
The other party's words, ordinary lightning struck him.

He is the boss of the Four Seasons Band, Luo Feichi.

Although the Four Seasons Band did not make a lot of money, small money is a steady stream.

In the Shenzhen City, major universities, shopping malls... These have a show every few days.

These performances can generate more than 100,000 yuan of income for him every month.

Of course, as the boss, he takes the big head.

There are a few people in the Four Seasons Band, and it is good to be able to barely survive.

Now Luo Feichi heard that as a domestic giant, he couldn't get by with them in a band on the edge?

"Supervisor Zhong, is there some misunderstanding?"

Luo Feichi didn't want to offend the other party.

Otherwise, the other party's words can really cut off his financial path.

He has more than one band under him, and one is in a third-rate state.

In terms of income, Four Seasons is certainly not comparable.

"There is no mistake, you can find out by looking at their Weibo!"

"Meager , Director Zhong, wait a minute, I'll go and check what's going on, it will definitely not affect you."

Luo Feichi quickly ran to the computer and opened the web page.

"It's true, what the hell are these four people doing? Don't I think I've lived long enough!

Now that Luo Feichi finally understood the reason for the matter, Supervisor Zhong was still waiting for his reply.

Quickly took out his mobile phone and found a number to dial.

"Xia Yunxin, don't you want to do it anymore!"

As soon as the phone was connected, Luo Feichi roared into the mobile phone like thunder.

"Boss Luo, what's going on?"

Xia Yunxin didn't react when he was scolded for a while.

"You're still pretending to be with me, aren't you?"

"Boss Luo, I really don't know what's going on?"

"I don't know yes, then let me tell you, what you wrote under the meager bottom, this is clear enough!"

Don't say it's okay, when it comes to this Luo Feichi, blood pressure soars!

"Boss Luo, these are facts, besides, speaking of freedom of speech, do you have to care about what we say now?"

After returning from the last performance, Xia Yunxin found that the band was paid a lot less.

After asking Luo Feichi, his explanation was that the other party gave less.

Because of her love of music, under her comfort, the other three have been accompanying her to persevere.

When you have the opportunity, you will be able to take the position!

"You are my subordinate, just listen to me."

"Did the other party find you?"

Thinking that he had just rejected the other party, not long after, the boss called to talk about it.

"You don't care about the rest, now quickly delete it for me!"

"Boss, we won't delete this!"

Xia Yunxin responded resolutely.

"Don't delete it, right?"

Luo Feichi spoke unceremoniously at this time, and his tone became very cold.

"Resolutely do not delete it, it is useless for anyone!"

"Okay, your wings are hard, then I will let you go, and you don't have to come over in the future."

Luo Feichi began to blackmail Xia Yunxin with this, he knew that as long as this was involved, the other party would definitely compromise obediently.

The same is true of the last income thing!

But this time he guessed wrong!




Luo Feichi was directly stunned all of a sudden!

Dare to hang up his phone!

Is the other party really not afraid of his blackmail?

It's not that as long as you have the opportunity, you will always follow through.

Or do they find a way out!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Luo Feichi deceived himself, thinking that Xia Yunxin accidentally hung up the phone.

Directly ignore her final answer.

Toot toot....

He called back again, but the other party kept busy.

"This is pulling into the blacklist!"

Luo Feichi immediately looked for the other three people's phones and called them one by one.

Toot toot....

All that responded to him was a busy signal.

"How to reply to Supervisor Zhong now..." After

hanging up Luo Feichi's phone, Xia Yunxin returned to the dormitory.

"Sister Xia, what's going on?"

When Xia Yunxin went out to answer this call, the other three seemed to have guessed something!

"It's a meager matter, they found Boss Luo, I refused, and pulled into the blacklist."

Xia Yunxin explained the matter in a word.

"Then we will also blacken him, and we have been putting up with him for a long time!"

"You're not angry?"

"What's so angry about this, besides, Sister Xia, you can see it, we will definitely support you!"

Among the three, it was because of Xia Yunxin's insistence, so the other three did not choose to give up.

"Well, we should also pack our bags, we don't wait for him to come, and we have to see the face of the person!"

The house where the four people now live is also provided by Luo Feichi.

In the high-consumption first-tier cities such as Shenzhen.

Originally, the income was already very low, if you take the money to rent a house.

That really doesn't last.

If it weren't for the other party's accommodation, Xia Yunxin would really have to take the bag and leave.

"Sister Xia, where are we going next?"

None of the four are locals, they are all graduates of Shenzhen University.

I came out of school and stuck with it until now.

That's at least five years.

If it were someone else, they would not be able to mix up for five years and would have given up long ago.

However, Xia Yunxin is dead brained, and he firmly believes that as long as he persists, he will succeed.

"Three, I'm sorry I hurt everyone!"

As early as a few months ago, there was a position suitable for the three of them.

Treatment and the like are barely okay in the Shenzhen market.

In short, several times stronger than in the band.

It was because he wanted to stay with Xia Yunxin, so he refused this job.

Now go to find it, people have already arranged other personnel, it is impossible to wait for the three people all the time.

"Sister Xia, how can you say this, we are all good sisters!"

After Dong Yuanyu finished packing up his own things, he began to help clean up the others.

"Yuanyu is right, whether it is before or in the future, we are all good sisters!"

Qiu Xianshan suddenly looked towards everyone and clenched her fists and said.

"So where do we go next?"

For a while, everyone suddenly felt that the future was bleak and they didn't know where to go.

"Do you want to go back?"

Chun Yuwei whispered.

"Go back, it's impossible, the only way is to find a place to stay first."

Just when everyone packed their bags and didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, Qiu Xianshan screamed, startling the other three!

"I know a place!"

"What place?"

At this time, suddenly there is a place to stay, better than anything.

"Qin Mo!"

After hearing Qin Mo's name, everyone's eyes lit up.

Yes, only he could have a place to take them in.

What's more, after the last time, Qin Mo once said that if there was any difficulty in the future, you could ask him for help!

"Is that good?"

Xia Yunxin looked at the other three and asked.

"It's not good, now we don't have a place to live.

Was it bad to fight local tyrants in the past?

I heard that the food made by Qin's restaurant is delicious, and this time I may have the opportunity to try it. When

it comes to eating, Dong Yuanyu's saliva will flow down.

"So how do we contact him?"

In the past, they had to say hello in advance, but they didn't have a phone.

"How did you forget this?"

At this time, Xia Yunxin took out a business card.

"Senior Brother Qin, our band has disbanded!"

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