"Didn't you ask you to prepare a few more?"

Yan Jingcheng is studying the first case completed by Yang Ruijin.

At this time, he was interrupted and said impatiently.

"Master, it's not you who made me..." Yang

Weize, who still wanted to continue, was glared at by Yan Jingcheng and immediately shut up.

"Wei Ze, you go to the office to ask for it, I remember that there is a new one."

"What's wrong with the young man now, let him prepare things so sloppy."

If Yang Weize, who had just gone out, heard the mentor say so.

I definitely want to refute it, I brought an extra body.

What you yourself commanded is obviously enough.

"Don't say it, the second one is almost finished.

We can't even keep up with the speed of others, is it because people are old? Seeing

that Yan Jingcheng still wanted to say a few words, Wu Jinghui asked him to see Yang Ruijin.

"Finishing again?"

Looking up, Yan Jingcheng looked at the few silver needles left in Yang Ruijin's hand.

A set of silver needles, if you remember correctly.

Just enough to complete two cases.

Now the number of silver needles in Yang Rui's hand told him that people completed two cases in ten minutes.

What did you say before?

"If he can complete one in half an hour, even if he passes!"

But the first after verification by him and Wu Jinghui.

No problem at all, so to speak, perfect.

The first one can do this, and the second they don't have to look at the result to know the result.

From the beginning, Yang Ruijin had to complete three.

It seems that people are not boasting about Haikou, but really have skills.

"Dean, I took it!"

When Yang Weize returned, he found that Yang Ruijin was already waiting for him.

The second case has been completed, according to the expressions on the faces of the two elders.

You don't need to ask, it's all right.

Before he was not convinced, a layman, he did not study systematically.

In acupuncture, the steady silver needle that can be grasped is not bad.

But reality gave him a hard slap.

Yang Ruijin not only completed within the specified time, but also exceeded the quota.

"Give it to me!"

Taking the third mannequin, this time the needle was lowered faster than the previous two times.

Every time Yang Ruijin took a shot, the four people guarding next to him were shocked.

"Elder Yan, Dean Wu, if you see what I did wrong, please give me more advice."

Advise, if you don't know Yang Ruijin, you really say so.

People thought he was showing.

"Yang Ruijin, yes, you did a good job!"

Even if you do it yourself, you can't reach the point where others do it.

Don't use old age as an excuse that you don't even have a fraction of your family when you're young.

"Thank you Elder Yan for your compliment!"

"By the way, I still don't know, who your master is, can we visit it."

Cai Hongsheng seemed to have guessed that the two would ask this.

At this time, he crossed Yang Ruijin and put his hand on his back and waved at him.

"Elder Yan, Dean Wu, I also know this person.

But now the other party is secluded and does not want to be disturbed by others.

Last time, Yang Ruijin was also lucky, and he felt that he was in a relationship with him, so he took him and pointed him for a while. Hearing

Cai Hongsheng say this, the two were disappointed.

If they think about it, they should have guessed that this would be the result.

In the field of Chinese medicine, acupuncture is so profound.

He and the others did not know, indicating that it was a hermit master.

The other party does not want to have any connection with the outside world.

"Ruijin! Don't know what you plan for now? Hearing

Wu Jinghui's question, Cai Hongsheng knew that his arrangement was not in vain.

"I don't know, I'm still an unemployed vagrant."

"Or, you come to my hospital, follow your uncle, and turn positive after a month, what do you think?"

"It's done!"

Cai Hongsheng's excited hands clenched into fists, and he really wanted to sing a song now.

Now it is not difficult to enter their affiliated hospital!

As long as the academic qualifications are graduate students.

The difficult thing is to turn positive, many people have come in for more than ten years, but they have not become regular.

"Rui Jin, how about you follow me to Shenzhen City, to our school, and arrange the identity of a lecturer for you?"

Surprises abounded, in front of regular doctors and university lecturers.

For Yang Ruijin now, it must be the latter.

Another reason that attracted Yang Ruijin was that the school was located in Shenzhen City.

"Elder Yan, can I really do it?"

Yang Ruijin's face showed an expression of disbelief.

I just graduated from two medical universities and couldn't get into graduate school before going back to my hometown.

Now to hear that I can enter a major university to teach, isn't it a dream?

"Yes, with what you have now, teach students completely in acupuncture.

But if you want to go further, you have to make results.

I don't know if you want to come to our school? "

How could Yang Ruijin not be willing to teach in Shenzhen City.

What it means, maybe others don't know.

But I know that I can justify myself when I have time to find a master.

Now I am teaching in Shenzhen City, and the past is not far away.

Does Master still have an opinion?

In addition, Yang Ruijin does not believe that the master is only accomplished in acupuncture in Chinese medicine.

There must be other areas involved, but I don't know it.

These need to be dug up by yourself and learn a little acupuncture.

I can make myself a lecturer at a major university.

If you learn other skills, wouldn't you do what Elder Yan said.

One step further!

"If there is no problem, you will come and report in the next few days!"

Yan Jingcheng saw that Yang Ruijin was a little moved, and quickly hit the iron while it was hot, and directly finalized this matter.

I didn't see Wu Jinghui next to him, and the conditions opened were even better than his own.

If he adds other conditions, maybe this young man will run to someone else.

"Okay, Elder Yan, I'll report to school tomorrow!"

At this time, Yang Ruijin's performance was more anxious than others.

They all stopped Wu Jinghui and his uncle, and don't want a good job.

Go and be a lecturer, albeit at a major university.

But there is a future compared to a formal doctor!

"Hey! Forget it, it's his own choice, in general, it's better than going back to his hometown. Seeing

that the wood had become a boat, Cai Hongsheng no longer forced it.

The person who robbed Wu Jinghui himself, Yan Jingcheng said a little.

"Okay, don't be bitter, I invite you to go to the Yangcheng Qin Family Restaurant to drink, this is okay!"

"Qin's Restaurant, are you sure?"

"One hundred percent sure!"

"But it's so late now, can you still be in time?

Even if you can catch up, you can still get to the top?

Wu Jinghui was still excited just now, thinking carefully that this meal might fall through.

"Don't worry, the time and location are fine!"

"Do you two want to go together?"

"I'm not going, Elder Yan, you can just go and eat!"

For a meal that is not comparable to the food in the main store, running so far is tired.

Yang Ruijin knew how to choose, and besides, this delicacy was eaten every day before this.

And I don't lack this meal.

"Uncle, why don't you let me say Master?"

While following them out, Yang Ruijin followed Cai Hongsheng and asked.

"If you tell Mr. Qin out, there will be your business later?"

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