"I can't imagine that my own meals are thousands of yuan.

I still can't eat if I have money, so how much money did I eat during this time..." Yang

Ruijin didn't calculate it after calculating it, because he was afraid that if he counted, his heart couldn't stand it.

"Master, you eat first, I'll go back, see you later!"

Picking up his luggage, Yang Ruijin bowed towards Qin Mo.

"Be careful on the road, wait a minute, you get to the door of the hotel, I will ask people to take you to the station."

Qin Mo suddenly remembered that no matter how he said it, he had taught it himself.

It is better to arrange for someone to send it.

"No need, I'll just take a taxi myself!"

"Do as I say!"

Qin Mo said forcefully, not giving Yang Ruijin a chance to refuse at all.

"Okay then!"


Hearing the sound of the door closing, Qin Anguo came over.

"You kid, growing up recently, will be scary!"

He was blaming Qin Mo on his lips, but in fact, his heart was already happy.

Some time ago, Qin Mo was criticized everywhere on the Internet.

As a parent, it is very uncomfortable to look at it.

But now that I see my son, it seems that it has no effect on him at all.

Eat and drink, the same lot.

"Forget it, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren! , I think so much for! Until

now seeing this scene, Qin Anguo finally figured it out.

"Why, haven't you been to my sister's side recently?"

After buying a house some time ago, the two ran over there.

Two days have not passed now.

"You guys are so busy, Shin Shin has no one to care.

Let's go out again, and that's it.

It's better to stay at home and accompany my good granddaughter and not go anywhere.

"But aren't those two also your own grandchildren?"

Qin Mo didn't know where the two of them were not used to eating the food over there.

I heard that my parents used Shin Shin as a shield, so I said more.

"Ahem, eat your meal, I'll take a lunch break at the point, and I'll send Xinxin to school later!"

Seeing that no matter how much he spoke, he was not his son's opponent, Qin Anguo walked to his room.

"Rui Jin, are you back already?"

"In the car!"

"Hurry up, it's best to come over before I leave work!"

"Uncle, what's the matter, calling me over in such a hurry?"

"Don't ask so much, it's a good thing in short!"

Speaking of which, the other party hangs up the phone.

"Brother Yang, are you in a hurry?"

The driver is the logistics staff of the restaurant, and he also carries the duties of a driver at ordinary times.

His name is Meng Xingchang and he is twenty years old.

For Yang Ruijin, who is sitting behind the car, he is very envious.

Be able to learn from your boss.

He didn't know what he was learning, but he couldn't be wrong about one thing.

The skills learned from the boss will definitely be lifelong benefits.

Otherwise, how could he have come into the Qin family's restaurant.

His cousin was the manager of a branch.

The only place is for yourself.

Although the work is very miscellaneous, the treatment is still good.

The main thing is that the opportunity that my cousin said can fall on me at any time.

Now I know that the person I want to send is the boss's apprentice.

This is what they think, every time they eat, they joke with Yang Ruijin.

But every time he said that his boss would not recognize him.

"How is this possible, to be able to learn from the boss, and say that who is not an apprentice believes it!"

In this regard, Yang Ruijin had to acquiesce and follow what everyone said.

Fifteen minutes, Yang Ruijin rushed to the station.

Luckily, the next bus leaves five minutes later.

If you come by taxi, you may have to wait for the next bus.

That's half an extra hour.

And from Shenzhen City Station to Lion City District, it takes two hours.

In addition, in the end, it took more than half an hour to take a taxi to the affiliated hospital.

In this way, start from the Qin family's restaurant.

Rushed to the affiliated hospital in the Lion City area, almost two and a half hours.

It was already half past one o'clock at the time of departure, and it was already half past four in the afternoon.

This is the most ideal time, and Yang Ruijin will not think that he can really arrive at four-thirty.

Sure enough, by the time he arrived at the affiliated hospital, it was already five o'clock.

Half an hour until the end of work.

"Rui Jin, have you arrived?"

On the way over, Yang Ruijin had already received two calls from his uncle.

Plus this is already three times.

"Uncle, I'm already at the gate of the hospital, where can I find you?"

"You don't move there now, I'll let someone come and pick you up!"

Hearing Yang Ruijin's arrival, Cai Hongsheng's tone of voice changed, which was exciting.

"Whew... Are you Yang Ruijin? "

Soon a young doctor hurried out of the hospital building.

The atmosphere was not yet breathing, and he said without stopping.

"I am!"

"Hurry up and follow me, I'll be waiting for you!"

As he spoke, the young doctor pulled him and ran towards the building.

"What's going on?"

His uncle confused him, and now so did the young doctor.

"You go in, Director Cai is waiting for you inside!"

"You're not going in?"

Looking at the young doctor holding the wall and panting, Yang Ruijin felt that the doctor's body was so weak now?

It's no problem to do it yourself a few more times!


Step into an office.

Yang Ruijin saw that in addition to his uncle, there were three others, two of whom were old men.

"Rui Jin, I asked you before, are you okay?"

Cai Hongsheng took advantage of the opportunity for Yang Ruijin to greet him and asked the topic of greatest concern.

"Basically, how dare I tell a lie on this!"

This time face to face, hearing Yang Ruijin's affirmative answer, Cai Hongsheng was relieved.

"Let me introduce you, this is Yan Lao, vice president of Jiangnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

"Hello Elder Yan!"

"This is the president of our affiliated hospital, Wu Jinghui, President Wu!"

"Hello Dean Wu!"

"As for this one of the same age as you, it is Elder Yan's apprentice, Sang Xiuming."

When I saw my uncle, I didn't say anything about looking for him.

Instead, he introduced two big guys.

What's going on?


Yang Ruijin called out Cai Hongsheng in a low voice.

"Don't talk!"

"The young man looks very spirited!"

Seriously, Yang Ruijin's body is really strong, and he usually exercises whenever he has time.

Although it cannot be compared with those majors, it is very good among normal people.

"Elder Yan, you have passed the prize!"

"Listen to Director Cai, I was learning acupuncture with people during this time?"

If Cai Hongsheng hadn't strongly recommended Yang Ruijin, he Yan Jingcheng wouldn't have come over this time.

The way of acupuncture, where you can master in a short time.

Even if he Yan Jingcheng, after decades of doing so, he found that there were only some fur, and the essence handed down by the ancestors was almost broken.

"Yes, Elder Yan, usually as soon as my master is free, I will go over to find him!"

Hearing Yang Ruijin's answer, Yan Jingcheng's face changed slightly.

However, it soon returned to normal, and no one noticed it.

"I don't know what the young man has learned?"

Wu Jinghui asked with concern at this time.

Can you not care?

This person was called over by Cai Hongsheng.

At that time, it was found that it was a straw bale, and it was himself who was beaten in the face.

"I learned a little bit in all aspects, after all, the way of acupuncture has a long history."

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