"I'll come first!"

Yan Jingcheng said first.

"Yang Weize, take everything out!"

Yan Jingcheng ordered the young man next to him, which was a briefcase.

I saw what Yang Weize took out from it, and Yang Ruijin knew it.

These are all related to acupuncture, what are they doing?

Until now, Yang Ruijin didn't know, what was he doing in such a hurry?

"Then there is Lao Yan Lao!"

Cai Hongsheng fawned and said, the more so, Yang Ruijin began to panic.

"Young man, don't panic, don't you know what you're going to do until now?"

Yang Ruijin's expression was quickly seen by Yan Jingcheng.

For other young people, the performance at this time may not be as good as Yang Ruijin.

Yan Jingcheng patted his shoulder comfortingly and said.

"Elder Yan, I'm not panicking!"

The mouth is not panicked, but the speech is trembling.

"Just asking you some questions!"

As soon as he heard that he was just asking a question, Yang Ruijin's whole person immediately relaxed.

"Is that really it?"

"Stinky boy, Yan Lao has nothing to tease you!"

Cai Hongsheng came over and gave Yang Rui a spoon in the back of his head.

"Okay, is the boy ready?"

"It's okay, Elder Yan!"

Yan Jingcheng first smiled at Yang Ruijin to buffer his nervousness.

"Then let's get some basics!"

"Yang Weize, this is up to you!"

"Brother Yang, get ready, then let's start!"

What Yang Ruijin didn't expect was that the problem would be so simple at the beginning.

Yang Weize's question was directly given by Yang Ruijin without even having time to think.

These questions are only about acupuncture points, the first thing to ask is how many acupuncture points there are and what they are.

These two questions can be answered as long as they are memorized, and it is not very difficult.

So when asking these questions, none of the three paid attention to this side.

Until the third question, asked by Yang Weize and answered by Yang Ruijin.

The attention of the three was on the two.

"This young man has a good memory!"

Because so far, Yang Ruijin has not made a single mistake.

There is a hardware requirement to become a Chinese medicine practitioner, so if you have a good memory.

Getting started is quick, mainly because there are too many things to remember.

The third question is 409 TCM acupuncture points, Yang Weize casually say a name, you have to answer the role of this acupuncture point.

Even if the difficulty increased, Yang Ruijin did not stop answering the question at all.

Yang Weize had just finished asking, and Yang Ruijin continued to answer.

It can already be seen from here that Yang Ruijin is no longer rote memorization.

He himself already has his own understanding at these acupuncture points.

"Okay, no need to ask any more about these, replace the next one, let me come this time."

Wu Jinghui came over, he felt that it was too wasteful of time to go on like this.

According to his own observations, Yang Ruijin has mastered almost the basics in these aspects.

"Now what we're going to do is identify acupuncture points, so there's no problem with that, right?"

This difficulty increases all of a sudden, and identifying acupuncture points is not so simple.

Roughly point out a position, the average person can also do it.

It should be pointed out according to the individual's physical condition.

"No problem!"

Yang Ruijin thinks they have a problem with acupuncture cognition?

Aren't these the basics?

It only took me two days to follow the master, and I remembered all this.

This time it took a little more time, a total of ten minutes.

Wu Jinghui randomly picked out dozens of acupuncture points and asked Yang Ruijin to find them in the mannequin.

The two of them were shocked.

Yang Ruijin's performance was as simple as drinking water, and every time Wu Jinghui said an acupuncture point, he could point it out in a second.

It was as if these acupuncture points had been engraved in his mind, and there was no need to think about it at all.

"Young man, he has a very comprehensive mastery!"

Wu Jinghui did not continue to ask, these were enough.

"Cases and the like, it will trouble you Yan Lao!"

Until this time, Cai Hongsheng, who had been guarding the side, could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

How long has it been since my nephew, and I can't think that what he said is true.

"I hope I can do it later!"

Cai Hongsheng looked at Yang Ruijin with confidence, silently cheering for him in his heart, whether you can succeed or not depends on yourself.

If you go back to a small place, development is very limited.

"Young man, there are three cases here, you pick one!"

After a few minutes, Wu Jinghui saw Yang Ruijin still standing.

Came over and asked, "Why don't you know which one to choose?"

He saw the embarrassed expression on Yang Ruijin's face, and wondered if it was a straw bale.

Only theoretical superficial knowledge?

"Dean Wu, can I choose them all?"

"What? You say try all three?

"Yes, can't you?"

Originally, all three were required.

However, considering the time issue, it is now the end of work.

After the previous attempts of interns, it took at least half an hour.

And Yan Jingcheng will go back at six, he has other things.

"Yes, but in terms of time... Forget it, you try it first!

Wu Jinghui disagreed, but after seeing Yan Jingcheng next to him nodding.

That's when I changed my words.

"Dean, where is the silver needle?"

Under the surprised gazes of the four people, Yang Ruijin casually picked up a case.

In less than a few minutes, he kept looking at Wu Jinghui and saw that there was no response before he spoke.

"Are you going to do it?"

"Yes, Dean, why didn't I see the silver needle."

"Ahem, take out a set of prepared silver needles."

Wu Jinghui found that he couldn't keep up with Yang Ruijin's rhythm now.

How long is it, remove the time that people stare at themselves.

Not even five minutes!

The condition in the case has already been understood.

In terms of traditional Chinese medicine, especially acupuncture, you must know the condition well before you dare to give needles.

Or it's not about saving people, it's about killing people.

Wu Jinghui was shocked again, and he was stunned for a while.

Yang Ruijin has already placed the needle, and the needle speed is very fast.

I know that I don't know how many points I will master in terms of accuracy.

Yan Jingcheng, who had been sitting, saw the expression on Wu Jinghui's face.

No longer sitting on the chair, quickly got up and walked over.

"Could it be that this young man is a baby?"

As soon as he thought of the possibility of digging himself into a genius, Yan Jingcheng's mood began to get excited.

"This: Incredible..." Walking

over, just a glance, Yan Jingcheng was calmed.

In just a while, this young man has accurately dropped six stitches!

"All right!"

Yan Jingcheng and Wu Jinghui each looked at each other.

The expression on his face is like seeing a hell during the day.


Three minutes later, Yang Ruijin had already stopped.

Pick up the second case again, this time with the lessons learned from the last time.

Yang Weize has already taken out a second mannequin.

At this time, he found a big problem.

If at the previous pace, then the third mannequin is needed.

But they only prepared two, and this still wanted Yang Weize and Yang Rui to try it out.

Now they are completely disrupted steps!

"What's the matter, don't bother me!"

"Teacher, there are only two mannequins!"

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