before.

Originally, some people who stood in neutrality came out to speak for Qin Mo at this time.

There are also some black powders that gradually turn black into powder after the analysis of some netizens.

[It seems that you are not following the latest news and are still commenting on old things.]

Below is the link, trouble some people who don't know what to do, go and see and come back, but don't be embarrassed! [

I can't imagine that Qin Mo finally fought back, the day after tomorrow the trial will begin, I will always believe in my idol! ] [

Haha, there is another good show to watch now, I have to hurry up and buy more melon seeds!]

Under Fu Hetai's explanation, this time the incident was almost unread.

However, the rescue incident at the service station is a fire.

Directly burn Qin Mo, and Huang Mark took advantage of this opportunity.

Strike directly while the iron is hot, find a relationship and hold a trial in a few days.

"Boss, do we really want to follow these families?"

"What are you afraid of, the boss is confident, let's talk about this."

It's all said by outsiders, and when the time comes, it's not an apology. Gu

Qingyi simply became Qin Mo at this time, a brainless little fan.

Sold her, and they may still be helping to count the money.

"I'm glad you can care about this.

However, I still hope that you will put your mind on your work, and this matter has been entrusted to Lawyer Huang to handle. "

Who is Lawyer Huang?"

"Yellow Mark!"

"It's him, there's really no need to worry about that."

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon when I got home.

Except for a little breakfast at the hotel, they drove all the way back to New Times Square.

"You two go to the store to settle lunch, I'll go back and eat again!"

After sending the two away, Qin Mo went home.


As soon as he approached, he saw a young man, quickly stood up, walked over and took the backpack in Qin Mo's hand.

"They all said that there is no need to call me master, and I didn't teach you much!"

This young man was Yang Ruijin, and every time he saw him, he called him master.

"One day as a teacher, a lifetime as a teacher!"

Yang Ruijin closely remembered what his uncle Cai Hongsheng had said.

"No matter what happens in the future, if you can get involved with Qin Mo, you must not give up."

Although Qin Mo does not admit himself now, Yang Ruijin has been working hard.

As long as he makes achievements in the future, this apprentice will be justified.

I don't know if I don't touch, and I'm even more shocked when I touch.

The master's attainment in Chinese medicine is not comparable to those half buckets of water outside!

"Are you going back?"

Seeing the luggage in the living room, Qin Mo asked.

"Uncle asked me to go back!"

Yang Ruijin didn't know why his uncle let him go back at this time.

Every day, as long as you have time, follow the master.

Ask about acupuncture and feel like I'm improving every moment.

But this morning, he received a call from his uncle and asked him to hurry over to the affiliated hospital.

"In this way, then go back and work hard, and you can come over when you have time."

"Okay, master, this time I went to the Lion City District of Yangcheng, not far from Shenzhen City."

Hearing Qin Mo's next words, Yang Ruijin's mood, which was still depressed just now, was instantly diluted.

I was worried that I would not have the opportunity to come back after this parting.

"Have you had lunch?"

Qin Mo opened the lid on the dining table and asked casually.

"I've eaten, I just came over after eating in the store."

During this time, it can be regarded as Yang Ruijin's most comfortable.

By yourself, enjoy the private room that only middle management has.

As soon as he saw that Qin Mo had time, he came over to ask for knowledge on acupuncture.

When I was hungry, I went to eat at Qin's restaurant, and I didn't know how lucky I was to be able to eat inside.

At first, even if he saw so many people queuing up every day, he didn't react.

Until I saw the information about Qin's Restaurant on the Internet.

It scared him a lot!

The restaurant opened by the master is so famous.

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