"It's you, the band disbanded, what's going on?"

As soon as he walked into the office of Qin's restaurant, Qin Mo received a call.

"Boss Qin, are you in trouble?"

I'm about to sit down and discuss the next steps.

Mark Huang heard Qin Mo's mobile phone ringing.

"You guys go ahead first, I'll finish this call first!"

After greeting everyone, Qin Mo went out to answer the phone again.

Because the phone shows the Four Seasons Band, Xia Yunxin.

If it weren't for this call, he would have forgotten all four girls.

"What's going on?"

After that conversation, he clearly remembered the pursuit of music by the four and would not give up easily.

And unless they don't want to sing, the band won't disband.


At this time, the band disbanded, and Qin Mo remembered what Mark Huang said just now.

"At this time, there are really people who are not afraid of death, in order to support us, to provoke each other."

Took Huang Mark's mobile phone and saw that it was a band that sent out a thin screenshot of Du Xinghai before.

"It won't be them!"

Qin Mo only glanced at it at that time, and did not take a closer look.

Now combined with what Xia Yunxin said, it can be sure that it is them.

"Then what are your plans next, I can help!"

The other party is because of himself, causing the band to disband, so he must be a little responsible.

More importantly, I admire them.

"We want to ask, do you have a place over there for us to stay for a while?"

Xia Yunxin, who said this, instantly turned red.

Especially the ears on both sides are hot!

She originally wanted to say that there was no time limit, but finally changed her words.

"It's a small thing, if you don't mind the small place, you can come over, the place is the employee's residence!"

"Is it really possible? It's okay to have a small place, as long as you can live! "

I'm afraid that Qin Mo won't be able to help you.

At this time, hearing that there was a place to live, Xia Yunxin almost cried out excitedly.

Now Qin Mo's employee benefits, there is really no one outside who does not know.

Staff dormitories, but are flaunted and put on the Internet.

Except for the small place, the decoration inside is of a luxurious standard.

There are no more household appliances, and utilities are exempted.

"I'll give you a call later, you can contact her then!"

Come out by yourself for a while, and the people inside are waiting for themselves.

Qin Mo sent a mobile phone number to Xia Yunxin, and then hung up the phone and walked into the office.

"Mr. Qin, is there something important, if you go to do it first, this matter can be handed over to us."

Mark Huang looked at the one who walked in, still holding his mobile phone to send messages.

"It's okay, just a friend, things have been settled.

We continued, where did we just go..."The

people outside did not know that the blockade of the enemy had only just begun.

The lawyer sitting in this office today is not only Mark Huang.

A full six people, each of whom is a top boss in the industry.

In order to be able to deter the night in the future.

This time, Qin Mo was bleeding heavily.

After the promise is fulfilled, each lawyer gives 10 million hardship fees.

10 million hard work, this is hard work?

It's a huge tempting cake, and this is the first time the industry has encountered it.

The five people contacted by Mark Huang agreed almost without thinking about it.

"Mr. Qin, I think the best way to strike is to defeat him in the field where he is best at."

The lawyer who made the opinion was a big man in the magic capital, Ke Yuanwei.

He is well known in the local area, mainly in charge of entertainment lawsuits.

Now their purpose is not just to fight a lawsuit, but to disgust each other.

If it can hit the other party's company, it is even better.

Because now Qin Mo's personal property is enough to provide him with backup for this battle.

"This method is good, but this operation is not small!"

If you want to hit the other party, the only way is to be able to block the opponent's killer move.

Du Xinghai, whether it is abroad or at home.

Lately, his fame has been skyrocketing.

That incident some time ago affected him.

Under the operation of their team, it is not enough now.

"He is a superstar who has been famous for many years, Brother Ke, isn't your proposal embarrassing Boss Qin?"

"This method is indeed very good, if according to what Brother Ke said, there are several methods, but they are all expensive."

Tan Yushan, Xianggang's lawyer, is the youngest of the crowd.

But don't underestimate him because of this, every case that passes through his hands.

But everyone is not optimistic, and it is not good to say.

He just loves challenges, difficult cases.

"With Boss Qin's current assets, now entering the entertainment industry, maybe he can really make a career."

Tan Yushan was telling the truth, Qin Mo's current assets.

Rough statistics, it will not be less than 30 billion.

And he also has a steady stream of food and beverage industry that funds him.

When you go into entertainment, you don't want to make money at first.

That's all burning money, and the first thing is to see who burns more money.

As long as you can stick to it, you can get the previous money back in the later stage.

Double, even several times back!

"You guys won't really want Boss Qin to do this, will you!"

After Huang Mark finished speaking, he looked at Qin Mo.

As they spoke, Qin Mo had been thinking.

The fingers of his right hand kept tapping on the tabletop, a little habit he had when he was thinking.

Generally, when such a situation occurs, it means that he already has an idea in his heart.

Huang Mark is precisely because he feels bad when he sees this little action.

The two have cooperated so many times, Qin Mo has some habits, he still knows.

"Mr. Qin, you don't think the same way, do you!"

I saw Qin Mo, who was still thinking with his eyes closed just now, and when he opened

his eyes, it was as if a flash of light flashed through his eyes


"Well, just decide, you don't like to play.

I'll come over and muddy the water a little and fish in the muddy water! "

It's over!

It's true!

There were seven people present plus Qin Mo, and now there were only five people with these ideas.

Employers have the idea that he is the only one left.

"Mr. Qin, your success is indeed not accidental.

I just love your drive! I believe that Mr. Qin now has an idea.

I don't know if I can say it, let's improve it together? "

Tan Yushan is very happy, the bigger the employer plays.

The more excited he became, the more he promised to come over to help before, for the sake of Senior Brother Huang's face.

A defamation lawsuit can be handled by any lawyer.

It's also too easy, and he needs to go over and overkill.

Now I just throw an idea out myself.

Immediately recognized by employers, what could be more exciting than this.

"I have a preliminary idea now, but it may trouble the six for a while!

I don't know if you want to stay in the deep market during this time?

"Mr. Qin, just say it bluntly, what do you need us to do?"

"Well, sure enough, the lawyer is cheerful.

Well, you're paid twice as much, and I want to start a band to play! "

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