[Big news, two websites that attacked Qin Mo before.

Having lost the case in today's court, what they face next.

How much money to compensate Qin Mo, everyone said, this news is not exciting!

Remember, if you want the latest related reports with Qin Mo, please follow us!

This evening, an Internet celebrity suddenly updated a message.

It is about Qin Mo, in these days, as long as it is information related to Qin Mo.

Netizens are happy to pay!

[When the male god wins, I know that some people have ulterior motives.] [

I heard that in the next week, there will be two sessions a day, I wonder if this is true?] [

Upstairs, you only now know that Qin Mo has sued everything involved in slandering him.] [

Now I want to know who instigated this matter, how is she now?] [

Qin Mo's former mother-in-law, I have a friend here who took a video, if you want to watch it, you can go to my homepage to watch it.] [

What is said upstairs is true, I have never seen such a stupid person!] A

video was turned out, and the protagonist in it was really Hu Lingzhu.

The video shot this time, from the picture and angle, can be seen that it was secretly taken by others.

At this time, Hu Lingzhu was no longer imposing.

Instead, he looked haggard and complained all the time.

But from what she said, I knew how ignorant she was.

"This matter has nothing to do with me, your court summons me over, I will not pass..."

Qin Mo, you are a beast, how can I say that I am also your former mother-in-law, as for killing them all like this?

Before, we went a little too far and let you get out of the house.

But think about it, if we hadn't done this, you would have achieved today..." In

Hu Lingzhu's self-talking, the audience who ate melons almost understood the cause and effect of the matter.

[I, Cao, only now know that we are being exploited by others for our compassion.

To insult the former victim, I said that the previous person really could do anything for money! [

Male god, forgive my ignorance, I was misled, I will delete the post and scold that turtle grandson! ] [

I can't imagine that what happens here can be made into a soap opera, wait for the follow-up...]

[I just want to know now what kind of punishment will those who participated in insulting Qin Mo before face?] ]


The network seems to be manipulated by an invisible hand.

Only this time, the favorable information was directed at Qin Mo.

Some rejoice, others worry!

"That's what you call breaking news!"


Inside a closed office, the sound of smashing things was heard from time to time.

It was also accompanied by a man's roar, from which extreme anger could be heard.

This is an online company that publishes eye-catching or up-to-date information.

Get huge amounts of traffic to earn money, sometimes a blast message.

All of them can make a lot of money!

The other day, an editor newspaper came up with a manuscript.

Or after talking about it above the middle level, it was finally decided to release.

Usually, there is no need to be so cautious, as long as the person involved turns out to be Qin Mo, the representative of the traffic.

As long as the current news is associated with Qin Mo, it represents a steady stream of income.

But this time, it turned out to be Qin Mo's scandal.

Once it is released, it is no less than an atomic bomb on the Internet.

But also consider well, this is a double-edged sword, if you don't use it well, you will hurt others and hurt yourself.

"Everything is investigated?"

"It's clear, there is also a video of his former mother-in-law, and by the way, his brother-in-law's!"

"I said why are you worried so much, even if it is fake, when the time comes, we will lose a sum of money and it will not be over!"

You have to think about how much traffic this one will bring to our company.

At that time, you only need to lie down and collect the money, in short, I am in favor of this matter. "

This is a shareholder of the company, seeing that it is profitable, and other risks will be infinitely reduced.

"I agree too!"

"If you don't earn money, then it's really a fool!"

The five shareholders of a company, just a moment three agreed.

Only the boss of the company, and the man sitting at the end, remained silent.

Neither against nor against.

"I said you two, everyone agreed, you two give an answer?"

Seeing that the three shareholders were all looking at him, the man finally compromised.

"Well, no one can't get by with money!"

"Old Zhu, what do you think?"

Zhu Yutang alone occupies 40% of the company's shares, no wonder the other shareholders have to ask him what he means.

"Do you really think so, it won't bring disadvantage to our company?"

"Old Zhu, it's not that we haven't encountered such a thing, and in the end, it's not impossible!

Rest assured, if something really happens, how many of us can't come forward and settle it?

"Okay, you'll see for yourselves!"

Qin Mo deserves to be the representative of traffic, and he just posted it for an hour.

The data added by the company's backstage made several of them tightly cover their chests.

I'm afraid that because I'm too excited, my heart will jump out.

"Well, I'm right, it's all money!

Just his information alone is equivalent to our income for several months.

No, this matter can also be hyped later, half a year and a year of income is possible! "

Huge traffic brings huge revenues, which makes them desperate.

Find more partners to push this news out.

Only later, overnight, Qin Mo was saddled with the infamy of Chen Shimei for the first time.

What they never expected was that when the profit was at its best.

Received a lawyer's letter, this is the first time that he has gone to court because of such a thing.

The previous ones were all solved privately, but even then they were not afraid.

Because what I have in my hands is the facts, and I am afraid of something.

We publish the facts, and we are afraid if you send a lawyer's letter.

Only a few days later, the first company to go to court actually lost the case under such favorable circumstances.

What followed was Hu Lingzhu's video.

What made them even more nervous was that it was their company that held the afternoon trial.

"You raised this matter, how can you still sit safely!"

It was Zhu Yutang who had just lost control of his emotions in the office.

Looking at the four partners, they were still sitting and drinking tea like nobody.

I didn't know how I agreed to the catastrophe before I could.

"Old Zhu, it's useless for you to be in a hurry.

Like I said before, suing us is to make us lose money!

At that time, losing a few million will not be over! "

This incident made their company 20 million, so in their opinion.

With millions of compensation, it will definitely be done.

"I hope that by then, you can still be so calm!"

After seeing that the other party's lawyer was Huang Mark, a trace of bad feeling surged in Zhu Yutang's heart.

After the afternoon trial, they lost the case.

It's just that they are no longer calm as a result of the approval.

“... The situation is relatively bad, and the trial is as follows.

Take advantage of the party's reputation for profit, and the penalty is four times the profit earned! "

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